516 research outputs found

    Show Your Colors

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    The object of this game is to compile a list of different words -- each related to its predecessor to form a compound word or familiar phrase -- and have this chain begin and end with the same word. Our theme is Color ... and, to keep the exercise interesting, we ask that your chains be no fewer than fifteen, nor more than twenty-five words in length. This will eliminate a simple BLUE-sky-BLUE combination ... and it conserves on paper by keeping your lists from stretching to infinity

    E Pluribus Unum

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    In most instances, one adds an S to pluralize a word: all well and good. But when a second S is added, interestnig things begin to happen; suddenly, the word becomes singular again, or takes on an altogether new meaning -- ADVENTURES becomes ADVENTURESS, or CARES becomes CARESS. Try your hand at identifying the following dual-identity words

    The Name is the Game

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    We\u27ve all known people whose names or nicknames indicated that their parents had a sense of humor, if not compassion or good taste. One of the most highly noted examples of frivolous appellation was Ima Hogg, the highly-regarded philanthropist. The actor Rip Torn\u27s real name is Rip Torn, and in popular fiction, Perry Mason\u27s courtroom adversary was Hamilton Ham Burger

    Occupational Hazards

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    Nobody gets fired anymore. They are now victims of \u27involuntary resignations\u27 or \u27temporary cutbacks\u27 or \u27job classification eliminations\u27 ... or any of a dozen other euphemistic descriptions for summary dismissal. In the continuing search for newer, softer, more ambiguous terms with which to deliver the final blow to unsatisfactory workers, some industries are digging into their own terminology. Thus a Yellow Pages employee on the way out may be \u27declassified\u27, \u27unlisted\u27 or \u27disconnected\u27. A deposed nobleman may be \u27discounted\u27, \u27distributed\u27 or subjected to \u27delivery\u27

    Venerable Venery

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    If you thumb through your standard deskside dictionary, you may be shocked to learn that venery is a euphemistic term describing coital commerce. To stem any blazing tide of flaming pens charging us with smut, sensationalism, prurience and suchlike, let us assure you that our topic concerns another -- wholly respectable -- interpretation of the word

    Double Reverse Play

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    When we were children, many of us went through a phase -- much to the dismay and embarrassment of our parents -- of reciting everything backward. Every so often, this practice would unearth a genuine reversal: live/evil, doom/mood, straw/warts. The following phrases define both words in a series of two word reversals; the length of each word is given in parenthesis. Be warned: some clues are straightforward, but others are obscure. Answers can be found at the end of this issue

    Missing the Point

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    As this is being written, Ms. as a non-specific for Miss or Mrs. has not yet penetrated the sacred territory of the most cherished Miss of all -- the Contest Miss. MISS AMERICA, MISS WORLD, MISS UNIVERSE and all other Misses of sport, state, commerce, education, etc. still reign supreme

    Stratospheric General Circulation with Chemistry Model (SGCCM)

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    In the past two years constituent transport and chemistry experiments have been performed using both simple single constituent models and more complex reservoir species models. Winds for these experiments have been taken from the data assimilation effort, Stratospheric Data Analysis System (STRATAN)

    The Adirondack Chronology

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    The Adirondack Chronology is intended to be a useful resource for researchers and others interested in the Adirondacks and Adirondack history.https://digitalworks.union.edu/arlpublications/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Analysis and Prediction of Ice Shedding for a Full-Scale Heated Tail Rotor

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    When helicopters are to fly in icing conditions, it is necessary to consider the possibility of ice shed from the rotor blades. In 2013, a series of tests were conducted on a heated tail rotor at NASA Glenn's Icing Research Tunnel (IRT). The tests produced several shed events that were captured on camera. Three of these shed events were captured at a sufficiently high frame rate to obtain multiple images of the shed ice in flight that had a sufficiently long section of shed ice for analysis. Analysis of these shed events is presented and compared to an analytical Shedding Trajectory Model (STM). The STM is developed and assumes that the ice breaks off instantly as it reaches the end of the blade, while frictional and viscous forces are used as parameters to fit the STM. The trajectory of each shed is compared to that predicted by the STM, where the STM provides information of the shed group of ice as a whole. The limitations of the model's underlying assumptions are discussed in comparison to experimental shed events
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