12 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence for Game Playing

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    Práce se zabývá metodami umělé inteligence aplikovanými pro hraní strategických her, ve kterých probíhá veškerá interakce v reálném čase (tzv. real-time strategic - RTS). V práci se zabývám zejména metodu strojového učení Q-learning založenou na zpětnovazebním učení a Markovovu rozhodovacím procesu. Praktická část práce je implementována pro hraní hry StarCraft: Brood War.Mnou navržené řešení, implementované v rámci pravidel soutěže SSCAIT, se učí sestavit optimální konstrukční pořadí budov dle hracího stylu oponenta. Analýza a vyhodnocení systému jsou provedeny srovnáním s ostatními účastníky soutěže a rovněž na základě sady odehraných her a porovnání počátečního chování s výsledným chováním natrénovaným právě na této sadě.The focus of this work is the use of artificial intelligence methods for a playing of real-time strategic (RTS) games, where all interactions of players are performed in real time (in parallel). The thesis deals mainly with the use of machine learning method Q-learning, which is based on reinforcement learning and Markov decision process. The practice part of this work is implemented for StarCraft: Brood War game.A proposed solution learns to make up an optimal order of buildings construction in respect to a playing style (strategy) of the opponent(s). The solution is proposed within the rules of the SSCAIT tournament. Analysis and evaluation of the proposed system are based on a comparison with other participants of the competition as well as a comparison of the system behavior before and after the playing of a set of the games.

    Additional file 1: of Gene expression analysis in asthma using a targeted multiplex array

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    Supplementary Methods – Methods describing selection of house keeping genes and immunohistochemical staining procedure. Supplementary Tables – Tables containing clinical demographics for subjects, average counts, fold change, and p-value for all genes studied, and all differentially co-expressed genes. Supplementary Figures and Legends – Figures showing sample immunohistochemical staining for proteins of significantly altered genes, co-expression plots. (DOCX 35 kb

    DNA methylation profile of AECs compared to PBMCs.

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    <p>DNA methylation for 1027 CpG sites was assessed in AECs compared to PBMCs from all subjects. A. Volcano plot of CpG sites interrogated with red and blue points indicating significantly over- and under-methylated sites. Q-values are shown on the y-axis (−log<sub>10</sub>) and z-score difference on the x-axis (log<sub>2</sub>). Dashed lines indicate cut-offs for significance. B. Heatmap illustrating z-scores of 80 differentially methylated loci in AECs compared to PBMCs. Columns represent subjects and rows represent CpG sites while red/blue indicates more/less methylated. C. The molecular and cellular functions of the 67 genes classified by IPA. The x-axis shows functions while the y-axis shows –log(p-value).</p

    DNA methylation heatmaps of CpG sites in PBMCs and AECs from healthy, atopic and asthmatic pediatric subjects.

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    <p>AECs and PBMCs were analyzed for 1027 CpG loci in 671 genes from healthy (A), atopic (B), and asthmatic (C) subjects. Heatmaps of z-scores for AECs and PBMCs are shown with individuals (columns) and differential CpG sites (rows). Increased methylation is shown in red and decreased methylation in blue. D. Venn diagram showing overlap of differentially methylated sites between healthy, atopic and asthmatic subjects. Numbers in black indicate total number of CpG sites while numbers in red/blue indicate more/less methylated in AECs (compared to PBMCs). E. The molecular and cellular functions in the 47 genes classified by IPA. The x-axis shows functions while the y-axis shows –log(p-value).</p

    DNA methylation analysis of atopic asthmatics compared to non-atopic asthmatics individuals in AECs and PBMCs.

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    <p>Volcano plots of airway epithelial cells (AECs) (A) and PBMCs (B), analyzed for 1027 CpG loci in 671 genes, from atopic and non-atopic asthmatic subjects. Y-axis represents the q-values (−log<sub>10</sub>) for all of the CpG sites analyzed and the x-axis is the z-score difference (log<sub>2</sub>). Dashed lines indicate cut-offs for significance. These results show no differences between atopic and non-atopic asthma.</p