1,599 research outputs found

    Transition to subcritical turbulence in a tokamak plasma

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    Tokamak turbulence, driven by the ion-temperature gradient and occurring in the presence of flow shear, is investigated by means of local, ion-scale, electrostatic gyrokinetic simulations (with both kinetic ions and electrons) of the conditions in the outer core of the Mega-Ampere Spherical Tokamak (MAST). A parameter scan in the local values of the ion-temperature gradient and flow shear is performed. It is demonstrated that the experimentally observed state is near the stability threshold and that this stability threshold is nonlinear: sheared turbulence is subcritical, i.e. the system is formally stable to small perturbations, but, given a large enough initial perturbation, it transitions to a turbulent state. A scenario for such a transition is proposed and supported by numerical results: close to threshold, the nonlinear saturated state and the associated anomalous heat transport are dominated by long-lived coherent structures, which drift across the domain, have finite amplitudes, but are not volume filling; as the system is taken away from the threshold into the more unstable regime, the number of these structures increases until they overlap and a more conventional chaotic state emerges. Whereas this appears to represent a new scenario for transition to turbulence in tokamak plasmas, it is reminiscent of the behaviour of other subcritically turbulent systems, e.g. pipe flows and Keplerian magnetorotational accretion flows.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Journal of Plasma Physic

    De staat van het klimaat 2010 : actueel onderzoek en beleid nader verklaard

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    Staatssecretaris Atsma van Milieu ontving 5 april het eerste exemplaar van de ‘Staat van het Klimaat 2010’. De publicatie geeft een overzicht van relevante ontwikkelingen op het gebied van klimaat in het afgelopen jaar. Het is een uitgave van de onderzoeksinstellingen die samenwerken binnen het Platform Communication on Climate Change (PCCC)

    Ion-scale turbulence in MAST: anomalous transport, subcritical transitions, and comparison to BES measurements

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    We investigate the effect of varying the ion temperature gradient (ITG) and toroidal equilibrium scale sheared flow on ion-scale turbulence in the outer core of MAST by means of local gyrokinetic simulations. We show that nonlinear simulations reproduce the experimental ion heat flux and that the experimentally measured values of the ITG and the flow shear lie close to the turbulence threshold. We demonstrate that the system is subcritical in the presence of flow shear, i.e., the system is formally stable to small perturbations, but transitions to a turbulent state given a large enough initial perturbation. We propose that the transition to subcritical turbulence occurs via an intermediate state dominated by low number of coherent long-lived structures, close to threshold, which increase in number as the system is taken away from the threshold into the more strongly turbulent regime, until they fill the domain and a more conventional turbulence emerges. We show that the properties of turbulence are effectively functions of the distance to threshold, as quantified by the ion heat flux. We make quantitative comparisons of correlation lengths, times, and amplitudes between our simulations and experimental measurements using the MAST BES diagnostic. We find reasonable agreement of the correlation properties, most notably of the correlation time, for which significant discrepancies were found in previous numerical studies of MAST turbulence.Comment: 67 pages, 37 figures. Submitted to PPC

    Comparison of fresh and ensiled white and red clover added to ryegrass on energy and protein utilization of lactating cows

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    Two respiratory chamber experiments were conducted with dairy cows to compare metabolizable energy and protein utilization when feeding white or red clover with ryegrass. In experiment 1, fresh ryegrass was mixed with fresh white (WF) or red clover (RF) (60/40, on dry matter (DM) basis). Experiment 2 involved similar mixed diets in ensiled form (WS and RS, respectively), and two ryegrass silage diets, without (GS) or with supplementary maize gluten (GS+). Barley was supplemented according to requirements for milk production. Voluntary forage DM intake remained unaffected in experiment 1 and was higher (P<0·01) in experiment 2 for WS than for GS and GS+(128 v. 98 and 106 g/kg M0·75). Within experiments, no treatment effects occurred for apparent nutrient digestibilities, milk yield, and composition. Protein utilization (milk-N/N-intake) was numerically lower on all clover-based diets (0·24 to 0·25) versus GS (0·29). With added maize gluten (GS+), protein utilization decreased to 0·23, indicating that ryegrass silage (plus barley) alone provided sufficient metabolizable protein. Consequently, higher (P<0·01) urinary energy losses occurred in GS+ compared with GS, despite similar metabolizable energy intakes, and a trend for the highest plasma urea levels was found for GS+ cows (7·59 mmol/l; P<0·1). Overall, this study illustrates that the white and red clovers investigated were equivalent in energy and protein supply, also in comparison to the ryegrass. It remains open whether these forage legumes, when supplemented to a moderate-protein ryegrass, would have contributed to metabolizable protein supply or would have merely increased metabolic nitrogen loa

    Effect of Red and White Clover Added to a Rye Grass-Based Diet on Intake, Fibre Digestion and Methane Release of Dairy Cows

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    Forage legumes like white and red clover are widely grown in association with grass, with the intention to improve the quality of grass-based diets. However little is known about the effect of either white or red clover added to a grass-based diet on methane release, and existing studies are not conclusive. The objective of this study, applying the respiratory chamber technique, was to determine the effect of red and white clover added to a rye grass-based diet on intake, fibre digestion and methane release of dairy cows

    Type of cancer treatment and cognitive symptoms in working cancer survivors:an 18-month follow-up study

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    Purpose: Cognitive symptoms are reported to affect cancer survivors’ functioning at work. However, little is known about the type of cancer treatment and cognitive symptoms in working cancer survivors. We examined the longitudinal association between type of cancer treatment and cognitive symptoms in cancer survivors post return to work, and whether the course of cognitive symptoms over 18 months differed per type of cancer treatment. Methods: Data from the Dutch longitudinal “Work-Life after Cancer” study were used. The study population consisted of 330 working cancer survivors who completed questionnaires at baseline, and 6, 12, and 18 months follow-up. Cognitive symptoms were assessed with the cognitive symptom checklist-work and linked with cancer treatment data from the Netherlands Cancer Registry. Data were analyzed using generalized estimating equations. Results: Cancer survivors who received chemotherapy reported comparable memory symptom levels (b: − 2.3; 95% CI = − 7.1, 2.5) to those receiving locoregional treatment. Executive function symptom levels (b: − 4.1; 95% CI = − 7.8, − 0.4) were significantly lower for cancer survivors who received chemotherapy, compared with those receiving locoregional treatment. In cancer survivors who received other systemic therapy, memory (b: 0.4; 95% CI = 0.1, 0.7) and executive function symptom levels (b: 0.4; 95% CI = 0.0, 0.7) increased over time. In cancer survivors who received chemotherapy and locoregional treatment, memory and executive function symptom scores were persistent during the first 18 months after return to work. Conclusions: The contradictory finding that cancer patients receiving chemotherapy report fewer cognitive symptoms warrants further research. Implications for Cancer Survivors: Working cancer survivors may have cognitive symptom management needs irrespective of the type of cancer treatment they received

    De kleine vraagbaak van het Kyoto Protocol : vragen en antwoorden over ontstaan, inwerkingtreding en uitvoering van het Kyoto Protocol

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    Bij gelegenheid van de officiële inwerkingtreding van het Kyoto-protocol hebben Wageningen UR, KNMI, RIVM, NWO, VU en ECN een handzaam boekje uitgegeven met antwoorden op alle vragen die u maar over de zin en onzin van Kyoto kunt bedenken. Het boekje legt uit wat het protocol inhoudt en wat het betekent voor milieu, economie en samenleving. Ook het jargon dat door klimaatonderzoekers en in het internationale onderhandelingscircuit wordt gebruikt, wordt in begrijpelijke bewoordinge
