2,670 research outputs found

    Simple colorimetric method determines uranium in tissue

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    Simple colorimetric micromethod determines concentrations of uranium in tissue. The method involves dry ashing organic extraction, and colorimetric determination of uranyl ferrocyanide. This uranium determination technique could be used in agricultural research, tracer studies, testing of food products, or medical research

    Constructing Internationally Comparable Real Income Aggregates by Combining Sparse Benchmark Data with Annual National Accounts Data. A State-Space Approach

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    The importance of availability of comparable real income aggregates and their components to applied economic research is highlighted by the popularity of the Penn World Tables. Any methodology designed to achieve such a task requires the combination of data from several sources. The first is purchasing power parities (PPP) data available from the International Comparisons Project roughly every five years since the 1970s. The second is national level data on a range of variables that explain the behaviour of the ratio of PPP to market exchange rates. The final source of data is the national accounts publications of different countries which include estimates of gross domestic product and various price deflators. In this paper we present a method to construct a consistent panel of comparable real incomes by specifying the problem in state-space form. We present our completed work as well as briefly indicate our work in progress.

    A new form of the Kerr solution

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    A new form of the Kerr solution is presented. The solution involves a time coordinate which represents the local proper time for free-falling observers on a set of simple trajectories. Many physical phenomena are particularly clear when related to this time coordinate. The chosen coordinates also ensure that the solution is well behaved at the horizon. The solution is well suited to the tetrad formalism and a convenient null tetrad is presented. The Dirac Hamiltonian in a Kerr background is also given and, for one choice of tetrad, it takes on a simple, Hermitian form.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Corrected and improved version. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dilution of zero point energies in the cosmological expansion

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    The vacuum fluctuations of all quantum fields filling the universe are supposed to leave enormous energy and pressure contributions which are incompatible with observations. It has been recently suggested that, when the effective nature of quantum field theories is properly taken into account, vacuum fluctuations behave as a relativistic gas rather than as a cosmological constant. Accordingly, zero-point energies are tremendously diluted by the universe expansion but provide an extra contribution to radiation energy. Ongoing and future cosmological observations could offer the opportunity to scrutinize this scenario. The presence of such additional contribution to radiation energy can be tested by using primordial nucleosynthesis bounds or measured on Cosmic Background Radiation anisotropy.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Submitted the 17th of March to Modern Physics Letters

    Fermion absorption cross section of a Schwarzschild black hole

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    We study the absorption of massive spin-half particles by a small Schwarzschild black hole by numerically solving the single-particle Dirac equation in Painleve-Gullstrand coordinates. We calculate the absorption cross section for a range of gravitational couplings Mm/m_P^2 and incident particle energies E. At high couplings, where the Schwarzschild radius R_S is much greater than the wavelength lambda, we find that the cross section approaches the classical result for a point particle. At intermediate couplings we find oscillations around the classical limit whose precise form depends on the particle mass. These oscillations give quantum violations of the equivalence principle. At high energies the cross section converges on the geometric-optics value of 27 \pi R_S^2/4, and at low energies we find agreement with an approximation derived by Unruh. When the hole is much smaller than the particle wavelength we confirm that the minimum possible cross section approaches \pi R_S^2/2.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Quadratic Lagrangians and Topology in Gauge Theory Gravity

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    We consider topological contributions to the action integral in a gauge theory formulation of gravity. Two topological invariants are found and are shown to arise from the scalar and pseudoscalar parts of a single integral. Neither of these action integrals contribute to the classical field equations. An identity is found for the invariants that is valid for non-symmetric Riemann tensors, generalizing the usual GR expression for the topological invariants. The link with Yang-Mills instantons in Euclidean gravity is also explored. Ten independent quadratic terms are constructed from the Riemann tensor, and the topological invariants reduce these to eight possible independent terms for a quadratic Lagrangian. The resulting field equations for the parity non-violating terms are presented. Our derivations of these results are considerably simpler that those found in the literature
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