4 research outputs found

    Social inclusion and injuries in elderly

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Utvrditi epidemiološka obilježja ozljeda osoba starije životne dobi, utvrditi povezanost socioekonomskih i sociodemografskih obilježja ispitanika s epidemiološkim obilježjima ozljeda te utvrditi povezanost epidemioloških obilježja ozljeda s društvenom uključenosti osoba starije životne dobi. USTROJ STUDIJE. Presječno istraživanje. ISPITANICI I METODE. U istraživanje provedeno od 1. lipnja do uključivo 31. kolovoza 2017. godine na području grada Osijeka bilo je uključeno 215 osoba starije životne dobi. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnim anketnim upitnikom koji su ispitanici samostalno ispunjavali, a upitnik se sastojao od sociodemografskih, socioekonomskih te epidemioloških pitanja povezanih s ozljeđivanjem tijekom protekle godine te pitanja povezanih s društvenom uključenosti ispitanika. REZULTATI. Rezultati su pokazali da je tijekom jedne godine 54,9 % osoba starije životne dobi doživjelo ozljedu. Najčešći uzrok ozljede bio je pad ili poskliznuće, najčešća lokacija ozljede bilo je koljeno i potkoljenica, a najčešće mjesto ozljede bilo je van kuće/stana/doma. Istraživanje je pokazalo da starije osobe koje su u manjem kontaktu s bližom obitelji imaju veći rizik za nastanak ozljede. ZAKLJUČAK. Ozljeđivanje osoba starije životne dobi učestalo je u promatranoj populaciji te predstavlja značajan javnozdravstveni problem. Društvena uključenost ispitanika i njihova integracija u društvo bitan je čimbenik u prevenciji ozljeda osoba starije životne dobi.OBJECTIVES. The aim of this research was to identify the epidemiological characteristics of injuries of elderly people, to research the connection of socioeconomic and sociodemographic features of the respondents with epidemiological characteristics of the injury, and to research the correlation between the epidemiological characteristics of the injury and social inclusion of elderly people. STUDY DESIGN. Cross-sectional study PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS. The research was conducted from June 1st to August 31st 2017 and it included 215 elderly people in the Osijek area. The data were collected by an anonymous questionnaire which consisted of sociodemographic, socioeconomic and epidemiological issues related questions, injury related questions and questions related to the social inclusion of the respondents. RESULTS. The results indicated that during the observed year, 54.9% of the elderly experienced an injury. The most common cause of injury was a fall or slip, the most common injury location was the knee and tibia, and the most common injury site was outside of the home. CONCLUSION. Injury of elderly people is frequent in the observed population and represents a significant public health problem. The social inclusion of the respondents and their integration into society is an important factor in the prevention of injuries of the elderly


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    Social inclusion, besides positively contributing to the longevity of an individual, can be a protective factor against various depressive and psychological states with preventative action on injury to older persons as well. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between epidemiological, socioeconomic and sociodemographic features of injuries occurring in the elderly, as well as the association of the social inclusion of the elderly and epidemiological characteristics of the injuries. This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Osijek area from June to August 2017 and involved 215 elderly people who independently completed an anonymous questionnaire that contained questions about sociodemographic, socioeconomic and epidemiological features associated with injuries that they had experienced during the last year as well as about their social inclusion. During one year, 54.9% of the elderly experienced an injury. Participants indicated fall or slip as the most common cause of injury and most commonly outside the home, while the most commonly injured parts of body were knee and ankle. Also, the study has shown how elderly with lower family contact (p=0.035) are at increased risk of injury. Given the frequency of injuries among elderly, an important factor in prevention of this public health problem should certainly be the possibility of their social inclusion as well as larger integration into society

    The value of serum prolactin measurement in persons old 50 years and over

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    CILJ Utvrditi utječu li starija dob i prisutnost KV čimbenika rizika na varijabilnost serumske koncentracije prolaktina. NACRT STUDIJE Retrospektivna i presječna case-control studija. ISPITANICI I METODE: Uključeno je 93 pacijenta (35 muškaraca i 58 žena)u dobi od 50 do 88 godina (medijan 67) s prisutnim KV čimbenicima rizika, uzeti iz jedne ordinacije opće medicine. Za potrebe istraživanja, dijelom su korišteni podatci iz njihovih e-kartona, a neke biokemijske pretrage, uključujući i pretragu na prolaktin, dodatno su napravljene. Rađena je analiza razlika među skupinama te ispitivanje povezanosti s mulivarijatnim regresijkim modelom. REZULTATI Od 11 ispitivanih parametara, parametar CRP(p=0,17) i KEK(p= 0,001) pokazali su značajnu povezanost sa serumskom koncentracijom prolaktina. ZAKLJUČAK Čimbenici KV rizika koji bi u osoba starih od 50 i više godina mogli imati utjecaja na koncentracije prolaktina su upala niskog stupnja, smanjena kognitivna i bubrežna funkcija te promjene antropometrijskih mjera, u muškaraca više u obliku abdominalne pretilost, a u žena u obliku smanjene tjelesne mase. Svi ti čimbenici mogli bi biti i više ili manje povezani jer su povezani i sa starijom dobi. Moguće je da upala niskog stupnja i smanjena bubrežna funkcija imaju utjecaja na serumsku koncentraciju PRL-a i neovisno o starijoj dobi.OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to determine whether seniority and the presence of CV risk factors affect the variability of prolactin serum concentration. STUDY DESIGN Retrospective and cross-sectional case-control study PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS This research included 93 patients (35 male and 58 female) between 50 and 88 years of age (median 67), all with present CV risk factors. The samples were taken from the general practitioner’s dispensary. For the purposes of this research, some of the data were taken from the online database, and other tests were done additionally, such as biochemical examination, as well as the prolactin test. Variance analysis was done in different groups, as well as the correlation via multivariate analysis (MANOVA) RESULTS There were eleven parameters tested in this research. Significant results for prolactin serum concentration were found in CRP (p = 0.17) and KEK (p = 0.001) CONCLUSION CV risk factors in people older than 50 years of age that could affect the prolactin concentration are: minor inflammations, low cognitive and kidney function, anthropometric changes such as abdominal obesity in men and weight loss in female patients. All of the factors could be interconnected because they are connected with seniority. It is possible that minor inflammations and low kidney function affect PRL serum concentration independently of seniority

    Social inclusion and injuries in elderly

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA. Utvrditi epidemiološka obilježja ozljeda osoba starije životne dobi, utvrditi povezanost socioekonomskih i sociodemografskih obilježja ispitanika s epidemiološkim obilježjima ozljeda te utvrditi povezanost epidemioloških obilježja ozljeda s društvenom uključenosti osoba starije životne dobi. USTROJ STUDIJE. Presječno istraživanje. ISPITANICI I METODE. U istraživanje provedeno od 1. lipnja do uključivo 31. kolovoza 2017. godine na području grada Osijeka bilo je uključeno 215 osoba starije životne dobi. Istraživanje je provedeno anonimnim anketnim upitnikom koji su ispitanici samostalno ispunjavali, a upitnik se sastojao od sociodemografskih, socioekonomskih te epidemioloških pitanja povezanih s ozljeđivanjem tijekom protekle godine te pitanja povezanih s društvenom uključenosti ispitanika. REZULTATI. Rezultati su pokazali da je tijekom jedne godine 54,9 % osoba starije životne dobi doživjelo ozljedu. Najčešći uzrok ozljede bio je pad ili poskliznuće, najčešća lokacija ozljede bilo je koljeno i potkoljenica, a najčešće mjesto ozljede bilo je van kuće/stana/doma. Istraživanje je pokazalo da starije osobe koje su u manjem kontaktu s bližom obitelji imaju veći rizik za nastanak ozljede. ZAKLJUČAK. Ozljeđivanje osoba starije životne dobi učestalo je u promatranoj populaciji te predstavlja značajan javnozdravstveni problem. Društvena uključenost ispitanika i njihova integracija u društvo bitan je čimbenik u prevenciji ozljeda osoba starije životne dobi.OBJECTIVES. The aim of this research was to identify the epidemiological characteristics of injuries of elderly people, to research the connection of socioeconomic and sociodemographic features of the respondents with epidemiological characteristics of the injury, and to research the correlation between the epidemiological characteristics of the injury and social inclusion of elderly people. STUDY DESIGN. Cross-sectional study PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS. The research was conducted from June 1st to August 31st 2017 and it included 215 elderly people in the Osijek area. The data were collected by an anonymous questionnaire which consisted of sociodemographic, socioeconomic and epidemiological issues related questions, injury related questions and questions related to the social inclusion of the respondents. RESULTS. The results indicated that during the observed year, 54.9% of the elderly experienced an injury. The most common cause of injury was a fall or slip, the most common injury location was the knee and tibia, and the most common injury site was outside of the home. CONCLUSION. Injury of elderly people is frequent in the observed population and represents a significant public health problem. The social inclusion of the respondents and their integration into society is an important factor in the prevention of injuries of the elderly