3,364 research outputs found

    Structural variation in generated health reports

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    We present a natural language generator that produces a range of medical reports on the clinical histories of cancer patients, and discuss the problem of conceptual restatement in generating various textual views of the same conceptual content. We focus on two features of our system: the demand for 'loose paraphrases' between the various reports on a given patient, with a high degree of semantic overlap but some necessary amount of distinctive content; and the requirement for paraphrasing at primarily the discourse level

    Automatic generation of large-scale paraphrases

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    Research on paraphrase has mostly focussed on lexical or syntactic variation within individual sentences. Our concern is with larger-scale paraphrases, from multiple sentences or paragraphs to entire documents. In this paper we address the problem of generating paraphrases of large chunks of texts. We ground our discussion through a worked example of extending an existing NLG system to accept as input a source text, and to generate a range of fluent semantically-equivalent alternatives, varying not only at the lexical and syntactic levels, but also in document structure and layout

    A Unique Tryptophan C‐Prenyltransferase from the Kawaguchipeptin Biosynthetic Pathway

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    Acknowledgements This work was supported by funding of the Academy of Finland (259505), Helsinki University Research grant (490085) and ESCMID grant (4720572) to D.P.F., University of Pittsburgh Central Research Development Fund to X.L., Technology Strategy Board grant (131181) to W.H., M.J. and J.H.N. National Programme of Sustainability I of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic I grant (LO1416) to T.G.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Summarisation and visualisation of e-Health data repositories

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    At the centre of the Clinical e-Science Framework (CLEF) project is a repository of well organised, detailed clinical histories, encoded as data that will be available for use in clinical care and in-silico medical experiments. We describe a system that we have developed as part of the CLEF project, to perform the task of generating a diverse range of textual and graphical summaries of a patient’s clinical history from a data-encoded model, a chronicle, representing the record of the patient’s medical history. Although the focus of our current work is on cancer patients, the approach we describe is generalisable to a wide range of medical areas

    Corpus annotation as a scientific task

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    Annotation studies in CL are generally unscientific: they are mostly not reproducible, make use of too few (and often non-independent) annotators and use guidelines that are often something of a moving target. Additionally, the notion of ‘expert annotators’ invariably means only that the annotators have linguistic training. While this can be acceptable in some special contexts, it is often far from ideal. This is particularly the case when subtle judgements are required or when, as increasingly, one is making use of corpora originating from technical texts that have been produced by, and intended to be consumed by, an audience of technical experts in the field. We outline a more rigorous approach to collecting human annotations, using as our example a study designed to capture judgements on the meaning of hedge words in medical records

    Intuitive querying of e-Health data repositories

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    At the centre of the Clinical e-Science Framework (CLEF) project is a repository of well organised, detailed clinical histories, encoded as data that will be available for use in clinical care and in-silico medical experiments. An integral part of the CLEF workbench is a tool to allow biomedical researchers and clinicians to query – in an intuitive way – the repository of patient data. This paper describes the CLEF query editing interface, which makes use of natural language generation techniques in order to alleviate some of the problems generally faced by natural language and graphical query interfaces. The query interface also incorporates an answer renderer that dynamically generates responses in both natural language text and graphics

    Multilingual generation of controlled languages

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    We describe techniques based on natural language generation which allow a user to author a document in controlled language for multiple natural languages. The author is expected to be an expert in the application domain but not in the controlled language or in more than one of the supported natural languages. Because the system can produce multiple expressions of the same input in multiple languages, the author can choose among alternative expressions satisfying the constraints of the controlled language. Because the system offers only legitimate choices of wording, correction is unnecessary. Consequently, acceptance of error reports and corrections by trained authors are non-issues