49 research outputs found


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    The judiciary is an area that has at its center some of the most fundamental values, suchas justice and fairness ... It makes decisions for some of the most important human rights andfreedoms, it influence on parts of human life that are essential ... Therefore, it is more thanimportant the ethical conduct of all persons involved in the practising of the law.The American legal profession is said to be experiencing drastic and rapid development.According to statistics, the number of today’s lawyers in the United States has never beenhigher. In the 1950s the number of lawyers and judges was about 176,000, in 1970’s -260,000,in 1987-707,000 ... But such an increase in the legal profession is not just a percentage. Thepresence of lawyers is increasingly exposed to the public, and the media ... This only increasesthe pressure on their legal ethics. But the point of view is in common: Lawyers should havebetter ethics.From the narrative rules, through ABA’s Canons 1908, to the Model Code of ProfessionalResponibility, to The Model Rules of Professional Conduct, we can see that the effort, theintention to preserve the essence of ethics has always been present, but the way it is expressedis drastically changed ... ... In fact, designing an appropriate document and implementing ithas proved a bit problematic.This paper will elaborate on the above mentioned three most relevant documents adoptedby ABA (American Bar Association) in order to understand the (r) evolution of the regulationof legal ethics in the United States. A short briefing will also be given on disciplinary measuresfor misconduct and the “channels” through which it is implemented. The analysis will endwith the opening of the question, what about the legal ethics in the digital age? How do statesface and how can they deal with this new challenge


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    The mystery called cyber terrorism is far than just interesting to follow given the fact that it is dynamic, constantly modifies, changes the appearance forms, changes modus operandi, penetrates into areas that are crucial for the survival of the states themselves. The information invention is being abused for launching new unscrupulous wars, spreading xenophobic messages, stealing money, stealing stock exchanges, insider information ... Almost no end to the enormous list of fields of penetration, problems started right with this kind of modern crime. The need for its prevention and the requirement of international cooperation and assistance, is more than alarming and needet for results that, although not utopian, will at least be satisfactory. Strangely, the issue of cyber crime and terrorism, although present in all countries, is still regulated differently. Which means different countries have a different system of regulation for dealing with this matter, as well as different legal incriminations. That's why a significant number of ​​international documents had been adopted, and through them the world is trying to protect itself from cybercrime and cyber terrorism. But is their implementation at the state level as successful as expected? Is there a document with international force and global significance, in which all states would "be subdued" to protect themselves from digital terrorism? This paper will mention the most exposed cyber attacks, analyzing them through case studies, but inevitably we must open the topic of the (non) existence of adequate legislation that will incriminate the new global virtual problem. Do we need a Digital Geneva Convention, and what would it actually mean


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    De facto states are also known as “unrecognized states”, “partially recognized states”, and states with limited recognition... They are the target of research, proving facts, debates, and analyses, about the applicability of international rules and segmenting which states can enter the group of de facto states, and which do not.For many, the Montevideo Convention is applicable here, to see the rights and obligations of states. But is there a list of these countries today? Many mention Kosovo, Northern Cyprus, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, Palestine, Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Donetsk People’s Republic, and Luhansk People’s Republic... What is the status of these countries and why do they not yet have international recognition


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    Abstract:When we talk about the influence and connection between international and domesticlaw, the range of issues that need to be addressed is very large. In this paper we will focus onconstitutional-legal problems and dilemmas, as the main domain of our interest, to be precisewe will refer to the international influence in changing and / or creating national constitutionswith special reference and emphasis on the so-called imposed constitutions. The aim ofthe paper is to address the dilemma that constitutional “engineers” have with constructedconstitutional solutions, which are often seen as a legal mechanism for (re) designing thereality. Therefore, the domain of analysis in the paper will be the international involvement inthe domestic constitutional segments


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    The European Constitution, a difficult reality or an unattainable utopia onEuropean soil? A question that is often asked, but does not get an appropriate answer ... Opinions and views are divided on how possible it is to establish and create aquality European Constitution that will be realistically implemented in practice.According to some European leaders, the goal of adopting the European Constitutionwas to promise a stronger, united European Union, which would provide clarityand transparency, but also create more opportunities for improved coordination andsynchronization of common policies. The creation of the so-called Penelope Projecthad high hopes for a potential further promising Europe. But referendums in severalcountries have led to a turning point and contradictions. The fiasco with the Treatyestablishing a European Constitution has revealed skepticism on the issue. It was“hidden” by the Lisbon Treaty, but how productive was that solution?This and a number of other issues related to the historical background to theidea of a European Constitution will be elaborated. A short briefing will be givenon the failed agreement, as well as possible prospects for re-creation of the famousEuropean Constitution


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    Human rights - a synonym for equality, non-discrimination, equal rights ...  among other things, that refers to normal equality between men and women. It's skillfully designed perfectly and theoretically, but catastrophically applied practically ... This can start a story that has no beginning, and unfortunately in the foreseeable future there is no end, not only to the unequal valorization of female labor on an equal level with the male, but far more worse scenario for women victim of violence. The number of international documents that are trying to deal with this global problem, is enormous. They are trying to reverse or reduce the harmful consequences that the women bear as well ... But the illusion is in the fact that the bigger the number of the conventions is, the violence against them is rising rapidly. So a series of questions arise, why this is so, where the competent institutions are evading, how (un) successful the legislation is, what is the impact of the unwritten law, whether new incriminations are needed ....? A long series of questions that do not have adequate answers ... until the Istanbul Convention appears? Will this new piece of paper with an international nickname change something? What and how is it regulated? What measures have been implemented in other countries under the influence of this convention? And Macedonia also did not remain immune to the new international challenge, to try to ratify and change something for better in the national legislation. But what as a country have we undertaken, what protection can be provided for victims of violence, are corrections made through the prism of law? &nbsp


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    Кога зборуваме за влијанието и поврзаноста на меѓународното со внатрешното право, спектарот на прашања на кои треба да се осврнеме е многу голем. Во овој труд фокусот е насочен кон уставно-правните проблеми и дилеми, како главен домен на наш интерес, односно на меѓународното влијание при промената и/или креирањето на националните устави со посебен осврт од можното сценаријо на т.н. наметнати устави. Целта на трудот е да се опфати дилемата што уставните „инжењери” ја имаат со конструираните уставни решенија, на кои често се гледа како правен механизам за (ре) дизајнирање на реалноста. Затоа домен на анализа во трудот ќе бидат меѓународните инволвирања во домашните уставни сегменти. Клучни зборови: устав, меѓународни влијанија, ЕУ..

    Cybercrime regulations: need for a new international approach?

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    Cybercrimes, cyber terrorism and cyber war are the pandemic of the 21st century. This problem existed before, but lately they have spread with a rapid speed, and have modified from their basic appearance, which makes them difficult to follow. The purpose of this paper is to show the need for a cyber convention of a new kind, and to explain the need for better international legal framework. The paper is “dealing “first with the European Convention of Cybercrime and its use. Also having in mind that the cyber field is not only consisted from cybercrimes/ offences but also with cyber terrorism and cyber wars, the second part of the paper is dedicated to the need of a new Digital convention. The last part is giving a brief overlook of the Macedonian legislation considering the cybercrimes. Keywords: Conventions, Cybercrimes, International Courts, Tallinn Manual


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    Одржувањето на здрава животна средина претставува еден од гигантските предизвици на 21 век. Состојбата во која таа се наоѓа со години, го нарушува целиот екосистем на планетата Земја. Во контекст на ова зборуваат најразлични извештаи на борците за заштита на животната средина, а кои постојано укажуваат на многубројни загадувачи на столбовите на природната средина, како нафта, хемикалии, отрови кои го уништуваат во целост нејзиното развивање. Меѓу позначајните се: атмосферско загадување, загадување на морињата, глобално затоплување и појава на озонски дупки, нуклеарни штети. Енормното загадување на животната средина дати- ра уште со процесот на индустријализацијата, карактеристичен за минатиот век. Изградбата на фабриките, дополнително придонесе да се зголеми загаденоста и на морињата и на океаните. Последица на ова е повредата на основните човекови права. Правото на здрава животна средина претставува признато право од најзначајните меѓуна- родни документи. Наспроти многубројни дисциплини кои се правно признати, правото на здра- ва животна средина не е целосно признато и во теоријата постојат многу дилеми за неговиот статус. Иако дејствува пополека, ова право, сепак, е дел од Европската конвенција за заштита на човековите права и основни слободи (ЕКЧП). Од широката лепеза на пресуди на Европскиот суд за човекови права (ЕСЧП), може да се забележи дека ова право е индиректно имплементи- рано и се гарантира негова заштита со повеќе членови. Со текот на годините, заштитата на жи- вотната средина, добива се поголема улога и потребно е истата да биде целосно набљудувана. Клучни зборови: Право на здрава животна средина, ЕКЧП, ЕСЧП, загадување, здравје

    Book review for "Pоolitical Geography" from Igor Okunev

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    Who has the exact sovereignty to every particular piece of territory, water or air space on our planet? What is the status and the relationship between the states, political entities, dependent territories, international organizations and supranational unions? What is the true meaning of the term’s territorial identity, spatial identity and the political geography? It is with these questions that Igor Okunev opens his passionate plea of why we should care about the geo-politics or Political Geography as he names it. Contrary to popular belief, the author argues, "the spatiality of politics is determined by factors beyond objective ones.