
Human rights - a synonym for equality, non-discrimination, equal rights ...  among other things, that refers to normal equality between men and women. It's skillfully designed perfectly and theoretically, but catastrophically applied practically ... This can start a story that has no beginning, and unfortunately in the foreseeable future there is no end, not only to the unequal valorization of female labor on an equal level with the male, but far more worse scenario for women victim of violence. The number of international documents that are trying to deal with this global problem, is enormous. They are trying to reverse or reduce the harmful consequences that the women bear as well ... But the illusion is in the fact that the bigger the number of the conventions is, the violence against them is rising rapidly. So a series of questions arise, why this is so, where the competent institutions are evading, how (un) successful the legislation is, what is the impact of the unwritten law, whether new incriminations are needed ....? A long series of questions that do not have adequate answers ... until the Istanbul Convention appears? Will this new piece of paper with an international nickname change something? What and how is it regulated? What measures have been implemented in other countries under the influence of this convention? And Macedonia also did not remain immune to the new international challenge, to try to ratify and change something for better in the national legislation. But what as a country have we undertaken, what protection can be provided for victims of violence, are corrections made through the prism of law? &nbsp

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