2,188 research outputs found

    Development of a Multivariable Parametric Cost Analysis for Space-Based Telescopes

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    Over the past 400 years, the telescope has proven to be a valuable tool in helping humankind understand the Universe around us. The images and data produced by telescopes have revolutionized planetary, solar, stellar, and galactic astronomy and have inspired a wide range of people, from the child who dreams about the images seen on NASA websites to the most highly trained scientist. Like all scientific endeavors, astronomical research must operate within the constraints imposed by budget limitations. Hence the importance of understanding cost: to find the balance between the dreams of scientists and the restrictions of the available budget. By logically analyzing the data we have collected for over thirty different telescopes from more than 200 different sources, statistical methods, such as plotting regressions and residuals, can be used to determine what drives the cost of telescopes to build and use a cost model for space-based telescopes. Previous cost models have focused their attention on ground-based telescopes due to limited data for space telescopes and the larger number and longer history of ground-based astronomy. Due to the increased availability of cost data from recent space-telescope construction, we have been able to produce and begin testing a comprehensive cost model for space telescopes, with guidance from the cost models for ground-based telescopes. By separating the variables that effect cost such as diameter, mass, wavelength, density, data rate, and number of instruments, we advance the goal to better understand the cost drivers of space telescopes.. The use of sophisticated mathematical techniques to improve the accuracy of cost models has the potential to help society make informed decisions about proposed scientific projects. An improved knowledge of cost will allow scientists to get the maximum value returned for the money given and create a harmony between the visions of scientists and the reality of a budget

    Mechanically Flexible and Electrically Stable Organic Permeable Base Transistors

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    Organic transistors have attracted significant research interest in recent years due to their promises of mechanical flexibility and low-cost fabrication. Possible innovative applications include wearable electronic sensor systems, as well as mass-produced, inexpensive localization tags for logistics. However, the limited charge carrier mobility in organic semiconductor materials, contact resistance at the organic-metal interface and comparably long transistor channel lengths result low-speed organic transistors and low current densities compared with conventional inorganic transistors. The organic permeable base transistor (OPBT) is a disruptive transistor architecture that overcomes some of these drawbacks by providing a vertical transistor channel, which is much shorter than in lateral channel organic transistor devices. Consequently, it has been shown to be the fastest organic transistor to date with a transition frequency of 40 MHz, driving currents up to the kA/cm^2 regime. Nevertheless, the OPBT has not yet reached the application stage and its production has been limited to lab-scale devices deposited onto rigid glass substrates. Issues include low yield, large leakage currents, and unknown reliability of the devices. This work addresses these problems by transferring OPBTs to flexible polymer substrates and introducing a controlled and easily reproducible manufacturing technique for the crucial base oxide layer by electrochemical anodization. The anodization technique allows the creation of defined insulating layers, leading to devices with significantly reduced leakage currents and consequently very large transmission factors of 99.9996%. An investigation into the electrical stability of OPBTs shows that the devices are suitable as switching transistors in active matrix organic light emitting displays (AMOLED). In this application, the OPBT demonstrates its strengths particularly well, because fast operation and high current densities are needed. With this thesis a series of milestones on the path to commercial viability of the OPBT have been reached, making the device fit for large-scale production and integration into flexible electronic circuits, allowing it to drive the bendable organic displays of the future.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 Experimental 4 Results – Flexible Devices 5 Results – Anodization of the Base Layer 6 Results – TEM Investigations 7 Results – Electrical Stress Measurements 8 Conclusion and OutlookDurch die Aussicht auf mechanische Flexibilität und kostengünstige Herstellung haben Organische Transistoren in den vergangenen Jahren erhebliches Forschungsinteresse geweckt. Innovative Anwendungsideen umfassen tragbare elektronische Sensorsysteme und massenproduzierte, preiswerte Ortungsetiketten für die Logistik. Leider führen die geringe Ladungsträgermobilität in organischen Halbleitermaterialien, Kontaktwiderstände am Organik-Metall-Übergang und vergleichsweise große Kanallängen der Transistoren dazu, dass organische Transistoren langsamer sind und geringere Stromdichten aufweisen als anorganische Transistoren. Der Organic Permeable Base Transistor (Organischer Transistor mit durchlässiger Basis, OPBT) stellt eine bahnbrechende Transistorarchitektur dar, die mithilfe eines vertikalen Transistorkanals einige der vorgenannten Nachteile überwindet. Dadurch ist die Kanallänge deutlich kleiner, als das bei lateralen organischen Transistorbauteilen der Fall ist. Infolgedessen kann er sich als der bisher schnellste organische Transistor mit einer Transitfrequenz von 40 MHz behaupten und Stromdichten bis in den kA/cm^2 Bereich treiben. Nichtsdestotrotz hat der OPBT bislang keine Anwendungsreife erreicht und wird derzeit nur im Labormaßstab auf starren Glassubstraten hergestellt. Hindernisse sind die geringe Produktionsausbeute, große Leckströme und die unklare Zuverlässigkeit der Bauteile. Diese Arbeit nimmt die eben genannten Herausforderungen in Angriff. Es werden OPBTs auf flexible Polymersubstrate übertragen, sowie eine kontrollierte und einfach reproduzierbare Herstellungsmethode für das wichtige Basisoxid durch elektrochemische Anodisierung eingeführt. Die Anodisierungsmethode lässt definierte Isolationsschichten entstehen, was zu stark reduzierten Leckströmen und folglich zu sehr großen Transmissionsfaktoren von 99,9996% führt. Die Untersuchung der elektrischen Stabilität von OPBTs zeigt, dass die Bauteile als Schalttransistoren in organischen Aktiv-Matrix-Displays geeignet sind. Für diese Anwendung sind die Stärken von OPBTs besonders relevant, weil kurze Schaltzeiten und hohe Stromdichten benötigt werden. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Reihe von Meilensteinen auf dem Weg zur kommerziellen Anwendbarkeit von OPBTs erreicht. Damit ist das Bauteil reif für die großtechnische Produktion und die Integration in flexible elektronische Schaltkreise, die die biegsamen organischen Displays der Zukunft ansteuern werden.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 Experimental 4 Results – Flexible Devices 5 Results – Anodization of the Base Layer 6 Results – TEM Investigations 7 Results – Electrical Stress Measurements 8 Conclusion and Outloo

    An Overview of Functional Communication Training for Registered Behavior Technicians

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    Functional Communication Training (FCT) is an intervention involving the differential reinforcement of an alternative response (DRA), in which an appropriate communicative response (e.g., asking for a break) is reinforced while the behavior targeted for decrease (e.g., hitting to get out of work) has reinforcement withheld in its presence. Individuals who work as registered behavior technicians (RBT), under the supervision of a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA), may implement FCT daily. With that being said, many individuals who choose to work as an RBT may not have as deep of an understanding of the concepts and principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) when compared to an individual such as a BCBA who completed higher education coursework relating directly to ABA. While RBTs are initially trained on the principles of ABA when completing an online learning course to become certified, this training covers a broad range of topics at a surface level. When considering the various principles of ABA that an RBT must become familiar with, it is understandable that this training course is unable to cover these topics extensively. However, to provide effective services as an RBT, a deeper level of understanding of these principles is imperative. A module was created to provide an overview and introduction to FCT and illustrate how it could be implemented in practice from the perspective of an RBT

    Transforming transformer testing - Key strategies for the industry in the age of energy transition, sustainability, and digitalization

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    In an era characterized by energy transition, sustainability, and digitalization, the world is experiencing a profound transformation. For the power transformer industry, this new landscape presents both exciting opportunities and formidable challenges. As we navigate this changing terrain, it is essential to explore why testing solutions for the energy grid of tomorrow are crucial. At HAEFELY, we recognize our role in shaping the next generation and are committed to addressing this critical question. We perceive a paradigm shift in the world of testing

    Senior Recital: A Liminal Space

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    Studies on the penetration of the blood-brain barrier by cancer chemotherapeutic agents

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    Light on, baby. No future

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    This project is a realistic depiction of the circularity of experience. As Images of ourselves and our experiences become increasingly inescapable, the repetitive and nonlinear nature of those experiences is amplified. This issue is explored in looking at contemporary artists/filmmakers whose handling of inundation in representation and narrative distinctly embraces multiplicity. Queering structures of representation, the work holds a mirror to the way that we experience living, encountering images, narrative structures and memories
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