45 research outputs found

    An inducible knockout mouse to model the cellautonomous role of PTEN in initiating endometrial, prostate and thyroid neoplasias

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    PTEN is one of the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor genes in human cancers. The role of PTEN in carcinogenesis has been validated by knockout mouse models. PTEN heterozygous mice develop neoplasms in multiple organs. Unfortunately, the embryonic lethality of biallelic excision of PTEN has inhibited the study of complete PTEN deletion in the development and progression of cancer. By crossing PTEN conditional knockout mice with transgenic mice expressing a tamoxifen-inducible Cre-ERT under the control of a chicken actin promoter, we have generated a tamoxifeninducible mouse model that allows temporal control of PTEN deletion. Interestingly, administration of a single dose of tamoxifen resulted in PTEN deletion mainly in epithelial cells, but not in stromal, mesenchymal or hematopoietic cells. Using the mT/mG double-fluorescent Cre reporter mice, we demonstrate that epithelial-specific PTEN excision was caused by differential Cre activity among tissues and cells types. Tamoxifen-induced deletion of PTEN resulted in extremely rapid and consistent formation of endometrial in situ adenocarcinoma, prostate intraepithelial neoplasia and thyroid hyperplasia. We also analyzed the role of PTEN ablation in other epithelial cells, such as the tubular cells of the kidney, hepatocytes, colonic epithelial cells or bronchiolar epithelium, but those tissues did not exhibit neoplastic growth. Finally, to validate this model as a tool to assay the efficacy of anti-tumor drugs in PTEN deficiency, we administered the mTOR inhibitor everolimus to mice with induced PTEN deletion. Everolimus dramatically reduced the progression of endometrial proliferations and significantly reduced thyroid hyperplasia. This model could be a valuable tool to study the cell-autonomous mechanisms involved in PTEN-loss-induced carcinogenesis and provides a good platform to study the effect of anti-neoplastic drugs on PTEN-negative tumors

    Optimal protocol for PTEN immunostaining; role of analytical and preanalytical variables in PTEN staining in normal and neoplastic endometrial, breast, and prostatic tissues

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    In some tumors, phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) inactivation may have prognostic importance and predictive value for targeted therapies. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) may be an effective method to demonstrate PTEN loss. It was claimed that PTEN IHC showed poor reproducibility, lack of standardization, and variable effects of preanalytical factors. In this study, we developed an optimal protocol for PTEN IHC, with clone 6H2.1, by checking the relevance of analytical variables in normal tissue and tumors of endometrium, breast, and prostate. Pattern and intensity of cellular staining and background nonspecific staining were quantified and subjected to statistical analysis by linear mixed models. The proposed protocol showed a statistically best performance (P .001). However, there was a trend of significance for decreased staining and fixation under high temperature. Moreover, staining was better in endometrial aspirates than in matched hysterectomy specimens, subjected to less controlled preanalytical variables (mean histoscores, 80 and 40, respectively; P = .002). A scoring system combining intensity of staining and percentage of positive cells was statistically associated with PTEN alterations (P = .01).The study was done according to the research collaboration with Dako Denmark A/S. The research team was also supported by grants FIS PI100922, Fundación Mutua Madrileña AP75732010, 2009SGR794, RD12/0036/0013, Fundación Asociación Española contra el Cancer, programa de intensificación de la investigación, Instituto Carlos III, Verelst Baarmoederkankerfonds, Leuven, and European Network for Individualized Treatment of Endometrial Carcinoma. F. A. is senior researcher for the research fund Flandersb. Tumor samples were obtained with the support of XarxaCatalana de Bancs de Tumors, the TumorBanc Platform of RTICC, and Red de Biobancos (RD09/0076/00059

    Elimination of Vitamin D Signaling Causes Increased Mortality in a Model of Overactivation of the Insulin Receptor: Role of Lipid Metabolism

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    Vitamin D (VD) deficiency has been associated with cancer and diabetes. Insulin signaling through the insulin receptor (IR) stimulates cellular responses by activating the PI3K/AKT pathway. PTEN is a tumor suppressor and a negative regulator of the pathway. Its absence enhances insulin signaling leading to hypoglycemia, a dangerous complication found after insulin overdose. We analyzed the effect of VD signaling in a model of overactivation of the IR.We generated inducible double KO (DKO) mice for the VD receptor (VDR) and PTEN. DKO mice showed severe hypoglycemia, lower total cholesterol and increased mortality. No macroscopic tumors were detected. Analysis of the glucose metabolism did not show clear differences that would explain the increased mortality. Glucose supplementation, either systemically or directly into the brain, did not enhance DKO survival. Lipidic liver metabolism was altered as there was a delay in the activation of genes related to -oxidation and a decrease in lipogenesis in DKO mice. High-fat diet administration in DKO significantly improved its life span. Lack of vitamin D signaling increases mortality in a model of overactivation of the IR by impairing lipid metabolism. Clinically, these results reveal the importance of adequate Vitamin D levels in T1D patients

    FISH analysis of PTEN in endometrial carcinoma. Comparison with SNP arrays and MLPA

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    Aims: To check the usefulness of a standardized protocol of PTEN FISH in 31 endometrial carcinomas (ECs) in comparison with SNP array (SNPA), multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and immunohistochemistry. Methods and results: Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analysis showed two PTEN copies in 17 cases, three copies in nine cases, hemizygous deletion in two cases, and diverse cell populations with different PTEN copy number in three cases. A good correlation was seen between FISH and SNPA, particularly in cases with three copies. FISH identified two cases with entire deletion of chromosome 10, but did not identify a focal deletion of PTEN. Five cases with PTEN deletion and duplication of the second allele by SNPA were interpreted as normal by FISH. Concordance between FISH and MLPA was seen in 15 cases with two copies, and in two cases with PTEN deletion. Six cases were interpreted as amplified by MLPA, but showed polyploidy by FISH. FISH was superior to SNPA and MLPA in assessing the tumours with diverse cell populations with different PTEN copies. Conclusions: The results show good concordance between FISH, SNPA and MLPA. SNPA was superior in tumours with deletion of one copy and duplication of the second allele. FISH was superior in assessing tumour heterogeneity.The study was supported by a research agreement with Dako, Denmark. The research team was also supported by grants FIS PI100922, Fundacion Mutua Madrilena AP75732010, 2009SGR794, RD12/0036/ ~ 0013, Fundacion Asociaci on Espa nola contra el Can- ~ cer, Programa de Intensificacion de la Investigaci on, Instituto Carlos III, Verelst Baarmoederkankerfonds, Leuven, and ENITEC (European Network for Individualized Treatment of Endometrial Carcinoma). F. Amant is senior researcher for the research fund Flandersb (FWO). Tumour samples were obtained with the support of Xarxa Catalana de Bancs de Tumours, and Plataforma de Biobancos ISCIII (PT13/ 0010/0014)