38 research outputs found

    Effects of sowing dates on grain yield and yield attributes of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) cultivar ICSV111 (Kapaala) in northern Ghana

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    Lack of a suitable sowing date has often been identified as the main constraint to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) cv. ICSV111 (Kapaala) production in Ghana. Field experiments were, therefore, used on-station at the Manga Agricultural Research Station to evaluate the effects of five sowing dates on yield and yield components of ‘Kapaala\' in northern Ghana. Sowing dates significantly (

    Agronomic performance of five rice varieties and nutritive value of the straw from these varieties

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    Two separate experiments were conducted to assess the grain and straw yield (Exp. 1), chemical composition and in vitro gas production (Exp. 2) of five varieties of rice; Hybrid, Exbaika, Jasmine 85, IR841 and Long grain ordinary 2. Experiment 1 was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replicates per variety. After harvesting, the rice straw from each variety was combined with Kapok leaf meal (KLM) at three inclusion levels (0, 25, 50%) to formulate a diet. The sole rice straw and formulated diets were analyzed for crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and Ash. Approximately 0.2 g of each diet (sole and formulated) was incubated in a McDougall’s buffered rumen fluid under anaerobic condition for the in vitro gas production. The varieties differed (P < 0.05) in relation to plant height, maturity days, percentage emergence, tiller number, straw yield and harvest index but did not differ in grain yield. The percentage emergence was in the range of 72.5 and 85.0%. with the highest (P = 0.003) recorded in the Hybrid variety. Plant height ranged from 90.5 to 110.8 cm with the highest (P = 0.046) reported in variety Long grain ordinary 2. Variety Long grain ordinary 2 had the longest (P<0.001) mean maturity days with the least recorded in the Hybrid variety. The highest (P < 0.05) straw yield was reported in variety Exbaika whilst Jasmine 85 had the least straw yield and harvest index. The CP concentration of the rice straw varieties increased numerically with an increase in the level of KLM. The NDF ranged from 622 g/kg DM to 913 g/kg DM for IR842 variety with 0% KLM and Long grain ordinary 2 variety with 25% KLM respectively. The ADF was in the range of 299.7 g/kg DM to 483.6 g/kg DM with the lowest reported in IR842 variety with 50% KLM. Mean asymptote gas production (b), fractional rate of gas production (c), in vitro gas production (IVGP) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) were not affected (P <0.05) by the variety x KLM inclusion level interaction. However, IVGP at 24 h and IVOMD both differed (P < 0.05) by variety. Varieties Jasmine 85, IR842 and Long grain ordinary 2 had higher IVGP and IVOMD as compared to the other two varieties. It was observed from the study that varieties IR841 and Long grain ordinary 2 provided higher grain and fodder production. The use of KLM as a replacement enhanced the nutrient composition, fermentation characteristics and digestibility

    Compatibility of Millet and Legume under Relay Cropping Condition

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    Double-cropping millet and legumes is a popular cropping system in the Upper East region (UER) of Ghana. For improved production efficiency, suitable millet-legume combinations with short life cycles that permit extension of the growing season to facilitate double-cropping need to be explored. The objective of this study was therefore to use performance data to identify millet-legume combinations compatible for relay cropping within the UER. Three early millet cultivars (Bongo Shorthead, Arrow Millet and Bristled Millet) were factorially relayed by three legumes namely cowpea, groundnut and soybean. Bongo Shorthead followed by cowpea in a relay cropping system has the greatest prospect of accounting for superiority in grain and stover/straw yield while Bongo Shorthead followed by groundnut in a relay will provide the least suitable combination for relay cropping within the Upper East Region of Ghana. Keywords: double cropping, millet, legumes, compatible combination, savannah zone

    Effects of a modified Danish fat tax on food consumption and nutrients intake in Spain

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    Our current dietary habits are the major cause of obesity and related diseases change. Denmark introduced fat tax in 2011 that was abolished in 2012 because of detrimental economic impacts. However, post-tax studies show that the tax was beneficial in reducing saturated fat consumption from the targeted foods. Demand- side measures have been proven to be efficient at reducing unhealthy foods. This study aims to assess the distributional effects impact of introducing a Danish-type fat tax (DFT) equivalent on food demand in Spain. Alternative tax policy scenarios have been considered taking into account policy that compensate consumers with subsidies form the taxes and otherwise. In the case where the taxed food categories only represent a subset of total food categories, a revenue-neutral approach has been designed. Expenditure as well as own- and cross-price and nutrient elasticities were calculated from an EASI food demand system. The tax reduced the consumption of the food products with saturated fat or lipid higher than 2.3%. Total lipid declined while carbohydrate intake increased. The effect is significantly reduced when revenue-neutral scenarios are considered. Distributional effect of the tax is more evident on household s heads who are obese, overweight, and younger. Acknowledgement

    Forging organizational resilience through green value co‐creation: The role of green technology, green operations, and green transaction capabilities

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    The study assessed the mediating role of green organizational capabilities (green technology development, green operations, and green transactions), in the relationship between green value co-creation and organizational resilience among Chinese manufacturing firms, that is, firms' ability to build strong organizational resilience in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It focused on manufacturing firms operating within Shenzhen, a coastal city located within the Guangdong province in southeastern China. The sample comprised 234 firms. Data were analysed using a covariance-based structural equation modeling. Findings revealed that green value co-creation had no direct effect on organizational resilience, rather, its effect was realized indirectly through green organizational capabilities. The study concludes that manufacturing companies can augment their organizational capabilities by leveraging the knowledge of their customers through green value co-creation to build strong organizational resilience. Theoretical and managerial implications have been provided

    Innovation platform: A tool for sustainable rice production in Ghana

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    Agriculture plays a key role in Ghana's economy and that of sub Saharan Africa. Transforming agriculture in Ghana is key to increasing farm output, reducing poverty, ensuring environmental sustainability and reducing food insecurity. Linear transfer of technology addressing productivity, marketing and policy underlies the poor performance of the rice sector hence the need for the Innovation Systems Approach using the Innovation Platform which is a coalition of actors along the value chain as a key tool. Rice is the second most important cereal after maize in Ghana and is fast becoming a cash crop. Rice production and the area cropped are increasing but national annual average yield has remained low, at 2.5 tons/hectare. Despite the enabling prevailing policy environment, local rice production still falls short of local demand hence rice importation is very high, valued at US$500 million annually. To reduce the rice demand deficit in Ghana, four Innovation platforms were established in Atebubu, Amantin (Feed the future), Jasikan and Weta (Systems of Rice intensification). A total of 265 actors were involved in the study. Farmer constraints identified included high cost of agro chemicals and fertilizer, unreliable rainfall patterns/lack of irrigational facilities, low farm gate prices, high incidence of weeds on rice farm and low yielding rice varieties. Key roles of innovation platforms in increasing rice productivity in Ghana are identifying the main bottlenecks in the rice value chain, creating room for some of the challenges to be addressed upfront, creating   a united front for advancing and affecting policy, quality rice for the domestic and international markets and linking actors to financial institutions. The requirements to ensure that the full potential of rice resource in Ghana are achieved lie in pulling all efforts at the various stages of the rice value chain together to serve as an attraction pool for strong policies and national aid. Keywords: Rice, Value chain, Innovation system, Innovation platform La Plate-forme d'innovation: un outil pour une production durable du riz au Ghana L'agriculture joue un rôle clé dans l'économie du Ghana et celle de l'Afrique subsaharienne. La transformation de l'agriculture au Ghana est essentielle pour accroître la production agricole, réduire la pauvreté, assurer la durabilité environnementale et réduire l'insécurité  alimentaire. Le transfert linéaire de technologie traitant de la productivité, du marketing et de la politique sous-tend la mauvaise  performance du secteur du riz, d'où la nécessité de l'approche des systèmes d'innovation en utilisant la plate-forme d'innovation qui est une coalition d'acteurs de la chaîne de valeur en tant qu'outil clé. Le riz est la deuxième céréale la plus importante après le maïs au Ghana et devient rapidement une culture de rapport. La production de riz et la superficie cultivée augmentent, mais le rendement moyen annuel national est resté faible, à 2,5 tonnes/hectare. En dépit de l'environnement politique favorable, la production locale de riz est toujours inférieure à la demande locale, de sorte que l'importation du riz est très élevée à 500 millions de dollars par an. Pour réduire le déficit de demande du riz au Ghana, quatre plates-formes d'innovation ont été créées à Atebubu, Amantin (Nourrir les futur 'Feed the future'en anglais), Jasikan et Weta (Systèmes d'intensification du riz). Un total de 265 acteurs ont été impliqués dans l'étude. Les contraintes des agriculteurs identifiés comprenaient un coût élevé des agro-produits agro- chimiques et des engrais, des précipitations peu fiables/un manque d'installations d'irrigation, des prix bas de la ferme, une forte incidence de mauvaises herbes sur les fermes de riz et le rendement faible des variétés du riz. Les rôles clés des plates-formes d'innovation dans l'augmentation de la productivité du riz au Ghana ont permis d'identifier les principaux goulets d'étranglement de la chaîne de valeur du riz, créant ainsi certains défis à relever, créant un front uni pour faire avancer et affecter les politiques, le riz de qualité pour le marché domestique et international et reliant les acteurs aux institutions financières. Les exigences visant à garantir que le plein potentiel de la ressource du riz au Ghana réside dans l'effort consistant à attirer tous les efforts aux différentes étapes de la chaîne de valeur du riz pour servir comme un pool d'attraction pour des politiques solides et des aides nationales. Mots-clés: le Riz, chaîne de valeur, système d'innovation, la plate-forme d'innovatio