10 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de la evolución de los parámetros de calidad en pimiento verde almacenado a dos condiciones de temperatura

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    El pimiento (Capsicum annuum L.) es susceptible a desarrollar daños por frío (DPF) a temperaturas inferiores a 7 ºC. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la evolución de los parámetros de calidad del pimiento verde, tipo ‘Lamuyo’, bajo dos regímenes de temperatura (2 y 7 ºC). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una mayor pérdida de peso en los pimientos almacenados a 7 ºC. Por otro lado, los pimientos conservados a 2 ºC presentaron valores superiores de firmeza, sólidos solubles totales y acidez total en comparación con los pimientos almacenados a 7 ºC. Por último, los pimientos conservados en frío presentaron una incidencia elevada de DPF. En conclusión, los parámetros evaluados han mostrado que los pimientos almacenados a 2 ºC presentan una mayor calidad durante la conservación postcosecha. Sin embargo, dichos pimientos presentaron la mayor incidencia de DPF, derivando en la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas para la prevención de dicha alteración fisiológica

    Tratamiento precosecha para la mejora en la frigo conservación de la granada “Mollar de Elche”

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    The postharvest storage of ‘Mollar de Elche’ pomegranate fruit during long periods, around 3 months, in optimum conditions (6-9ºC), could increase chilling injury incidence accompanied with quality losses of pomegranate fruits. In this experiment, the effect of methyl jasmonate (MeJa) at 5 mM, such as elicitor, by foliar treatment was study. This treatment was applied in differents plots, safeguarded by Protected Designation in Origin (PDO). The results showed that this preharvest treatment reduced a 40-60 % of chilling injury incidence in the internal and external husk compared to the untreated fruits during postharvest storage. On the other hand, treated fruits showed a greater physical-chemical property than control, leading into a higher fruit acceptability by consumers.A la Generalitat Valenciana (2020/VALORIZA/VSC/020) y a las empresas colaboradoras FRANCISCO OLIVA SL, Hermanos Fuentes C.B., HEBEGU SL y Antonio García Bernabé

    Efectos de los tratamientos post-cosecha con flujo de aire caliente sobre la calidad de limones ‘fino’

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    Los productores de limón demandan herramientas que incrementen la vida útil de los frutos durante la comercialización. En este trabajo se ha estudiado el efecto de realizar una cuarentena de 24 h a 37 °C y a 42 °C, previo al almacenamiento a 10 ºC. Se han evaluado los principales parámetros de calidad del limón: pérdidas de peso (PP), firmeza y color. Además, se ha determinado la tasa de respiración (TR) y la incidencia de podredumbres. Los resultados mostraron un descenso en las PP y la incidencia de podredumbres, mientras que la firmeza y el color no presentaron diferencias entre los frutos expuestos a 37 °C y los frutos sin tratar. A 42 °C la calidad del fruto disminuyó drásticamente. Por lo tanto, el uso de cuarentenas a 37 °C durante 24 horas podrían ser consideradas como herramientas efectivas para mantener la calidad del limón durante el almacenamiento a 10 ºC

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Componentes de calidad sensorial, caracterización físico-química y funcional de la granada Mollar de Elche (Punica granatum L.)

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    El cultivo del granado en el sur de la provincia de Alicante es tradicional y se caracteriza por presentar una diversidad genética muy amplia. El manejo puede considerarse, al igual que en otras explotaciones, como convencional o ecológico. En concreto, la variedad de granada Mollar es un producto amparado por la Denominación de Origen Protegida (DOP) ‘Granada Mollar de Elche’/’Granada de Elche’ y, a pesar de existir, un pliego de condiciones específicas para dicha DOP, quedan sin especificar en dicha normativa muchas de las propiedades tanto físico-químicas como funcionales que caracterizan a esta variedad y que determinan su elevada calidad. Por ello, se ha realizado un estudio experimental sobre la granada Mollar de Elche dentro del proyecto ‘Estudio de la influencia de los agroecosistemas y el manejo convencional y ecológico en las características cualitativas de la producción de la granada Mollar de Elche’ (2019/VALORIZA/VSC/016) con el objetivo de valorizar dicho producto y caracterizar los distintos parámetros que influyen en la calidad del mismo. Para ello, se han caracterizado muestras homogéneas provenientes de 10 parcelas localizadas en la zona geográfica de la DOP y se han estudiado los componentes que determinan la calidad organoléptica o sensorial y que promueven al consumidor en el momento de decisión de compra del fruto en el mercado, como son: la firmeza, el color externo e interno, los sólidos solubles totales (SST), la acidez titulable (AT) y el contenido en ácidos y azúcares individuales, responsables del dulzor característico de dicha variedad. Además, se ha determinado la tasa de respiración, así como el contenido de compuestos bioactivos y la capacidad antioxidante del fruto, realizándose una caracterización físico-química y funcional en distintos momentos de la recolección durante el ciclo de cultivo. Los resultados mostraron que esta variedad de granada se caracteriza por presentar una tasa de respiración baja en comparación con otras variedades, unos valores de firmeza entre 22 y 28 N mm-1, un contenido en SST mínimo de 14 g sacarosa 100 g-1 así como una AT de entre 0,25 y 0,40 g ácido málico 100 g-1. La proporción de glucosa y fructosa fue similar para dicha variedad, mientras que el ácido orgánico mayoritario era el ácido málico. Finalmente, el color interno de los arilos fue el único parámetro que presentó diferencias significativas entre las distintas recolecciones, no observándose dicho efecto para el color externo. Respecto a los compuestos bioactivos, la granada Mollar presenta un alto contenido en polifenoles y antocianos que le otorgan una elevada actividad antioxidante hidrofílica. En conclusión, este trabajo aporta una caracterización de parámetros que no se contemplaban en el pliego de condiciones para dicha DOP y que permitirían su actualización. Se recomiendan líneas de ensayo futuras para comparar los resultados obtenidos entre distintos años incluyendo como factor de estudio el efecto de las condiciones ambientales.Pomegranate tree crop in the south of Alicante province is traditional and its characterized by presenting a very wide genetic diversity. Management can be considered, as in other farms, as conventional or organic. Specifically, Mollar pomegranate cultivar is a product safeguarded by 'Granada Mollar de Elche' / 'Granada de Elche' Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and, despite the existence of a list of specific conditions for this PDO, they remain without specifying in this regulation many of the physico-chemical and functional properties that characterize this cultivar and that determine its high quality. Therefore, an experimental study has been performed in Mollar de Elche pomegranate within the project ‘Study of the influence of agroecosystems and conventional and ecological management on the qualitative characteristics of the production of the Mollar de Elche pomegranate’ (2019/VALORIZA/VSC/016) with the aim of valuing this product and characterizing the different parameters that influence its quality. For this, homogeneous samples from 10 plots located in the geographical area of PDO have been characterized and the components that determine the organoleptic or sensory quality and that promote the consumer at decision time to buy the fruit in the market have been studied, such as: firmness, external and internal colour, total soluble solids (TSS), total acidity (TA) and individual organic acid and sugar content, responsible for the characteristic sweetness of this cultivar. In addition, respiration rate has been determined, as well as the content of bioactive compounds and fruit antioxidant capacity, carrying out a physico-chemical and functional characterization at different harvesting dates during the growing cycle. The results showed that this pomegranate cultivar is characterized by showing a low respiration rate compared to other cultivars, firmness values between 22 and 28 N mm-1, a minimum TSS content of 14 g of sucrose 100 g-1, as well as a TA range between 0.25 and 0.40 g of malic acid 100 g-1. Glucose and fructose proportion was similar for this cultivar, while the main organic acid was malic acid. Finally, the internal colour of the arils was the only parameter that presented significant differences between the different harvesting dates, not observing this effect for the external colour. With regard to bioactive compounds, Mollar pomegranate has a high content of polyphenols and total anthocyanins that provide it with a high hydrophilic total antioxidant activity. In conclusion, this work provides a characterization of parameters that were not contemplated in the specifications for this PDO and that would allow its updating. Future test lines are recommended to compare the results obtained between different years, including the effect of environmental conditions as a study factor

    Salicylic Acid Foliar Application Increases Crop Yield and Quality Parameters of Green Pepper Fruit during Postharvest Storage

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    The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of salicylic acid (SA) as a preharvest treatment on crop yield throughout the crop cycle of green pepper fruit as well as on its quality parameters, including functional quality, at harvest and during 21 days of storage at 7 °C. Thus, ‘Herminio’ pepper plants were treated with SA at 0.5, 1 and 5 mM, and higher crop yield (kg per plant, number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight) and quality parameters (firmness, green color and total acidity) at harvest were obtained with the 0.5 mM dose, as well as greater phenolic compounds content and total antioxidant activity. These quality traits and functional quality were also maintained at higher levels for this treatment than in controls during postharvest storage, leading to a delay of fruit quality losses. In addition, the decay incidence for 0.5 mM SA-treated pepper fruits reached a ca. value of 2% at the end of the storage, which was lower than untreated fruits (16.6%). These results suggest that preharvest application of SA at low doses tested on pepper plants could be a useful tool to increase crop yield and fruit quality parameters at harvest and maintain them during storage, delaying quality losses and decay incidence

    Influence of the Phenological Stage and Harvest Date on the Bioactive Compounds Content of Green Pepper Fruit

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    Green pepper fruit is often consumed before it is completely ripe. However, the influence of the phenological stage in which the green pepper is consumed as a potential influencing factor in its bioactive compounds content and antioxidant capacity remains unknown. In addition, no literature is available concerning the bioactive compounds changes in ‘Lamuyo’ green peppers along its developmental and growth cycle. For this, two different approaches have been carried out, one using twelve different phenological stages (S1 to S12), and in the other, seven different harvest dates (from 27 February to 20 April). Moreover, bioactive compounds changes during 21 days of postharvest storage at 8 °C were investigated. In this study, bioactive compounds (ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid, and total phenolic content) and the total hydrophilic and lipophilic (TAA-H and TAA-L) antioxidant activity were analysed. In addition, total soluble solids, total acidity, individual sugars, and organic acids were determined. Vitamin C levels increased along the phenological stages and harvest dates due to significant increases in ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acid levels. Our results show that the total phenol content decreases as vegetables develop and subsequently increases both as ripening begins and by the last harvest date. Furthermore, TAA-H was also greater by the phenological stage S12 and the 20 April harvest date. In conclusion, the phenological stage and harvest date are key factors that significantly influence the bioactive compounds of green peppers, and those that appear by S12 and 20 April could be more beneficial to health

    Effect of Fertigation on the Physicochemical Quality and Antioxidant System of ‘Fino’ Lemons during Postharvest Storage

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    Fertigation is a technique of injecting fertilizers along the irrigation lines, allowing a precise control of the moisture and the application. Nowadays, the main fertilizers used are nitrogen and potassium. Usually, an excess of fertigation is applied to achieve an early harvest of the lemon fruit. However, there is no literature available regarding the effects of excess fertigation on lemon fruit quality and antioxidant systems at harvest and during cold storage. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate these effects. This experiment was developed by comparing two plots: the first one with standard fertigation (SF) and the second one with intensive fertigation (IF). The yield per tree in the early harvest was higher in the IF than the SF plot; however, total yield was similar under both fertigation strategies. Lemons from the SF plot maintained higher total phenolic content and total antioxidant activity compared with lemons from the IF plot. In addition, firmness, total soluble solids and titratable acidity were also higher in SF lemons. Furthermore, weight loss, ethylene production, colour (parameter a*) and decay incidence were reduced in lemon fruits from the SF plot. Early lemons harvested from the standard fertigation plot showed high physicochemical quality and antioxidant properties, reducing lemon fruit decay during cold storage and providing high-quality fruits to consumers

    Effects of Degreening Treatment on Quality and Shelf-Life of Organic Lemons

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    Degreening treatment is used in early cultivars of the lemon crop in the Mediterranean area to enhance the commercially desired colour when fruits have reached the proper ripening stage for harvesting and marketing. In the organic market, temperature and relative humidity are controlled to promote the degradation of chlorophylls, allowing the visualisation of the lower layer formed by carotenoids. Although this is a stressful procedure, the degreening treatment showed greater results in terms of weight loss and firmness, the control of the respiration rate, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and the total phenolic content in flavedo and juice compared to the non-treated lemons, without significant differences on the overall liking between both treatments. During postharvest storage, significant differences in fruit quality were observed compared to at harvest, due to the decreasing tendency observed on the quality parameters analysed along with development and on-tree fruit ripening. In conclusion, the results obtained suggest that the application of a degreening treatment in early cultivars of lemon would not lead to a detriment of fruit quality other than the quality changes associated with the on-tree fruit-ripening process

    Effects of Degreening Treatment on Quality and Shelf-Life of Organic Lemons

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    Degreening treatment is used in early cultivars of the lemon crop in the Mediterranean area to enhance the commercially desired colour when fruits have reached the proper ripening stage for harvesting and marketing. In the organic market, temperature and relative humidity are controlled to promote the degradation of chlorophylls, allowing the visualisation of the lower layer formed by carotenoids. Although this is a stressful procedure, the degreening treatment showed greater results in terms of weight loss and firmness, the control of the respiration rate, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, and the total phenolic content in flavedo and juice compared to the non-treated lemons, without significant differences on the overall liking between both treatments. During postharvest storage, significant differences in fruit quality were observed compared to at harvest, due to the decreasing tendency observed on the quality parameters analysed along with development and on-tree fruit ripening. In conclusion, the results obtained suggest that the application of a degreening treatment in early cultivars of lemon would not lead to a detriment of fruit quality other than the quality changes associated with the on-tree fruit-ripening process