31 research outputs found

    The Sensitivity of the Pathogens Mycoplasmal Uretroprostatitis to Modern Antibiotics

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    У статті наведені дані аналізу активності сучасних антибактеріальних препаратів проти урогенітальних мікоплазм. Показана висока антимікоплазмова активність доксіцикліну та різна чутливість клінічних ізолятів M. hominis та U. urealyticum до дії макролідів.The article presents the analysis of the activity data of modern antibacterial drugs against urogenital mycoplasmas. The high activity of doxycycline against urogenital mycoplasmas and different sensitivity of clinical isolates of M. hominis and U. urealyticum to macrolides action were shows

    Assessment of Cytomorphological Features of Peripheral Blood Erythrocites of Active Donors

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    За допомогою мікроскопії мазків периферичної крові були досліджені еритрограми первинних та активних донорів. Статистичний аналіз кількісних та якісних показників дегенеративних змін еритроцитів довів, що більшість донорів обох груп мали латентний дефіцит заліза. Високі рівні мікроцитозу і гіпохромії еритроцитів для 18 % активних донорів надають право рекомендувати цим особам пройти додаткові обстеження крові на наявність залізодефіцитної анемії.Using the peripheral blood smear microscopy there were investigated the erythrograms of primary and active donors. Statistical analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of erythrocytes’ degenerative changes showed that most donors in both groups had a latent iron deficiency. High levels of erythrocytes’ microcytosis and hypochromia among 18% of active donors demonstrate the necessity to make extra blood examination on iron deficiency anemia

    Indicators of Mental Capacity First-Year Students of Pedagogical University in Different Years of Study

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    У статті наведені результати аналізу показників розумової працездатності студентів-першокурсників педагогічного університету, які навчались у різні терміни впродовж останніх 18 років. Відзначено зміни у швидкості та якості розумової роботи студентів, обговорюються ризики порушення процесу адаптації до навчального навантаження та їх можливі причини.The article presents the results of the analysis of indicators of mental capacity of first-year students of Pedagogical University, who studied at different times over the last 18 years. The speed changes and quality of mental work of students were marked, the risks of violations of adaptation to the educational load and their possible causes were discussed

    Ultrastructural changes in type 2 alveolocytes in young rats on the background of chronic hyperglycemia

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered as a group of metabolic diseases with a global distribution and severe complications. It is caused by insulin deficiency, which with time leads to development of pathological changes in the cardiovascular, respiratory, and other systems. Several studies have shown some features and the connection of structural changes of the lungs with DM, however very little is known regarding ultrastructural changes of type 2 alveolocytes (AT2). Materials and methods The study involved 24 white non-linear male laboratory rats which were divided into two groups (experimental and intact). The experimental group was further divided into two subgroups depending on the duration of study: the first group with hyperglycemia for 30 days, and the second with hyperglycemia for 60 days. For the experimental modeling of hyperglycemia, the rats were injected once subcutaneously with solution of alloxan monohydrate hyperglycemia. Results AT2 of the intact group had a high degree of differentiation with plates of high electron density. In AT2 of rats with hyperglycemia for 30 days, there were signs of vacuolation, mass accumulation of primary and secondary lysosomes, and lamellar bodies were grouped as conglomerates. In AT2 of the rats with 60 days of hyperglycemia, nuclei with scalloped contour, karyoplasmic outgrowths and intussusception, and condensation of heterochromatin were observed. Conclusion Under conditions of experimental chronic hyperglycemia, proliferation and destruction of AT2 are observed, which is the morphological basis for the violation of surfactant synthesis and immunocompetent properties in lung tissues of young rats

    Біомеханічні властивості та макроелементний склад довгих трубчастих кісток щурів за умов експериментальної гіперглікемії

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    The pathomorphological basis for the development of diabetic disorders in various bones is a relevant subject of modern experimental research on the modeling of diabetes–associated destructive processes in the skeletal system. They are characterized by reduced bone density, which leads to an increased risk of fractures. Bone strength mainly depends on the interaction and concentration of chemical elements such as Ca, P, Mg, and K. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to determine the interdependence of changes in biomechanical parameters depending on the concentration of chemical elements in long tubular bones of rats under chronic hyperglycemia. The study was performed on 72 adult white laboratory rats lasting 180 days. It was found that starting from 30 days of uncontrolled chronic hyperglycemia, the bone mineral density in rats of the experimental group gradually decreased in comparison with the dynamics of the corresponding indexs in animals of the control group. These changes were accompanied by pronounced demineralization of both bones, as evidenced by significant losses of macronutrients (Ca, P, Mg and K). As a result, in chronic hyperglycemia gradually formed a complex violation of the structure and biomechanical properties of long tubular bones, which is a pathomorphological basis in the corresponding loci of the skeletal system.Патоморфологічне підґрунтя розвитку діабетичних порушень у різних кістках є актуальним предметом сучасних експериментальних досліджень з моделювання діабет-асоційованих деструктивних процесів у системі скелету. Для них характерна знижена щільність кісток, що призводить до підвищення ризику переломів. Міцність кісток переважно залежить від взаємодії та концентрації хімічних елементів, таких як Ca, P, Mg та К. Тому метою нашого дослідження було визначення взаємозалежності зміни біомеханічних показників в залежності від рівня концентрації хімічних елементів у довгих трубчастих кістках щурів за умов хронічної гіперглікемії. Дослідження було проведено на 72 статевозрілих білих лабораторних щурах тривалістю 180 діб. Встановлено, що, починаючи з 30 доби неконтрольованої хронічної гіперглікемії мінеральна щільність кісток щурів експериментальної групи поступово зменшувалася у порівнянні з динамікою відповідних показників у тварин контрольної групи. Зазначені зміни супроводжувались вираженою демінералізацією обох кісток, про що свідчать значні втрати макроелементів: Ca, P, Mg та К. У підсумку, в умовах хронічної гіперглікемії поступово формується комплексне порушення структури та біомеханічних властивостей довгих трубчастих кісток, яке являє собою патоморфологічну основу розвитку діабетичних змін у відповідних локусах системи скелету

    Особенности морфологических изменений легочной ткани крыс молодого возраста в условиях экспериментального аллоксанового диабета

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    В статье приведены данные микроморфометричного анализа изменений легочной ткани в условиях экспериментального сахарного диабета. Для экспериментального моделирования гипергликемии, использовали раствор дигидрата аллоксана, который вводили после 24-часового голодания. Гистологические срезы легких окрашивали гематоксилин-эозином и по Ван-Гизону. Исследование проводили с помощью сканирующей электронной микроскопии. Компенсаторно-приспособительные механизмы при экспериментальном аллоксановом диабете в легких проявлялись эмфизематозными изменениями, которые сочетались с рестрикцией

    The remodeling of lungs under the influence of alloxan-induced hyperglycemia

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a global medical and social problem. 2-3% of the population suffers from diabetes mellitus. According to current forecasts, the number of people with diabetes mellitus will double every 15 years. Diabetes mellitus is the basis for the development of complex comorbidities and complications such as diabetic microangiopathy and neuropathy. Diabetes patients are at increased risk for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and renal failure. Scientists around the world have been thoroughly engaged in the problem of hyperglycemia, which is the consequence of type 1 diabetes mellitus, but the causes of its occurrence have not been fully established yet. The study aimed to investigate the lungs of pre-reproductive age rats under the influence of alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. Material and Methods: 12 rats of 3 months of age were involved in the experiment. They were divided into two series: experimental and control. The Control series includes six intact rats. For the experimental modeling of hyperglycemia, we used alloxan monohydrate, pre-dissolved in 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, which was then injected intraperitoneally once at a dose of 20 mg/100 g on an empty stomach. The experiment lasted 60 days. We measured the glucose level using the Accu-Chek Advantage (Boehringer, Germany) at2, 12, and 24 hours after alloxan injection, and then weekly. The average level of glucose in the blood remained at 11 mmol/L ± 2 mmol/L. To study the remodeling of the lungs, we used the histological examination by a light microscope (Olympus BH-2) and histomorphometry using the universal certified program “SEO Scan Lab 2.0” and “SEO Image Lab 2.0”. The obtained data were processed on a personal computer using the software “GraphPad” and a licensed Excel XP spreadsheet editor (Microsoft Office 2013). The data were analyzed by unpaired t-test. P values ≤0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Results: Obtained morphometric data shows the increase of the width of alveoli by 8.5% (p < 0.05), the width of the conducting part of the respiratory bronchiole by 15.7 % (p < 0.05) and the thickness of the interalveolar septum by 8.3% (p < 0.05). The wall thickness of pulmonary vessels increased by 22.9% (p <0.05). Lymphoid nodules were more hypertrophied compared to the control ones by 2.4 times (p <0.05). Conclusions: Alloxan-induced hyperglycemia leads to the development of emphysematous changes in combination with restriction. The vascular wall of muscular pulmonary vessels was thickened due to hypertrophy of the tunica media and tunica externa. The hypertrophy of lymphoid follicles and lymph nodes of the upper and lower mediastinum was observed in experimental animals

    Structural changes of long tubular bones of mature rats under the hyperglycemia

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    The aim: To evaluate morphological changes in long tubular bones of mature rats under the influence of experimental hyperglycemia. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 140 nonlinear white male rats divided into two groups. The experimental group included rats that were introduced into a state of hyperglycemia by a single intraperitoneal injection of an alloxan dihydrate solution at a dose of 150 mg / kg body weight in 0.9% sodium chloride. The control group included rats that were injected with a similar volume of 0.9% sodium chloride one time intraperitoneally. The animals were taken out of the experiment on the 2nd, 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th, 150th and 180th day. Right and left femur and humerus were studied by morphometric and histological methods. Results: Under conditions of prolonged uncontrolled hyperglycemia in mature rats, there is a slowdown in the growth rate of length and thickness of femur and humerus. This is indicated by a significant decrease in the length of bone and its diaphyses, as well as by a decrease in the cross-sectional area of the diaphysis, the width of the proximal and distal epiphyses, starting from 120 and 90 days of the experiment, respectively. The relative area of trabecular tissue, thickness of trabeculae and epiphyseal cartilage decreases in comparison with animals of the control group. The diameter of osteons and their channels increases in cortical tissue. Changes in the microarchitecture of the trabecular and cortical compartments of femur and humerus under conditions of hyperglycemia are similar and are characterized by a reduced bone mass, bone disorder progression and remodeling disorders. Conclusions: Prolonged uncontrolled experimental hyperglycemia leads to slow growth of femur and humerus in mature rats, which is accompanied by an increase in microarchitecture disorder of the trabecular and cortical compartments, causing miniaturization of bones and, consequently, violation of their biomechanical properties and increased risk of fractures

    Structural changes of long tubular bones of mature rats under the hyperglycemia

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    The aim: To evaluate morphological changes in long tubular bones of mature rats under the influence of experimental hyperglycemia. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 140 nonlinear white male rats divided into two groups. The experimental group included rats that were introduced into a state of hyperglycemia by a single intraperitoneal injection of an alloxan dihydrate solution at a dose of 150 mg / kg body weight in 0.9% sodium chloride. The control group included rats that were injected with a similar volume of 0.9% sodium chloride one time intraperitoneally. The animals were taken out of the experiment on the 2nd, 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th, 150th and 180th day. Right and left femur and humerus were studied by morphometric and histological methods. Results: Under conditions of prolonged uncontrolled hyperglycemia in mature rats, there is a slowdown in the growth rate of length and thickness of femur and humerus. This is indicated by a significant decrease in the length of bone and its diaphyses, as well as by a decrease in the cross-sectional area of the diaphysis, the width of the proximal and distal epiphyses, starting from 120 and 90 days of the experiment, respectively. The relative area of trabecular tissue, thickness of trabeculae and epiphyseal cartilage decreases in comparison with animals of the control group. The diameter of osteons and their channels increases in cortical tissue. Changes in the microarchitecture of the trabecular and cortical compartments of femur and humerus under conditions of hyperglycemia are similar and are characterized by a reduced bone mass, bone disorder progression and remodeling disorders. Conclusions: Prolonged uncontrolled experimental hyperglycemia leads to slow growth of femur and humerus in mature rats, which is accompanied by an increase in microarchitecture disorder of the trabecular and cortical compartments, causing miniaturization of bones and, consequently, violation of their biomechanical properties and increased risk of fractures

    The Peculiarities оf Morphofunctional Status аnd Physical Readiness оf Young Sportsmen оf Different Somatotypes

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    Оцінено морфофункціональні показники дітей, які займаються циклічними видами спорту, залежно від їх соматотипу. Серед обстеженого контингенту встановлено перевагу мезосомного соматотипу (55,56±4,99 %). Серед більшості представників мікросомного соматотипу (69,23±4,64 %) визначено низький рівень розвитку силових здібностей і середній рівень фізичної працездатності (52,0±5,02 %). Високий рівень фізичної працездатності був притаманний лише представникам мезосомного соматотипу (3,64±1,88 %), крім того серед них спостерігалась найбільша кількість осіб із задовільною адаптацією (10,53±3,09 %). Встановлено, що серед осіб дев’яти років приріст показників спеціальної фізичної підготовленості становив -0,25±0,10 с (p<0,05), тоді як серед дітей восьми та десяти років зміни у розвитку витривалості були меншими (-0,15±0,41 с та -0,20±0,09 с відповідно). Соматотипологічні особливості юних спортсменів здійснюють найбільший вплив на приріст показників швидкості (19,97%; F=11,36, р<0,001) та витривалості (16,72%; F=9,13, р<0,001)Morphofunctional status of children is a prognostic factor sports fitness, since it characterizes an individual development of the body and overall health. The aim is to determine the morphofunctional characteristics of children, who are engaged in cyclic kind of sports and to assess their impact on the indicators of success of the sports activity. The study methods are anthropometric, functional, mathematical and statistical methods. The result is an assessment of morphofunctional indicators of children, who are engaged in cyclic kind of sports depending on their somatotype. Among the surveyed contingent the advantage of mezosomal somatotype (55.56±4.99%) is observed. The percentage of children with microsomal type in the general structure of somatotypes is amounted 25.25±4.37%, respectively to 19.19±3.96% of children was classified as macrosomal type. Among the most representatives of microsomal somatotype (69.23±4.64%) a low level of development of strength abilities and the average level of physical performance (52.0±5.02%) is identified. The high level of physical performance was peculiar only for representatives of mezosomal somatotype (3.64±1.88%), also was observed among them the largest number of children with a satisfactory adaptation (10.53±3.09%). The least favorable in terms vegetative regulation there were children with macrosomal somatotype. Among certain groups of children in 44.27±4.99% sympathicotonia was noted, in 38.43±4.89% - vagotonia, which indicates the stress mechanisms of autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm. It was found that among those nine years, the growth of the indicators of special physical fitness was 0.25±0.10 (p <0.05), whereas among children of eight and ten years, the changes in the development of endurance were somewhat smaller (0.15±0.41 c and to -0.20±0,09 c, respectively). Somatotypological characteristics of the young athletes have the greatest impact on growth velocity (19.97%; F=11.36; p<0.001) and endurance (16.72%; F=9.13, p<0.001). The contribution of the somatotype performance in speed-strength abilities and strength is smaller and amounts to 8.56; F=4.26, p<0.01 and 4.94%; F=2.36, p<0.01, respectively