34 research outputs found

    Structure of exciton condensates in imbalanced electron-hole bilayers

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    We investigate the possibility of excitonic superfluidity in electron-hole bilayers. We calculate the phase diagram of the system for the whole range of electron-hole density imbalance and for different degrees of electrostatic screening, using mean-field theory and a Ginzburg–Landau expansion. We are able to resolve differences on previous work in the literature which concentrated on restricted regions of the parameter space. We also give detailed descriptions of the pairing wave function in the Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov paired state. The Ginzburg–Landau treatment allows us to investigate the energy scales involved in the pairing state and discuss the possible spontaneous breaking of two-dimensional translation symmetry in the ground state

    Single-electron induced surface plasmons on a topological nanoparticle

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    It is rarely the case that a single electron affects the behaviour of several hundred thousands of atoms. Here we demonstrate a phenomenon where this happens. The key role is played by topological insulators—materials that have surface states protected by time-reversal symmetry. Such states are delocalized over the surface and are immune to its imperfections in contrast to ordinary insulators. For topological insulators, the effects of these surface states will be more strongly pronounced in the case of nanoparticles. Here we show that under the influence of light a single electron in a topologically protected surface state creates a surface charge density similar to a plasmon in a metallic nanoparticle. Such an electron can act as a screening layer, which suppresses absorption inside the particle. In addition, it can couple phonons and light, giving rise to a previously unreported topological particle polariton mode. These effects may be useful in the areas of plasmonics, cavity electrodynamics and quantum information

    Quantized bulk conductivity as a local Chern marker

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    A central property of Chern insulators is the robustness of the topological phase and edge states to impurities in the system. Despite this, the Chern number cannot be straightforwardly calculated in the presence of disorder. Recently, work has been done to propose several local analogs of the Chern number, called local markers, that can be used to characterize disordered systems. However, it was unclear whether the proposed markers represented a physically measurable property of the system. Here we propose a local marker starting from a physical argument, as a local cross conductivity measured in the bulk of the system. We find the explicit form of the marker for a noninteracting system of electrons on the lattice and show that it corresponds to existing expressions for the Chern number. Examples are calculated for a variety of disordered and amorphous systems, showing that it is precisely quantized to the Chern number and robust against disorder

    Phase diagram of a Bose gas near a wide Feshbach resonance

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    In this paper, we study the phase diagram of a homogeneous Bose gas with a repulsive interaction near a wide Feshbach resonance at zero temperature. The Bose-Einstein-condensation (BEC) state of atoms is a metastable state. When the scattering length aa exceeds a critical value depending on the atom density nn, na3>0.035na^3>0.035, the molecular excitation energy is imaginary and the atomic BEC state is dynamically unstable against molecule formation. The BEC state of diatomic molecules has lower energy, where the atomic excitation is gapped and the molecular excitation is gapless. However when the scattering length is above another critical value, na3>0.0164na^3>0.0164, the molecular BEC state becomes a unstable coherent mixture of atoms and molecules. In both BEC states, the binding energy of diatomic molecules is reduced due to the many-body effect.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Exciton Condensation and Perfect Coulomb Drag

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    Coulomb drag is a process whereby the repulsive interactions between electrons in spatially separated conductors enable a current flowing in one of the conductors to induce a voltage drop in the other. If the second conductor is part of a closed circuit, a net current will flow in that circuit. The drag current is typically much smaller than the drive current owing to the heavy screening of the Coulomb interaction. There are, however, rare situations in which strong electronic correlations exist between the two conductors. For example, bilayer two-dimensional electron systems can support an exciton condensate consisting of electrons in one layer tightly bound to holes in the other. One thus expects "perfect" drag; a transport current of electrons driven through one layer is accompanied by an equal one of holes in the other. (The electrical currents are therefore opposite in sign.) Here we demonstrate just this effect, taking care to ensure that the electron-hole pairs dominate the transport and that tunneling of charge between the layers is negligible.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Work Book All Star

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    165 hlm, 27 c

    Topological edge state manifestation of interacting 2D boson lattices in a harmonic trap

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    In this Letter, it is shown that interactions can facilitate the emergence of topological edge states of quantum-degenerate bosonic systems in the presence of a harmonic potential. This effect is demonstrated with the concrete model of a hexagonal lattice populated by spin-one bosons under a synthetic gauge field. In fermionic or noninteracting systems, the presence of a harmonic trap can obscure the observation of edge states. For our system with weakly interacting bosons in the Thomas-Fermi regime, we can clearly see a topological band structure with a band gap traversed by edge states. We also find that the number of edge states crossing the gap is increased in the presence of a harmonic trap, and the edge modes experience an energy shift while traversing the first Brillouin zone which is related to the topological properties of the system. We find an analytical expression for the edge-state energies and our comparison with numerical computation shows excellent agreement

    Disorder Protected and Induced Local Zero-Modes in Longer-Range Kitaev Chains

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    We study the effects of disorder on a Kitaev chain with longer-range hopping and pairing terms which is capable of forming local zero energy excitations and, hence, serves as a minimal model for localization-protected edge qubits. The clean phase diagram hosts regions with 0, 1, and 2 Majorana zero-modes (MZMs) per edge. Using a semi-analytic approach corroborated by numerical calculations of the entanglement degeneracy, we show how phase boundaries evolve under the influence of disorder. While in general the 2 MZM region is stable with respect to moderate disorder, stronger values drive transition towards the topologically trivial phase. We uncover regions where the addition of disorder induces local zero-modes absent for the corresponding clean system. Interestingly, we discover that disorder destroys any direct transition between phases with zero and two MZMs by creating a tricritical point at the 2-0 MZM boundary of the clean system. Finally, motivated by recent experiments, we calculate the characteristic signatures of the disorder phase diagram as measured in dynamical local and non-local qubit correlation functions. Our work provides a minimal starting point to investigate the coherence properties of local qubits in the presence of disorder

    Protection of surface states in topological nanoparticles

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    opological insulators host protected electronic states at their surface. These states show little sensitivity to disorder. For miniaturization one wants to exploit their robustness at the smallest sizes possible. This is also beneficial for optical applications and catalysis, which favor large surface-to-volume ratios. However, it is not known whether discrete states in particles share the protection of their continuous counterparts in large crystals. Here we study the protection of the states hosted by topological insulator nanoparticles. Using both analytical and tight-binding simulations, we show that the states benefit from the same level of protection as those on a planar surface. The results hold for many shapes and sustain surface roughness which may be useful in photonics, spectroscopy, and chemistry. They complement past studies of large crystals—at the other end of possible length scales. The protection of the nanoparticles suggests that samples of all intermediate sizes also possess protected states