17 research outputs found

    Gender differences in clinical characteristics and in-hospital and one-year outcomes of young patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction under the age of 40

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    Introduction: Although the incidence of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in the elderly population has decreased in recent years, this is not the case for young people. At the same time, no reduction in hospitalization rate after STEMI was shown in young people. Clinical characteristics, risk factors, angiographic findings, in-hospital and one-year outcomes of patients under the age of 40 and their gender differences were investigated. Methods: This study has been performed retrospectively in two centers. Between January 2015 and April 2019, 212 patients aged 18-40 years with STEMI and who underwent reperfusion therapy were included. The gender differences were compared. Results: The median age of (male 176; 83.0% and female 36; 17.0%) patients included in the study was 36 (33-38) for men and 36 (34-38) for women. Chest pain was the most common complaint for both genders (96.0% vs. 94.4%; P = 0.651). While men presented more often with Killip class 1,women presented more often with Killip class 2. The anterior myocardial infarction (MI) was the most common MI type and it was higher in women than in man (P = 0.027). At one year of follow-up, the prevalence of all-cause hospitalization was 24%, MI 3.8%, coronary angiography 15.1%, cardiovascular death 1.4%, and all-cause death 0.47%, there was no gender difference. Conclusion: Anterior MI was the most common type of MI and it was more common in women than in men. Left anterior descending artery was the most common involved coronary artery. The most common risk factor is smoking. In terms of in-hospital outcome, left ventricular ejection fraction was significantly lower in women. There was no significant difference in one-year outcomes between both genders

    Removal copper, chromıum, arsenıc from out-of- servıce cca-treated wood materıals

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    Remidasyon, atıl haldeki CCA ile emprenyeli ağaç malzemelerden bakır, krom ve arseniği uzaklaştırmak amacıyla uygulanan işlemler olarak tanımlanabilir. Atıl haldeki emprenyeli ağaç malzemelerin tekrar kullanılması veya bakır, krom ve arseniğin çevreye ve diğer canlılara verdiği zararları önlemek veya en aza indirmek amacıyla birbirinden farklı birkaç remidasyon yöntemi söz konusudur. Bu çalışma kapsamında bugüne kadar uygulanan remidasyon yöntemleri ve bu konularda yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir.Remediation can be defined as removing copper, chromium and arsenic from out-of-service CCA treated wood products. There are some various remediation methods that can be applied to remove copper, chromium and arsenic from out-of service CCA treated wood products in order to re-use that wooden materials and minimize adverse impacts of those out-of service CCA treated wood to environment, human health, animals and other living organisms. In this study, those applied various remediation methods to remove copper, chromium and arsenic were summarized

    Leachıng mechanısm of chromated copper arsenate (cca) wood preservatıve

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    Son yıllarda ağaç malzemeye olan talebin artması, buna karşın ormanların hızlıca yok edilmesi ağaç malzemenin emprenye edilerek, kullanım ömrünün artırılmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Her ne kadar Ülkemizde ağaç malzemenin emprenyesi ile ilgili standartlara uyma mecburiyetinin olmamasına ve emprenye işlemlerinin Bayındırlık İskan Bakanlığı'nın hazırladığı şartnamelere girmemiş olmasına rağmen, yılda yaklaşık 400.000 m3 iğne yapraklı türlerden üretilen tel direkleri ve 30.000 m3 yapraklı ve iğne yapraklı türlerden üretilen traversler emprenye edilmektedir. Ülkemizde tel direklerinin emprenyesinde yaygın olarak bakır/krom/arsenik (CCA) kullanılmaktadır. TEDAŞ Trabzon Bölge Müdürlüğünün verilerine göre, sadece Trabzon ilinde 208.000 Rize ilinde 180.000 ve Artvin ilinde 121.000 adet dikili tel direği bulunmakta ve bu üç ilde ortalama her yıl CCA (bakır/krom/arsenik) ile emprenye edilmiş 17.000 adet tel direği kullanılmaktadır. Emprenyeli ağaç malzemelerde CCA'nın odundan yıkanmasına neden olan faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve yıkanma mekanizmasının aydınlatılması Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde kullanılan CCA ile emprenyeli tel direklerinin kullanım sürelerinin beklenilenden çok daha kısa olmasının nedenlerini ortaya koymak açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. CCA ile emprenyeli ağaç malzemelerden bakır, krom ve arseniğin yıkanmasında emprenye yöntemi fıksayon, ortam koşulları, odun örneği veya ağaç malzeme boyutları, odun türü, ağaç malzemenin hizmette bulunma süresi, çözelti pH'sı, çözeltinin tuzluluk derecesi ve sıcaklığın etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir.In recent years, the increase demand on wooden raw materials and destroyed forest area (i.e clear cutting) led to pressure on forest resources. Thus, Wood used in outdoor applications should be treated with preservatives to extent service life. in our country, although there is no regulations or any standards to be obeyed to preserve wood materials, averagely, 400.000 m3 /per year utility poles manufactured from softwood species and 30.000 m3 /per year rail road slippers produced from either hardwood species or softwood species have been impregnated with wood preservatives. Chromated copper arsenic (CCA) is commonly used wood preservatives to preserve utility poles in our country. According to data taken from Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEDAS) 208.000 utility poles are used in Trabzon city area, 180.000 utility poles are in Rize city area, 121.000 utility poles are used in Artvin. Roughly 17.000 utility poles are replaced every year in three cities. Determining leaching factors of treated wood is important for explaining the short service life of utility poles treated with CCA used in Black Sea area. Factors such as preservative formulation, fixation temperature, post-treatment handling, wood dimensions, leaching media, pH, salinity and temperature have been shown to effect leaching of CCA treated wood

    The effect of cca on the mechanıcal propertıes of alder wood

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    Bu çalışmada; CCA ile (Bakır/krom/arsenik) %1, %3 ve %10 konsatrasyonlarında emprenye edilen ve değişen sıcaklıklarda (60 °C, 88 °C ve 100 °C) fiksasyona bırakılan kızılağaç odunlarının mekanik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. ASTM D 1413 standardına göre emprenye edilen odun örneklerinde liflere paralel basınç ve statik eğilme direnci TS 2474 ve TS 2595 standartlarında öngörülen şekilde belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre sıcaklık ve konsantrasyon artışı ile liflere paralel basınç ve statik eğilme dirençlerinde genel bir artış söz konusu olmaktadır.In this study, it was aimed to determine mechanical properties of alder wood treated with CCA (1, 3 and 10%) and fixed at different temperatures (60 °C, 88°C and 100 °C). Compression strength parallel to grain and Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) of CCA treated (according to ASTM D 1413) and untreated (control) alder wood samples were investigated according to TS 2474 and TS 2595, respectively. Results shows that compression strength parallel to grain and modulus of elasticity of treated wood samples increased generally while concentration and fixation temperature were increasin

    Decay mechanısms ın copper-tolerant fungı

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    Bakır içeren CCA, CCB ve AZCA gibi emprenye maddeleri mantar ve böceklere karşı etkili olmalarından dolayı uzun yıllardır kullanılmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalarda, CCA ile emprenyeli tel direklerinin, arsenik içermesine rağmen, bakıra toleranslı mantarların izole edildiği belirtilmiştir. Poria türü mantarlarının bakıra karşı direnç mekanizmasını, bu mantarların suda çözünebilen bakır sülfatı suda çözünmeyen ve mantarlara karşı daha az zehirli olan bakır oksalatlara dönüştürmeleri şeklinde açıklamıştır. Özellikle toprakla temas halinde olan ve çürüklük riskinin yüksek olduğu bölgelerde yıkanma oranının yüksek olması nedeniyle, kullanılan ağaç malzemelerin emprenyesinde bu hususlar göz önüne alınmalı ve emprenye formülasyonuna ek fungisitlerin ilavesi düşünülebilir.opper-based wood preservatives such as CCA, CCB, AZCA, have long been used because of their considerable efficacy. Although copper-based wood preservatives have been widely used for protecting wood against fungal attack, some brown rot and soft rot fungi, have repeatedly been isolated from copper treated wood in service, although CCA contains arsenic which is very toxic to fungi and insects. Copper tolerance in Poria species converted soluble copper sulphate into insoluble copper oxalate, which is less toxic to fungi. Especially, wood materials used in ground contact and in the regions where the decay risk of wood materials is higher result in more leaching, these factors should be taken into account and also additional fungicides might be thought to be added into preservatives formulations

    Interactıon of copper based preservatıves wıth wood

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    Bakır, mantarlara karşı sahip olduğu yüksek orandaki zehirlilik etkisinden dolayı, son 50 yıldır emprenye endüstrisinde pek çok odun koruma formülasyonlarında yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bakır içeren emprenye maddeleriyle odun arasındaki etkileşim, hem emprenye maddesinin performansı hem de bu maddelerin çevresel etkileri bakımından önemlidir. Bakır, odunda olası bakır-selüloz kompleksi, bakır-lignin kompleksi ve kristal veya amorf inorganik/organik bakır bileşikleri formlarında bulunabilir. Bu derleme çalışmasında; bakırın odunla olan etkileşimi, bakır adsorpsiyonunu etkileyen faktörler ve emprenyeli odundaki bakır formları irdelenmiştir.Copper is highly toxic to fungi and the element is widely used in many preservative formulations over 50 years. The interactions of wood and copper-based preservatives impact both the performance and the environment aspects of treated wood. Copper might be present in treated wood as coppercellulose complex, copper-lignin complex, and crystalline or amorphous inorganic/organic copper compounds. In this review; it was aimed to investigate the interactions of wood and copper-based preservatives, Copper Adsorpsion factors and copper forms in treated woo

    Bıologıcal resıstance of acetylated spruce partıcleboards agaınst to brown rot fungı (coniophora puteana)

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    Çürütücü mantarlara karşı oduna oldukça iyi koruma ve biyolojik dayanım sağlayan asetillendirme teknolojisinin etkinliğini yongalevhada gözlemleyebilmek amacıyla yürütülen çalışmada, yaklaşık %15 ve %20 ağırlık kazanç değerleri verecek şekilde 1 ve 3 saat boyunca asetillendirilen ladin yongalevhaları EN 113 standardına uygun olarak esmer çürüklük mantarının saldırısına (Coniophora puteana) maruz bırakılmıştır. Çalışmada, asetillendirilmiş levhalar ile asetillendirilmemiş kontrol levhalarının biyolojik dayanım performansları karşılaştırılmıştır. Asetillendirme işleminin yongalevhaları esmer çürüklük mantarlarına karşı büyük ölçüde koruduğu gözlenmiştir. Özellikle 3 saat uygulanan asetillendirme işlemi yoğun mantar tahribatına karşı oldukça düşük ağırlık kaybı değerleri vererek iyi bir performans sergilemiştir.In this study, it was aimed to see the superior properties of acetylation technology which protects the wood against to wood destroying organisms perfectly, on particleboards. Therefore, particleboards made from 1 and 3 hour acetylated particles and gave approximately 15% and 20% weight percent gain, exposed to brown rot fungi Coniophora puteana according to procedures defined in EN 113 standard. Biological resistance of acetylated and untreated (control) boards were compared. The acetylated boards demonstrated increased durability against brown rot fungi. Especially 3 hour acetic anhydride treatment reduced the weight losses more significantly than others and showed greater biological resistance

    Applicability of Vegetable Oils as a Wood Preservative

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    Conventional heavy duty wood preservatives have been banned or restricted for some applications due to their mammalian toxicity and their adverse effect on the environment. New, eco-friendly, but nevertheless still effective protection systems, is needed to protect wood in outdoors. Non-toxic vegetable oils can form of a protective layer on the surface of the wood cells which decrease water uptake of wood. For that reason, oils have a good potential as being a wood preservative. However, impregnation with vegetable oils is insufficient to impart adequate biological decay and termite resistance, and indeed the treatment may increase wood’s propensity to burn. In addition, a high level of oil absorption required for good protection make the process impractical and uneconomic to use. The efficiency of the treatment can be improved with using the biocides and oils together. Beside this, usage of modified oils can decrease the retention levels in wood. In this study, applicability of vegetable oils being one of the environment-friendly, biodegradable water repellents on wood treatments was reported. Furthermore, problems related to the use of oils for wood protection, and possible solutions for the problems were discussed.In this study, applicability of vegetable oils as one of the environment-friendly, biodegradable water repellents was reported. Furthermore, problems related to the use of oils for wood protection and possible solutions for the problems were discusse

    Effect of Chemical Modification with Maleic, Propionic, and Succinic Anhydrides on Some Properties of Wood Flour Filled HDPE Composites

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    One of the biggest disadvantages of wood, as a potential reinforcement for thermoplastics, is its hydrophilicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of chemical modification of wood flour on mechanical, thermal, and fire properties of filled high-density polyethylene composites. For this purpose, aspen flour was modified with maleic, propionic, and succinic anhydrides. The modified wood flour and high-density polyethylene were compounded into pellets by single-screw extrusion, and test samples were prepared by injection molding. Tensile and flexural tests, impact testing, limiting oxygen index, TGA, and SEM analyses were conducted both for modified and un-modified samples. Based on the test results, chemical modification enhanced the properties of thermoplastic composites. Depending on the chemical concentrations, the flexural, tensile, and impact strengths of the modified flour filled HDPE composites were improved slightly, while the tensile and flexural moduli of the samples were increased significantly. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) levels of samples with modified wood flour were slightly improved, and succinic anhydride provided higher LOI levels compared to the samples with other anhydrides. This showed that the composites filled with chemically modified wood flour were slightly more thermally stable than control samples. It appears that wood flour modified with maleic, propionic, and succinic anhydrides can be successfully utilized as filler in polymer matrices