8 research outputs found

    Oxygen evolution reaction: a perspective on a decade of atomic scale simulations

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    Multiple strategies to overcome the intrinsic limitations of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) have been proposed by numerous research groups. Despite the substantial efforts, the driving force required for water oxidation is largely making the reaction inefficient. In the present work, we collected published studies involving DFT calculations for the OER, with the purpose to understand why the progress made so far, for lowering the overpotential of the reaction, is relatively small. The data revealed that the universal scaling relationship between HO* and HOO* intermediates is still present and robust, despite the variety in methods and structures used for calculating the binding energies of the intermediates. On the other hand, the data did not show a clear trend line regarding the O* binding. Our analysis suggested that trends in doped semiconducting oxides behave very differently from those in other oxides. This points towards a computational challenge in describing doped oxides in a realistic manner. We propose a way to overcome these computational challenges, which can be applied to simulations corresponding to doped semiconductors in general

    Catalyst Design for Efficient Water Electrolysis:Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Oxygen Evolution Reaction

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    Lifting the discrepancy between experimental results and the theoretical predictions for the catalytic activity of RuO2 (110) towards Oxygen Evolution Reaction

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    Developing new efficient catalyst materials for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is essential for widespread proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer use. Both RuO2(110) and IrO2(110) have been shown to be highly active OER catalysts, however DFT predictions have been unable to explain the high activity of RuO2. We propose that this discrepancy is due to RuO2 utilizing a different reaction pathway, as compared to the conventional IrO2 pathway. This hypothesis is supported by comparisons between experimental data, DFT data and the proposed reaction model

    Benchmarking Perovskite Electrocatalysts’ OER Activity as Candidate Materials for Industrial Alkaline Water Electrolysis

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    The selection and evaluation of electrocatalysts as candidate materials for industrial alkaline water electrolysis is fundamental in the development of promising energy storage and sustainable fuels for future energy infrastructure. However, the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) activities of various electrocatalysts already reported in previous studies are not standardized. This work reports on the use of perovskite materials (LaFeO3, LaCoO3, LaNiO3, PrCoO3, Pr0.8Sr0.2CoO3, and Pr0.8Ba0.2CoO3) as OER electrocatalysts for alkaline water electrolysis. A facile co-precipitation technique with subsequent thermal annealing (at 700 °C in air) was performed. Industrial requirements and criteria (cost and ease of scaling up) were well-considered for the selection of the materials. The highest OER activity was observed in LaNiO3 among the La-based perovskites, and in Pr0.8Sr0.2CoO3 among the Pr-based perovskites. Moreover, the formation of double perovskites (Pr0.8Sr0.2CoO3 and Pr0.8Ba0.2CoO3) improved the OER activity of PrCoO3. This work highlights that the simple characterization and electrochemical tests performed are considered the initial step in evaluating candidate catalyst materials to be used for industrial alkaline water electrolysis

    Synergistic effect of p-type and n-type dopants in semiconductors for efficient electrocatalytic water splitting

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    The main challenge for acidic water electrolysis is the lack of active and stable oxygen evolution catalysts based on abundant materials, which are globally scalable. Iridium oxide is the only material, which is active and stable. However, Ir is extremely rare and far from scalable. There exist both active materials and stable materials, but those that are active are not stable and vice versa. In this work, we present a strategy for making stable materials active. The stable materials are semiconductors that cannot change oxidation state at relevant reaction conditions. Based on DFT calculations, we find that by adding an n-type dopant, semiconductor surfaces can bind oxygen. However, after oxygen is adsorbed, the material is again in a state where it cannot bind or desorb oxygen. By combining n-type and p-type dopants, the reactivity can be tuned so that oxygen can be adsorbed and desorbed under reaction conditions. It turns out that the tuning can be understood from the electrostatic interactions between the dopants as well as between the dopants and the binding site. We experimentally verify that this strategy works in TiO2 by co-doping with different pairs of n- and p-type dopants. This encourages that the co-doping approach can be used to activate stable materials, without intrinsic oxygen evolution activity, to discover new catalysts for acid water electrolysis

    Synergistic effects in oxygen evolution activity of mixed iridium-ruthenium pyrochlores

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    Pyrochlore oxides (A2B2O7 ) simultaneously containing iridium and ruthenium in the B-site are promising catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in acid media. The catalytic activity of the pyrochlore based catalysts is increased by the coexistence of Ir and Ru in the B-site of the pyrochlore structure. Lanthanide (Yb, Gd, or Nd) stabilized mixed pyrochlores with a fraction of Ru in the B-site of x Ru = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 were synthesized by the spray-freeze freeze-dry approach. All prepared mixed pyrochlore catalysts are surpassing the OER activity of the corresponding iridium and ruthenium analogues featuring no cation mixing as well as that of the benchmark IrO2 catalyst. The synergy of Ir and Ru in the B-site of the pyrochlore structure suppresses the effect of the A-site cation radius on the OER activity. The observed OER activity scales with the Ir-Ru bond distance which represents the local structure of the prepared materials. The most active ytterbium catalyst also shows a significant stability improvement under OER operando conditions over the benchmark IrO

    Synergistic effect of p-type and n-type dopants in semiconductors for efficient electrocatalytic water splitting

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    Co-substituting a stable material, e.g. TiO2, with both n- and p-type dopants, allows tuning its reactivity to activate the material for oxygen evolution. This opens up a new design avenue for acid water electrolysis electrocatalysts