5 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the paper is to investigate the assessment methods of social discount rate, to determine its calculation algorithm and to substantiate applied aspects relatively implementation of one or another method during cash flow discounting in social projects. Methodology. The research used such methods as follows: method of comparative analysis was used to find out advantages and limitations of chosen assessment methodologies of the social discount rate; synthesis and generalization methods were used during investigation of the gathered experience concerning application of assessment methodology of social discount rate; logical method was used to substantiate made assumptions; formalization method was used to determine assessment parameters of social discount rate. Results. To achieve the target goal, the following tasks were solved: theoretical studies on the assessment of social discount rate were systemized and the most adapted method for a practical implementation was determined; available pragmatic approaches to the determination of the parameters of social discount rate were investigated and the algorithm of its estimation is substantiated; evaluation of research results were tried out. Practical implications. The article substantiates the necessity of application of social discount rate in the evaluation process of investment projects of the public sector. The theoretical approaches to the choice of the social discount rate were studied. The assessment methods developed and adapted for application in the world practice for discounting public projects were considered. The arguments concerning the expediency of application of the social rate of time preferences for the evaluation of public projects are considered. Different approaches to the determination of the social rate of time preferences are analysed. Value/originality. As a result of the research, parameters of the social rate of time preferences were determined. The application algorithm of the assessment methodology of the social rate of time preferences for public project discounting is indicated. The approbation of the assessment methodology of the social discount rate for discounting projects of the public sector in Ukraine was carried out

    Cyberterrorism as a threat to the cyber security of Ukraine: A discussion of theoretical aspects

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    In this article, the authors analyze cyberterrorism as a threat to Ukraine's cyber security. The urgency of the issue declared in the paper is conditioned by the fact that fair number of terrorist acts intende to make harm to the interests of the state, can be committed today both in real world and in cyberspace. As such acts are committed using computer systems and are done in cyberspace, authors propose to define this type of socially dangerous acts as «cyberterrorism». The methodological basis of this study is a set of philosophical, general scientific, special scientific and other methods that are directly applied in legal researches. The authors have done the interpretation of terms making up the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the subject of research. The difference between information terrorism and cyberterrorism has been substantiated by the writers. The emphasis was placed on the necessity to create a Cyber Command that could react fast to challenges in the information security sphere of the state, including acts of cyberterrorism

    Protection of human health: medical and legal aspects

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    The purpose of study is to develop scientifically based recommendations for introducing amendments and additions to existing legislation, as well as the development of new regulatory legal acts and measures, aimed at systematic counteraction to criminal offences against human health. In paper have been used a systematically structural method (to investigate the concept of harm to human health). Using the statistical method by degree of coverage of units a one-time statistical questionnaire (statistical observation of a certain part of the units of the statistical population based on the principles of voluntariness of responses and the possibility of incomplete return from respondents of filled statistical forms) was held. The results of the study the following points are proposed: to consider the protection of human life and body at the international level to be interconnected associated categories forming an organic unity, which require equivalent protection; to modify an existing criminal legislation in terms of criminal offences against health of a person; to offer a range of proposals to detail signs of bodily injury and take them into account during the developing of new Rules of forensic medical determining the severity of bodily harm