13 research outputs found

    Expertise sur la situation de la pĂȘcherie crevettiĂšre guyanaise 2000 - 2001

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    Objectif et dĂ©roulement de I’expertise La pĂȘche crevettiĂšre est un des principaux secteurs de l'Ă©conomie de la Guyane française. Cette activitĂ© se trouve en situation de crise depuis prĂšs de deux ans ; celle-ci s'est traduite par une chute significative de la production qui a dĂ©passĂ© en 2000 Ă  peine 2500 tonnes (poids vif) alors que le TAC en crevettes du plateau continental est fIxĂ© Ă  4108 tonnes. Cette conjoncture paraĂźt rĂ©sulter, aux dires des divers partenaires de la pĂȘcherie, Ă  la fois d'alĂ©as climatiques qui auraient induit de mauvais recrutements, mais aussi de l'Ă©volution des stratĂ©gies d'exploitation des armements locaux, qui ont augmentĂ© la pression de pĂȘche sur les petits calibres en frĂ©quentant de maniĂšre accrue les fonds cĂŽtiers de moins de 30 mĂštres, et aux incursions rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es plus au large de chalutiers des pays voisins. L'expertise, commandĂ©e par la Direction des PĂȘches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture (DPMA) du MAP Ă  l'IFREMER devait dresser un bilan de la situation actuelle de la pĂȘcherie crevettiĂšre guyanaise, en dĂ©gager les principales causes au regard de la disponibilitĂ© de la ressource et des consĂ©quences des conditions actuelles d'exploitation, et proposer des recommandations pour rĂ©tablir la rentabilitĂ© des armements, amĂ©liorer la gestion de la pĂȘcherie et redynamiser ce secteur vital pour l'Ă©conomie du DOM. Elle devait ĂȘtre menĂ©e Ă  partir de l'information disponible et d'entretiens avec l'ensemble des acteurs de la pĂȘcherie, au cours d'une mission en Guyane d'un biologiste des pĂȘches et d'un Ă©conomiste de l'IFREMER. Celle-ci a eu lieu du 10 au 19 janvier 2002, dans un contexte tendu consĂ©cutif Ă  un mouvement de grĂšve de l'ensemble de la fIliĂšre halieutique, avec blocage des ports et refus de la profession de collaborer Ă  la rĂ©alisation de l'Ă©tude

    AmĂ©nagement intĂ©grĂ© de la pĂȘcherie crevettiĂšre en Guyane. Adaptation et utilisation du systĂšme Argos pour la collecte de donnĂ©es de pĂȘche

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    Pour amĂ©liorer la gestion de la pĂȘcherie crevettiĂšre de Guyane française a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e et expĂ©rimentĂ©e une application halieutique du systĂšme ARGOS. Deux prototypes TMA 85 ont Ă©tĂ© mis au point en tenant compte des conditions particuliĂšres de cette exploitation puis embarquĂ©e sur deux chalutiers. Ils se composent d'une balise BA 10 et de son antenne, et d'un microcalculateur sur lequel les capitaines enregistrent des donnĂ©es de pĂȘche grĂące Ă  un logiciel spĂ©cifique calquĂ© sur les fiches de pĂȘche traditionnelles. AprĂšs un an d'utilisation dans des conditions commerciales, ce nouveau moyen de collecte d'informations apparaĂźt performant. Robuste, facile d'emploi, il permet la mise Ă  disposition rapide des armements et des scientifiques de messages complets, prĂ©cis et directement sur support informatique, et apporte des progrĂšs importants dans la connaissance des zones de pĂȘche. Cette fiche de pĂȘche Ă©lectronique laisse entrevoir des possibilitĂ©s Ă©videntes pour une meilleure gestion de l'exploitation, qu'elle se situe au niveau des compagnies ou de la pĂȘcherie, et prĂ©figure le suivi statistique de demain

    Rejets de cabillaud en Manche- Est / Mer du Nord

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    SynthĂšse des connaissances disponibles sur la nature, la composition et la proportion de rejets de cabillaud par les chalutiers pĂȘchant au 80mm en Manche Est / Mer du Nord et avis d’Ifremer sur les discussions en cours sur la mise en place de quotas de captures dans le cadre de la rĂ©forme de la PCP, comme outil permettant une rĂ©duction des rejets

    La recherche et la gestion de la pĂȘcherie de crevettes pĂ©nĂ©ides en Guyane française de 1958 Ă  1988 : trente annĂ©es de surf

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    The peneid shrimp resource lying off French Guyanais a part of the large scale shrimp of the nortern coast of South America :the «Guy anas» from northern Brazil,French Guyana, Surinam and Guyana. The exploitation of this multi-species shrimp stock ,started in 1959, yielded a so-called «equilibrium annual yield of 12000 to 15000 metric tons .The overall set-up of EEZ national regulations lead, through a graduai fishery licencing system,to a sedentarisation of the fleets.The original political status of French Guyana (as a part of France andEuropean Economie Community) provides peculiar rules of this fishery managment.Looking through this 30 past years the general trends and step wise responses of fishery research to the enforcement and growing-up of fishery constraints are pointed out,ie:exploratory croises .and scientific surveys, global modeling on a regional and local base,tentative introduction of hydroclimate variability in the fishery managment, multispecies and multigears (fleets) analytic modeling, macroeconomic analysis, and finally analytic bioeconomic simulation as an attempt to an objective .answer to French Authofities fishery licencing policy.La ressource en crevette pĂ©nĂ©ides du plateau continental au large de la Guyane française s'intĂšgre biogĂ©ographiquement dans l'ensemble plus large et homogĂšne du plateau des Guyanes. La mise en exploitation de cette ressource, dĂ©couverte ou reconnue dĂšs 1945, a dĂ©butĂ© rĂ©gionalement en 1959 et conduit Ă  une production dite Ă©quilibrĂ©e. La mise en place des ZEE et des rĂ©glementations nationales Ă  partir de 1978, a eu pour effet de sĂ©dentariser les flottilles sur l'ensemble de la zone et d'introduire des licences sous diffĂ©rentes formes selon les pays riverains de la ressource. L'appartenance de la Guyane française Ă  la CEE entraine une originalitĂ© par rapport aux pays voisins dans le mode d'exploitation de la ressource. Se limitant Ă  la gestion de la pĂȘcherie de crevettes de Guyane française, on tentera de reconnaĂźtre au cours de ces trente annĂ©es 1958-1988 d'encadrement croissant de la gestion : - la sĂ©quentialitĂ©, le degrĂ© de libertĂ© et d'innovation de la programmation de la recherche - les voies, axes et programmes de recherche dĂ©veloppĂ©s, les campagnes scientifiques exploratoires, les rĂ©sultats obtenus - les propositions de la recherche face Ă  la volontĂ© politique de francisation d la flottille par substitution d'armements français aux intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©tranger

    Ressource en vivaneaux du plateau de la Guyane française. Campagne GUYVIV 2. Navire ocĂ©anographique “NIZERY”

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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, le laboratoire "Ressources Halieutiques" de la station IFREMER de Cayenne dĂ©veloppe un programme de recherche sur la pĂȘcherie aux vivaneaux (famille des LutjanidĂ©s) dans la ZEE de la Guyane française. La campagne GUYVIV2, rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  bord du N/0 ANDRE NIZERY, s'inscrit dans le cadre de ce programme

    First results from a pilot survey of recreational fishing in France

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    Between 2006 and 2008, Ifremer, in collaboration with the polling institute BVA, implemented a pilot survey of french recreational fisheries. The aim of the survey was to assess the overall population involved in this activity, taking into account the diversity of recreational fishing practices, from fish and shellfish gathering on the seashore to angling and spearfishing. The study was designed to provide first estimates of fishing effort, catches and landings, and economic impacts of recreational fishing. The protocol implemented was two-step. First, a telephone survey of french households, based on a sampling frame of the entire french population of people aged 15+, was carried out to assess the population of fishers and give a first general view of the diversity of fishing practices. Information was also collected regarding catches and landings and expenditure at various temporal scale. Second, on-site surveys were carried out to establish more precise measures of catches and expenditure per fishing trip. Sampling schemes for both phases of the survey work were designed such that data collected from telephone and on-site surveys could be confronted and used jointly in the estimation of catches and expenditure by fishers at the national level. The paper presents the methodology developed and first results obtained based on the telephone survey

    Combining telephone and on-site surveys for the estimation of catches and expenditures by recreational fishers: the pilot survey of French recreational fisheries

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    International audienceIn 2006, Ifremer, with the help of the polling institute BVA, implemented a pilot national study of recreational fisheries. The aim of the study was to assess the population involved in this activity, taking into account the diversity of recreational fishing activities, from seafood gathering to offshore angling. This study 180 | ICES Annual Science Conference 2007 was designed to provide first estimates of (i) fishing activity; (ii) catches and landings; and (iii) economic impacts of recreational fishing. The protocol implemented was two-step. First, a telephone survey of French households, based on a sampling frame of the entire French population of people aged 15+, was carried out to assess the population of fishers and give a first general view of the diversity of fishing practices, Information was also collected regarding catches and landings and expenditure at various temporal scales (annual, previous three months, last fishing trip). Second, on-site surveys were carried out to obtain precise measures of catches and expenditure per fishing trip. Sampling schemes for both phases of the survey work were designed such that data collected from telephone and on-site surveys could be combined and used jointly in the estimation of catches and expenditure by fishers at national level. The paper presents the methodology developed and first results obtained based on the joint use of the telephone and on-site survey data. Particular emphasis is placed on the way in which the methodology was designed to allow local observations of catches and expenditure per trip to be extrapolated to the national level

    The Fisheries Information System of Ifremer-a multidisciplinary monitoring network and an integrated approach for the assessment of French fisheries, including small-scale fisheries

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    International audienceSince 2000, Ifremer has been developing a Fisheries Information System (FIS) in close collaboration with the DPMA (Director of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries). The FIS aims to build an operational and multidisciplinary monitoring network for scientific purposes, allowing a comprehensive view of fishery systems including their biological, technical, environmental, and economic components. The objectives of the FIS are (i) to provide specifications and methodologies for the collection, storage, and processing of fisheries data, with the aim of harmonizing all these procedures on a national scale, (ii) to improve data management systems and access to data for a wider public, and (iii) to produce and distribute relevant datasets, indicators, and synthesis, for understanding and evaluation, including bioeconomic diagnostics of fisheries, and assessment of the short- and long-term impacts of fishery management scenario and measures. The FIS covers all the French fisheries, including overseas territories and small-scale fisheries, for which data are often hardly available or missing. Two-thirds of the French vessels are less than 12 m long. The challenge was to establish a statistical and integrated approach supporting bio-ecological and economic issues. A wide range types of data, including acoustic surveys, biological in situ observations, environmental observations, as well as fishing statistics (landings and efforts) and economic data, are managed in a single data management system, based on an integrated relational database with geographical facilities

    From provisioning to cultural ecosystem services: the case of recreational fishing in marine social-ecological systems

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    Most of the time people perceive an ecosystem from the services it supplies. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment classifies them as provisioning, cultural, regulation and supporting services. One current global change, at least in the developed countries, is the shift from provisioning to cultural services in marine socio-ecological systems. While for centuries marine areas were mainly exploited for food services (fisheries), nowadays they are increasingly used for recreational services. Consequences of this global change are complex: firstly the services are now mainly related to the tertiary sector and not to the primary one; secondly there is potential competition between provisioning and cultural services; thirdly the costs and the benefits of these changes are not equitably distributed between non resident and local inhabitants; finally conflicts between people using these services are more and more important (especially between recreational and commercial fishers). In this communication, we question some of these changes from the example of recreational fishing in France, using a new national database and the Millennium Assessment logical framework. In particular, we analyse the main pressures on the fish biodiversity coming from this activity, the main behavioural driving forces to explain them and how the additional well-being derived from recreational activities can be assessed