108 research outputs found

    Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Li+^{ + } Ionic Conductivity of La0.67−x_{0.67 - x}Li3x_{3x}TiO3_{3 }

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    Perovskite La0.67-xLi3xTiO3 with x = 0.10, 0.11, 0.12 and 0.13 were firstly annealed at 800 oC then treated by reactive milling, followed by post-annealing at temperatures from 1100 to 1200oC. The crystalline structure of grain and grain-boundary were characterized by XRD and SEM. The impedance measurements showed that nanocrystalline La0.67-xLi3xTiO3 after being annealed at 1150 oC possessed a grain conductivity as high as 1.3×10-3 S.cm-1. The grain-boundary conductivity was enhanced one order in magnitude after annealing at temperature higher 1100oC and consists of 5.8×10-5 S.cm-1. The results have also showed the limitation of the adiabatic thermal treatment for the improvement of the grain-boundary conductivity and suggested the way to overcome the limitation by rapidly cooling the samples from the high temperature to room temperature


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceLe Vietnam est actuellement engagĂ© dans un processus d'intĂ©gration Ă©conomique internationale issue notamment de son adhĂ©sion rĂ©cente Ă  l'OMC. Ce processus inclut une ouverture croissante du secteur agro-alimentaire domestique Ă  la concurrence des produits importĂ©s. Les exploitations agricoles familiales sont particuliĂšrement fragilisĂ©es par ce nouveau contexte, en raison de le petite taille et du morcellement des superficies cultivables. Les moyens de renforcer la compĂ©titivitĂ© des produits issues de l'agriculture familiale constitue ainsi une des prioritĂ©s pour les recherches vietnamiennes en Ă©conomie agricole. Au Vietnam, le longane “Long” produit dans la province de Hungyen est un produit de spĂ©cialitĂ© locale, c'est-Ă -dire dont la qualitĂ© spĂ©cifique est reconnue par une partie des consommateurs. NĂ©anmoins, le manque d'action collective entre les exploitations agricoles familiales fragilisent les performances de cette filiĂšre face aux longanes des autres rĂ©gions du Vietnam et les longanes importĂ©s. Cet article prĂ©sente les expĂ©riences d'appui pour le renforcement de la filiĂšre du longane “Long” de la province de Hungyen au Vietnam vers le dĂ©veloppement de l'indication gĂ©ographique. GrĂące Ă  l'appui de GTZ (German Technical Cooperation) et de l'IPSARD (Institut de politique et de stratĂ©gie pour l'agriculture et le dĂ©veloppement rural), la coopĂ©rative de longane Long Hongnam, qui consiste en une organisation de producteurs et de commerçants, a Ă©tĂ© mise sur pied en 2006. La coopĂ©rative a permis la mise en place des actions collectives suivantes: l'application d'un itinĂ©raire technique de production amĂ©liorĂ© incluant le respect de certaines bonnes pratiques agricoles locales (Good agricultural practices ou GAP), et la mise sur pied d'un espace de dialogue avec les commerçants. Grace Ă  ce dispositif, les producteurs ont pu augmenter leur prix du vente, amĂ©liorer l'homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de la qualitĂ© des produits, et amĂ©liorer leur revenu. La durabilitĂ© de ce dispositif est discutĂ©e. L'article fait le bilan des forces et faiblesses de ces strategies de soutien a l'action collective


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    Camellia hoaana, a new species of the Camellia sect. Corallina (Theaceae) from Bu Gia Map National Park, Vietnam, is described and illustrated. Morphological features of this species are young branches pubescent and glabrescent. Leaves elliptic to obovate-elliptic; apex bluntly cuspidate, base wide cuneate; above dark green, shiny and glabrous; below paler green and sparsely pubescent along midrib; petiole sparsely pubescent. Flowers solitary or geminate, axillary or terminal; pedicel pubescent. Bracteole 1 (or none),pubescent on both sides, persistent. Sepals 4–5(–6), pubescent on both sides, persistent. Petals 5–6, white, outermost 1–2 pubescent at the apex on both sides, the rest glabrous on both sides. Androecium numerous, 2–3 whorls, glabrous. Ovary 3-locular, white silky tomentose; styles 3, free to the base, glabrous. Capsule subglobose, sparsely pubescent, furfuraceous. Seeds 1–2 per locule, semiglobose or globose, densely brown villous. This new species is assessed as Data Deficient (DD) according to the IUCN categories and criteria

    Evaluation of Lecture Hall Service and Infrastructures Construction Rules of Vietnam Universities Via A Case of Neu in Hanoi

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    Building a university design regulations and standards is not only necessary for units in the industry but also contributes to bringing to society modern educational models, suitable to the economic conditions of the country. The standard applies to the design, renovation and new design of university buildings throughout Vietnam, based on the document issued by the Ministry of Construction No. TCVN 3981:1985. This paper also suggest: Improve the quality of the teaching /lecture service staff. First, Develop a reasonable monitoring, evaluation and reward mechanism to motivate people to work hard; Second, Each faculty member on duty has a job description with clear responsibilities, rights and obligations; Third, Conduct ongoing training. It is necessary to regularly organize training and training courses on serving, communicating, and dealing with customers

    Optical Property and Photoelectrical Performance of a Low-bandgap Conducting Polymer Incorporated with Quantum Dots Used for Organic Solar Cells

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    By using spin-coating technique, a low bandgap conjugated polymer, poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopen-ta[2,1-b;3,4-bâ€Č]dithiophene)-alt-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT)  and its composite thin films have been prepared. The optical absorption and photoconductive properties with over a wide spectral range, from 350 to 950  nm, were characterized. The obtained results showed that PCPDTBT:10 wt% CdSe  composite is the most suitable for efficient light-harvesting in polymer-based photovoltaic cells. The photoelectrical conversion efficiency (PCE) of the device with  a multilayer structure of ITO/PEDOT/ PCPDTBT:CdSe /LiF/Al  reached a value as large as 1.34% with an open-circuit voltage (Voc) = 0.57 V, a short-circuit current density (Jsc) = 4.29 mA/cm2, and a fill factor (FF) = 0.27. This suggests a useful application in further fabrication of quantum dots/polymers based solar cells

    Proposal of MIMO Ultra-Wide Band Antenna with Low Mutual Coupling

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    In this paper, a new ultra-wide band (UWB) MIMO antenna is proposed. A MIMO antenna set consists of two single ultra-wide band antennas. This simple and compact MIMO antenna, which is designed to work from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz, has a broad bandwidth with the VSWR ≀ 2. In addition, MIMO antenna characteristics such as radiation pattern, maximal gain are thoroughly investigated

    A Feasibility Study in Application of a Gamma Scattering Technique for Inspecting Density Variation by Monte Carlo Method

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    Back-scattering gamma-rays have been extensively used for years as a nondestructive tool for inspecting the materials in different fields of the economy. The intensities of Compton scattering gamma-rays from the scattering medium strongly depend on its electron density and therefore in its mass density. This feature is very useful for using it as a viable tool for inspecting material. This work aims to investigate the feasibility of application of gamma scattering technique for inspecting density variation in some construction objects by Monte-Carlo simulation method. The gamma-ray sources of different energies and strengths have been used to  extract  the information of density variation  for  interior of  sample by  recording  the backscattering gamma-rays with a gamma-ray detector. The results of our simulations confirm that the resolution for density variation in the inspected objects is quite good. The results should also prove useful in the optimum design of the nondestructive density gauges.Back-scattering gamma-rays have been extensively used for years as a nondestructive tool for inspecting the materials in different fields of the economy. The intensities of Compton scattering gamma-rays from the scattering medium strongly depend on its electron density and therefore in its mass density. This feature is very useful for using it as a viable tool for inspecting material. This work aims to investigate the feasibility of application of gamma scattering technique for inspecting density variation in some construction objects by Monte-Carlo simulation method. The gamma-ray sources of different energies and strengths have been used to  extract  the information of density variation  for  interior of  sample by  recording  the backscattering gamma-rays with a gamma-ray detector. The results of our simulations confirm that the resolution for density variation in the inspected objects is quite good. The results should also prove useful in the optimum design of the nondestructive density gauges

    A Combination of Artificial Neural Network and Artificial Immune System for Virus Detection

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    In this paper, we propose an Artificial Neural Immune Network (ANIN) for virus detection. ANIN is a combination of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Artificial Immune Network (AiNet). In ANIN, each ANN is considered as a detector. A pool of initial detectors then undergoes a mature process, called AiNet, to improve its recognizing ability. Thus, more than one ANN objects can cooperate to detect malicious code. The experimental results show that ANIN can achieve a detection rate of 87.98% on average with an acceptable false positive rate

    Hemorrhagic Meningioma With Symptom of Convulsion: A Rare Presentation of Parietal Meningioma

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    Meningioma is the most common, extra-axial, non-glial intracranial tumor with an incidence of 2.3-5.5/100 000, accounting for 20%-30% of all primary brain tumor diagnoses in adults. Meningiomas associated with intratumoral hemorrhage are very rare occurring in 0.5%-2.4%. of individuals. Herein, we report a rare case of hemorrhagic meningioma with the symptom of convulsion. The case was a 68-year-old woman admitted to the hospital with severe headache and convulsions. Computed tomography revealed an increase in heterogeneous lesion measuring 4 × 3 × 2.5 cm at the right parietal lobe. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a grossly stable homogeneously enhancing extra-axial mass measuring 43 × 33 × 28 mm, small calcified peripheral, intratumoral hemorrhage. Histopathology showed a multi-celled meningioma with bleeding areas (WHO grade I)

    Study on structure of the Earth’s crust in Thua Thien-Hue province and adjacent areas by using gravity and magnetic data in combination

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    This paper presents the structural characteristics of the Earth’s crust in Thua Thien-Hue province and adjacent area based on interpretation of gravity and magnetic data in combination. Research results have shown that: The depth of crystalline basement varies complicatedly, in the range of 0–11 km. The depth of Conrad surface increases from Northeast (12 km) to Southwest (18 km) and the depth of Moho surface is 23–34 km; The density of sedimentary layer changes from 2.61 g/cm3 to 2.65 g/cm3. Meanwhile, the density of granitic layer is in the range of 2.68–2.73 g/cm3. The basaltic layer has the density value of 2.88–2.93 g/cm3 and the average density of lower layer of the Earth’s crust is about 3.30 g/cm3; The depth of second-order faults, Red River and A Luoi - Rao Quan, is through the Earth’s crust. Meanwhile, the depth of influence of third-order faults, Chay river, Dong Ha - Phu Vang, Vinh Linh, Hue - Son Tra and Tam Ky - Phuoc Son, is within the thickness of the Earth’s crust
