55 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Tampilan Utama Dalam Sistem Antrian Layanan Nasabah Di Bank Berbasis Web Dengan Memanfaatkan HTML5.

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    Many customers queue up at customer services area in a bank for a long time. Queueing System applied in a bank should perform something interesting and informative so that it could reduce levels of boredom of the customers. A web based application could be built and implemented in an easy way to achieve this purpose. On the other hand, a new standard, called HTML 5, provides a better choice for the developers to enrich the content of web pages with its multimedia support such as video


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    Business courses and training institutions will continue to exist along with the continuous demand. These institutions can gain a competitive advantage through the application of technology based information systems. In its development, the developers of this system should be able to create a database design that is able to support the system that was developed to be implemented into a wide variety of courses and training institutes are there. To be able to generate a database design that is more general, the initial analysis is done by looking at the business processes of various types of institutions courses. From there it can be determined what data requirements contained in any business activity, then subsequently made the design of its database. The database design is made such that the design is divided into eight modules of tables design, and they are Employee tables, Event tables, Course tables, New Student Registration tables, Placement Test tables, Class Opening and Enrollment tables, Final Exam Implementation tables and Certification Exam tables. The design of the resulting database is able to accommodate all kinds of needs. Thus, this study will contribute to the developers of the system in determining the design of the database

    Rancangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Multimedia Untuk Siswa Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstrak: Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran wajib dalam pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (SD) sampai dengan Sekolah Menengah Akhir (SMA). Dalam kurikulum 2013 saat ini, terdapat beberapa kendala dalam proses belajar mengajar pada materi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous Tense. Kendalanya seperti fokus siswa yang singkat dan sulitnya siswa memahami persepsi materi, ditambah materi pada buku paket yang kurang terstruktur menyebabkan siswa kesulitan membedakan jenis-jenis tenses. Untuk itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu peningkatan pemahaman siswa Sekolah Dasar terkait materi Bahasa Inggris melalui bantuan sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis multimedia. Aplikasi dikembangkan menurut langkah-langkah Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dan menyajikan materi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous Tense dalam bentuk teks, audio, video infografis, kalimat contoh yang disertai gambar, soal-soal latihan dan kuis. Siswa juga dapat menjalani sesi latihan dan kuis untuk menilai tingkat pemahaman mereka. Aplikasi yang dibuat akan diuji cobakan kepada siswa yang sebelumnya melakukan pre-test. Hasil evaluasi post-test telah menunjukkan kenaikan rata-rata hingga 28,69% pada nilai siswa setelah siswa menggunakan aplikasi pembelajaran ini. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah berhasil membantu siswa dalam memahami materi Bahasa Inggris khusus materi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous Tense.   Kata kunci: aplikasi pembelajaran, bahasa inggris, multimedia   Abstract: : English is a compulsory subject in Elementary School (SD) to Senior High School (SMA) education. In the current 2013 curriculum, there are several obstacles in the teaching and learning process in Simple Present Tense and Present Continous Tense. Constraints such as the short focus of students and the difficulty of students understanding the perception of the material, plus the material in the textbook which is less structured makes it difficult for students to distinguish the types of tenses For this reason, the purpose of this study is to help increase elementary school students' understanding of English material through the help of a multimedia-based learning application. The application was developed according to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) steps and presents Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense material in the form of text, audio, video infographics, sample sentences with pictures, practice questions and quizzes. Students can also undergo practice sessions and quizzes to assess their level of understanding. The application made will be tested on students who previously did the pre-test. The results of the post-test evaluation have shown an average increase of up to 28.69% in student scores after students use this learning application. This demonstrates that the developed learning tool was successful in assisting students in comprehending English content, particularly for the Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense

    Implementasi Expert Advisor Dengan Algoritma Fibonacci Pada Analisa Teknikal Untuk Perdagangan Forex

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    Berbagai macam algoritma dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi pergerakan harga pada perdagangan forex. Salah satu algoritma yang dapat digunakan adalah Fibonacci Retracement. Meski demikian, keputusan untuk melakukan transaksi tetap berada di tangan pemain itu sendiri. Kesalahan dalam pengambilan keputusan oleh pemain dapat dihindari apabila transaksi dilakukan secara otomatis dengan bantuan sebuah Expert Advisor pada sebuah platform MetaTrader. Expert Advisor ini dapat berjalan secara otomatis untuk menentukan apakah akan melakukan penempatan transaksi jual atau beli dengan mempertimbangkan masukan dari pengguna serta melakukan perhitungan pada data histori menggunakan pola Fibonacci Retracement. Expert Advisor akan menunggu terjadinya koreksi harga pada level-level tertentu menurut pola Fibonacci Retracement sebelum benar-benar melakukan penempatan transaksi jual atau beli. Dengan adanya Expert Advisor ini, pemain dapat terbantu dalam bertransaksi pada perdagangan forex dan menghindarkan pemain salah dalam mengambil keputusan

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Produksi yang Dapat Dikonfigurasi pada Perusahaan Garmen dan Karpet

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    A production information system can be employed by companies to help with the production functions. Using the production information system, production activities become better because the data processing becomes faster and more accurate to regulate production schedules, record the use of raw materials, even it can be used to assist in decision making. In the example of garment and carpet companies, where both are companies engaged in the production of textile products, they still have their own distinct characteristics. Instead of having to develop their own production information system that is only suitable to be implemented in one company but not suitable to be implemented in other companies, a production information system is developed as a configurable system according to the needs of each user company. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze what is the difference between companies so that the system can accommodate all their needs. The system that has been designed is then tested on each company that has different characteristics by first configuring the system so that the system is in accordance with their needs. It is known that although the system implemented is the same system, the system is still able to accommodate the needs of each company. Thus, the cost of developing a system can be reduced because there is no need for the system to be independently developed specifically for each different compan

    Gamification in Education Context: The Intention, The Design, and The Result

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    Gamification has been widely adopted in many areas, including in the educational context. The students need to be motivated in following the learning process because everyone feels happy to learn if there is no coercion. By presenting something fun and enjoyable, students are expected to be more involved in the learning process, which will achieve better learning outcomes. Gamification is very reliable in bringing fun and pleasure to the learning process for the students. We analyze three items from the previous study; the intention and what the goals are expected, how to design, and the result of gamification in the education context. We found the intentions of gamification adoption in an educational context. They are to increase students' motivation to learn and present an alternative learning method that is more fun and enjoyable. And for the success of this gamification program, a game application can be developed using existing sophisticated technology and by presenting a reward system mechanism. The presence of points, badges, and leader boards cannot be separated from the gamification because it is a very inherent gamification feature to motivate students to play the game. Getting students to use the games intensively is not the only result we expect, but it also makes students learn better to produce good learning outcomes

    Evaluasi Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan di PT Telekomunikasi Selular Palembang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis permasalahan dan evaluasi terhadap sistem manajemen pengetahuan di PT Telkomsel Palembang. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan rekomendasi kepada PT Telkomsel dalam meningkatkan penggunaan dan pemanfaatan sistem manajemen pengetahuan yang sedang digunakan saat ini. Metode penelitian yang kami gunakan meliputi studi literatur, pengumpulan data, dan metode manajemen pengetahuan, yaitu metode Fit/Gap Analysis (FGA). Hasil yang dicapai berupa evaluasi dan rekomendasi sistem dari sistem manajemen pengetahuan sebagai solusi dalam menjawab permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh PT. Telkomsel Palembang. Setelah melakukan evaluasi, diketahui bahwa PT. Telkomsel Palembang perlu membuat fitur notifikasi posting sebagai pengingat kewajiban pengguna untuk melakukan posting knowledge, juga sebagai sarana interaksi antara admin kepada pengguna, menyederhanakan sistem approval idea/inovation untuk mempersingkat waktu, dan mengurangi beban kerja admin dalam mengizinkan berbagai macam aktivitas di dalam KMS

    Business Process Reengineering: The Role of Information Technology as a Determinant of Success for Improving Performance

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    Implementation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in companies that are worth trying and agreeing with companies that have failed. Recognizing the advantages behind BPR, a leading organization in Indonesia which is engaged in property sector, seeks to improve itself in order to face competition from its competitors. This study aims to evaluate the success of the organization in implementing BPR in terms of cost, time, quality and flexibility by comparing the observations of conditions before the implementation of BPR and afterwards. The results of this study indicate that the success of an organization in implementing BPR cannot be separated from the support and communication established by Management to its subordinates. Likewise, the strategic role of Information Technology (IT) is also a key success factor achieved in the implementation of this BPR. The existence of IT has enabled changes to the design of the business process because IT is more than just a tool to automate the process but is also the fundamental that shapes how the business itself is done


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    Companies must be able to establish partnerships with other companies in a supply chain network. The diversity of the desire of the customer and business competition, making the company to be able to utilize these partners to achieve competitive advantage. Step acquire other companies in the supply chain network is taken by large companies such as Motorola by Google, Nokia by Microsoft, and IBM's PC division by Lenovo, is considered as a strategic step to optimize the performance of their supply chain. In this study will be presented a general overview of these acquisitions to be seen what the motive and the competitive advantage gained by each party


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    Cooling Machine for eggs Storage are needed to keep the quality for storage for a long time. The purpose of this research is to design egg storage machine to be guaranteed Nutritional Value, Quality and economic. This plan begins by calculating the coolant load, determining the storage design and the component of the refrigeration component. Based on the results of analysis to store eggs with a capacity of 20 Kg with the dimensions of Length (P) x Width (L) x Height (T) = 70 cm x 70 cm x 80 cm, Found that the Transmission load is 32.1195 Watt, Infiltration load is 1.3853 watts and Product load = 18.692 watts. The required compressor capacity is 21.796455 W. The required Evaporator capacity is 0.1021338 kW and the required Condenser capacity is 123,930255 Watt. Keywords: Cooling Machine, design-build, cooling loa
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