42 research outputs found

    Socially responsible marketing decisions - scale development

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    Svrha predmetnog istraživanja jest razvijanje mjerne ljestvice za procjenu razine implementacije koncepcije druÅ”tvene odgovornosti u donoÅ”enju marketinÅ”kih odluka u skladu s paradigmom marketinga kvalitete života. Oblikovana je nova ljestvica "DruÅ”tveno odgovornih marketinÅ”kih odluka" i analizirana je njezina sadržajna valjanost, pouzdanost i dimenzionalnost. Ljestvica je testirana na uzorku najuspjeÅ”nijih hrvatskih poduzeća. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da ona posjeduje zadovoljavajuće psihometrijske osobine, ali da ju je moguće usavrÅ”iti generiranjem novih tvrdnji i testiranjem na većem broju uzoraka.The purpose of this research is to develop a measurement scale for evaluating the implementation level of the concept of social responsibility in taking marketing decisions, in accordance with a paradigm of the quality-of-life marketing. A new scale of "socially responsible marketing decisions" has been formed and its content validity, reliability and dimensionality have been analyzed. The scale has been tested on a sample of the most successful Croatian firms. The research results lead us to conclude that the scale has satisfactory psychometric characteristics but that it is necessary to improve it by generating new items and by testing it on a greater number of samples


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    Information and communication technology (ICT) has penetrated many spheres of life and work. Recognizing the potential of this new technology, marketers have readily accepted ICT and turned the marketing concept into e-marketing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of implementation of e-marketing practice in the hotel industry. The paper is based on empirical research conducted in Istria County, the most developed tourist county in Croatia. The research was conducted using a survey method. The research results show that hotel companies in Istria County have achieved a medium or even high level of implementation of e-marketing practice. The companies with a higher level of e-marketing practice also achieve better business performance. However, the survey also revealed the constraints to the widespread application of e-marketing in the hotel industry.Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT) prodrla je u mnoge sfere života i rada. Prepoznajući potencijale novih tehnologija marketinÅ”ki stručnjaci spremno su je prihvatili i koncepciju marketinga pretvorili u e-marketing. Svrha je ovoga rada ispitati razinu primjene e-marketinga u hotelijerstvu. Rad se temelji na empirijskom istraživanju provedenom u Istarskoj županiji, turistički najrazvijenijoj županiji u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ispitivanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su istarski poslovni subjekti ostvarili srednju ili visoku razinu implementacije e-marketinga. Subjekti s viÅ”om razinom primjene e-marketinga ostvaruju bolje poslovne rezultate. Istraživanje ukazuje i na ograničenja u Å”iroj primjeni e-marketinga u hotelijerstvu

    Attitudes and perceptions of sustainable marketing in higher education ā€’ designing a measurement instrument

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the process of designing the measurement instrument that captures attitudes and perceptions of manifest forms of sustainable marketing in higher education in order to gain an insight into the way of how each selected group of higher education stakeholders perceive and understand the concept and the meaning of sustainable marketing. Methodology: In order to gain new knowledge, primary research was conducted on a purposive sampling of experts, where 104 valid and complete answers from selected stakeholders related to higher education were received. Quantitative analysis of the collected data was then applied, using descriptive statistics methods and procedures for determining the instrumentā€™s dimensionality, validity and reliability. Results: After the exploratory factor analysis, the multidimensional structure of the proposed measurement instrument of sustainable marketing in higher education was determined, which meets all the given scale validity criteria. Conclusion: This research has formed a valid measurement instrument of sustainable marketing in higher education of statistical and theoretical significance, which can be used for further research, development and validation

    TEACHING CASE STUDY: Digital marketing strategy of Accor Hotels: shaping the future of hospitality

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    Purpose ā€“ The main aim of this case study is to explain the digital marketing strategy for different target segments of Accor Hotels, the most diversified hotel player. Design ā€“ We present a business case study about Accor Hotels, together with teaching notes that teachers will be able to use in the classroom. Methodology ā€“ The business case study methodological approach, using secondary data from a variety of valuable sources, was applied to present the success story of the digital marketing strategy of Accor Hotels. The case study consists of the Opening paragraph, Introduction, Hospitality industry players, About Accor Hotels, Customer journey in the hospitality industry, Digital marketing strategy for Accor Hotels, Conclusion and Teaching notes. Approach ā€“ Authors are focusing on a case study example to present best practices from the hospitality indstry in the era of digitalization. Findings ā€“ The major input for developing the right digital marketing strategy is understanding the stages of the digital customer journey. The case study present the hotelsā€™ current (loyal) and potential clients as well as hotel marketing strategies. Marketing strategies include changes in the hotel portfolio offering, different pricing levels, communication and content marketing strategy, and partnership deals with all players in the hospitality industry. This case study is interesting for both the academia and industry experts. Originality of the research ā€“ We explain how hotel managers define client value proposition for Accor Hotels, with a better understanding of modern trends in the hospitality industry: digitalization, personalization, innovative business models and faster response to client needs. This case study is intended for teaching in Digital Marketing or Hospitality Management courses for masters or undergraduate students


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    One-quarter of fish consumed in Europe comes from aquaculture and research has shown that consumers have a greater preference for wild fishes in comparison with farmed ones. As with other food choices, consumer decisions regarding farmed fish are a complex process involving multiple factors. The main objective of this study is to develop and validate a questionnaire that will measure consumer intentions in the consumption of farmed fish using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a theoretical framework. Based on the TPB model, the study also investigates the relationships between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and intention to consume farmed fish. Data collection was performed through an online survey and a total of 118 valid questionnaires were analysed. Based on tests performed, results indicate that the tested scale for measuring TPB constructs is valid and reliable. Alpha coefficients for intention, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control were 0.898, 0.857, 0.748 and 0.953, respectively. Variables in the model explain 40% of the variation in farmed fish consumption intentions. Regression analysis confirmed that attitudes and subjective norms significantly influence intention to consume farmed fish, with the subjective norms being the strongest predictor, while perceived behavioural control does not have a significant impact on behavioural intention.Jedna četvrtina ribe konzumirane u Europi potječe iz uzgoja (akvakulture). Istraživanja su međutim pokazala da potroÅ”ači ipak preferiraju ribu iz ulova u usporedbi sa ribom iz uzgoja. Kao i kod odabira ostalih vrsta hrane, potroÅ”ačke odluke vezane uz ribu iz uzgoja složen su proces koji uključuje viÅ”e čimbenika. Glavni cilj ovog rada je razviti i validirati upitnik koji će mjeriti namjere potroÅ”ača da konzumiraju ribu iz uzgoja u okviru teorije planiranog ponaÅ”anja (TPP). Također, na temelju TPP modela istražen je odnos između stavova, subjektivnih normi, percipirane kontrole ponaÅ”anja i namjere konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Podaci su prikupljeni putem online ankete te je ukupno analizirano 118 valjanih upitnika. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju valjanost i pouzdanost testiranih ljestvica za mjerenje konstrukata u okviru TPP. Alfa koeficijenti za namjere, stavove, subjektivne norme i percipiranu kontrolu ponaÅ”anja iznosili su 0,898, 0,857, 0,748 te 0,953. Varijable u modelu objaÅ”njavaju 40% varijacija u namjerama konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja. Regresijska analiza potvrdila je da stavovi i subjektivne norme statistički značajno utječu na namjeru konzumacije ribe iz uzgoja, pri čemu su subjektivne norme najsnažniji prediktor, dok percipirana kontrola ponaÅ”anja nema statistički značajan utjecaj na namjeru ponaÅ”anja

    Service quality and customer satisfaction in the health care industry - towards health tourism market

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    The purpose ā€“ Service quality and customer satisfaction have been extensively researched in the profit sector, but are also important in the non-profit sector. Specialty hospitals and health spas operate in the non-profit sector in Croatia, but some of them try to provide a part of their services to the health tourism market. Hospitals that work in the non-profit sector and especially those that see their future in the health tourism market need to pay attention to service quality and customer satisfaction. Although specialty hospitals are a vital segment of the Croatian health system, there has not been enough research regarding service quality and customer satisfaction measurement in that sector. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in the healthcare sector. Design/methodology ā€“ Empirical research is used to determine patientsā€™ perceptions and expectations of service quality in one specialty hospital for medical rehabilitation. SERVQUAL instrument was used to measure the service quality. The SERVQUAL questionnaire included an expectations and perceptions section, each consisting of 34 statements. In addition, the questionnaire contained an extra section relating to demographics and an overall question on the impression of quality of the service provided. One hundred and four (104) satisfactorily completed questionnaires were collected. Findings ā€“ The analysis revealed that patients perceived a rather satisfactory level of health care quality across all SERVQUAL dimensions. Patients who perceived a higher level of service quality show greater satisfaction with the services, as well as a higher level of loyalty to the hospital which provides medical services. Research results indicate the multidimensionality of the concept and the existence of a gap between patients\u27 expectations and the perceptions of service quality. Finally, despite the criticism of the SERVQUAL instrument, this study confirms the usefulness of the SERVQUAL model in terms of its reliability and validity for measuring quality in the health care sector. Originality of the research ā€“ This paper sheds light on a poorly researched field in the Croatian context. The specific environment in which the research was done demanded the implementation of a modified SERVQUAL model which was broadened with the items referring to sports, recreation and amusement activities. Theoretical contribution of this paper is reflected in testing the dimensionality and reliability of the modified SERVQUAL instrument for measuring service quality in a specialty hospital. It was found that the modified model has four dimensions. The ā€˜Output qualityā€™ dimension, which refers to the services outside the sphere of medical services, has the greatest impact on the patientsā€™ satisfaction. The practical contribution of the paper is manifested as an encouragement for managers in specialty hospitals to devote greater attention to service quality and customer satisfaction measurement, especially when their goal is to enter the health tourism market. It provides directions for hospital managers to develop strategies which will meet patientsā€™ expectations of service quality and increase their competitiveness in the health tourism market

    Who attends Christmas Markets and why? Analysis of visitor structure and motivation for attending two Christmas Markets in Croatia

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    There are various motives for visiting a festival or an event. Motivations explain why people behave in a certain way and are therefore of particular interest in the context of meeting consumer expectations and needs. In this paper, the authors investigate the motives for attending two increasingly popular Christmas Markets in Croatia. The study compares the demographic structure of visitors, their travel behaviour and motivation for visiting the two markets and determines the level of their satisfaction and intentions for future behaviour. The overall aim is to identify visitorsā€™ needs and help destination managers organise activities that appeal to the target market. To this end, the authors have conducted desk and field research. Empirical research was conducted on the samples of Christmas Market visitors in Zagreb and Karlovac. The samples were selected using the convenience sampling method. Data analysis was performed using descriptive, inferential and multivariate statistics. The results of the research show that the travel behaviour of visitors and their motives for coming to the Christmas Markets differ, as well as their satisfaction level and loyalty. However, for both fairs a strong link was found between the visitorsā€™ satisfaction with the visits and their intentions to revisit the two markets, recommend them, and share their experiences. This study makes a small contribution to the field of consumer behaviour by enhancing our understanding of the motivations for visiting different tourist events. The findings of this study may benefit festival and event managers by helping them deliver relevant customer experiences

    The role of market mavens in co-creating tourist experiences and increasing loyalty to service providers

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of market mavens in the tourist sector and to explore the importance of tourist experience co-creation in increasing loyalty to service providers. A survey was conducted on a sample of 425 Croatian residents who had travelled at least once in the year before the study. Two hypotheses were set and empirically tested by partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). This research confirms that market mavens are inclined to share tourist experiences and to engage in tourist experience co-creation. It also shows that if market mavens are co-creating tourist experience with travel professionals they are more likely to continue to collaborate with the same service provider, hence, demonstrating loyalty. This paper contributes to knowledge of consumer behaviour in tourism by emphasising the role of market mavens in co-creating tourist experience. The scientific contribution is found in testing the influence of market mavens on co-creating tourist experience and loyalty to service providers. The paper also explains the implications for service providers in tourism. Learning about the influence of market mavens on the process of co-creating tourist experience can help service providers to engage more with these individuals to enhance their loyalty


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    The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between ethical ideologies and the judgment of online marketing communications ethics in the tourism market. The aim of the research is also to establish a relationship between the judgement of online communications ethics and behavioural intentions. The paper is based on empirical research conducted using the scenario method and survey method. The Ethics Position Questionnaire (EPQ) was used to measure ethical ideology along two dimensions, relativism and idealism. Five scenarios were designed, describing potentially ethically ambiguous situations. A relationship was established between ethical ideologies and ethical judgements of online marketing communications. The study proved that respondents who scored higher on the idealism scale have more rigid criteria with regard to online communications ethics and were better at recognising ethically ambiguous situations. A relationship between the ethical judgements of the described situations and behavioural intention was also established. Although topics relating to online communications on the tourism market are extensively researched, there are few studies dealing with ethical judgement of such communications. The special contribution of this paper is in the fact that research includes students of tourism and hospitality who will, in the near future, find themselves in situations where they will need to make, and take moral responsibility for, decisions regarding communications in the tourism market. Therefore, this research contributes both to theory and practice.Svrha rada je istražiti povezanost između etičkih ideologija i prosudbe etičnosti online marketinÅ”ke komunikacije na turističkome tržiÅ”tu. Cilj je istraživanja, također, utvrditi povezanost između prosudbe etičnosti komunikacije na internetu i namjere ponaÅ”anja. Rad se temelji na empirijskom istraživanju u kojemu su primijenjene metoda scenarija i metoda ispitivanja. Kao instrument istraživanja koriÅ”ten je Upitnik etičke pozicije (EPQ) kojim su mjerene etičke ideologije uvažavajući dimenzije relativizma i idealizma. Oblikovano je pet scenarija kojima su opisane potencijalne etički dvojbene situacije. Utvrđena je povezanost između etičkih ideologija i prosudbe etičnosti u online marketinÅ”koj komunikaciji. Istraživanje je dokazalo da ispitanici koji ostvaruju viÅ”e rezultate na ljestvici idealizma imaju strože kriterije u odnosu na etičnost u online komunikaciji i bolje raspoznaju etički dvojbene situacije. Utvrđena je i povezanost između prosudbe etičnosti opisanih scenarija i namjera ponaÅ”anja. Iako su teme u području internetske komunikacije na turističkome tržiÅ”tu do sada istraživane, ima malo studija koje se odnose na prosudbu etičnosti takve komunikacije. Poseban doprinos ovoga rada očituje se u činjenici da su istraživanjem obuhvaćeni stavovi studenata turizma i ugostiteljstva koji će se u bliskoj budućnosti i sami naći u situacijama u kojima će trebati preuzeti moralnu odgovornost za odluke u vezi s komunikacijom na turističkome tržiÅ”tu. Ovo istraživanje, stoga, daje doprinos i teoriji i praksi