
Information and communication technology (ICT) has penetrated many spheres of life and work. Recognizing the potential of this new technology, marketers have readily accepted ICT and turned the marketing concept into e-marketing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of implementation of e-marketing practice in the hotel industry. The paper is based on empirical research conducted in Istria County, the most developed tourist county in Croatia. The research was conducted using a survey method. The research results show that hotel companies in Istria County have achieved a medium or even high level of implementation of e-marketing practice. The companies with a higher level of e-marketing practice also achieve better business performance. However, the survey also revealed the constraints to the widespread application of e-marketing in the hotel industry.Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT) prodrla je u mnoge sfere života i rada. Prepoznajući potencijale novih tehnologija marketinški stručnjaci spremno su je prihvatili i koncepciju marketinga pretvorili u e-marketing. Svrha je ovoga rada ispitati razinu primjene e-marketinga u hotelijerstvu. Rad se temelji na empirijskom istraživanju provedenom u Istarskoj županiji, turistički najrazvijenijoj županiji u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ispitivanja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su istarski poslovni subjekti ostvarili srednju ili visoku razinu implementacije e-marketinga. Subjekti s višom razinom primjene e-marketinga ostvaruju bolje poslovne rezultate. Istraživanje ukazuje i na ograničenja u široj primjeni e-marketinga u hotelijerstvu

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