49 research outputs found

    Систем за автоматизирано земјоделско производство на храна во затворен простор базирано на IoT технологии

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    Проектот – Систем за автоматизирано земјоделско производство на храна во затворен простор базирано на IoT технологии, претставува имплементација на паметен автоматизиран систем за следење и автоматизација на производството на земјоделско производи во затворен простор, кој вклучува прибирање на податоци во реално време, процесирање и анализи на истите, како и технологии за автоматизација, со користење на IoT во постапките при одгледување во затворен простор. Главната цел на проектот е: да се направи иновативно решение – Систем за автоматизирано земјоделско производство на храна во затворен простор базирано на IoT технологии во соработка со стручни лица, за да се направи иновативно решение преку иновативни алгоритми, развој на хардвер и софтвер, со што би се добил комерцијален производ кој би се пласирал на домашни и надворешни пазари. Преку реализација на проектот и соработката со факултетите и научните институции ќе ги оствариме и целите за едукација, зголемување на техничките знаења. Истовремено ќе се отвори можност за нови работни места за кои е неопходно познавање на новите технологии, со што би се овозможило реализација на дополнителни придобивки, кои се од севкупен (индустриски, економски и општествен) интерес, како поврзување на стопанството со науката. Проектот треба да обезбеди фунционален систем во рок од 9 месеци. Главната иновативност на проектот се состои во: - Земјоделско производство базирано врз стручните познавања на експертите од Земјоделските факултети; - Воведување на нови иновативни технологии во процесот на автоматизација; - Развој на сопствен IoT систем (со употреба на готови компоненти) со многу поголема флексибилност и прилагодливост; - Развој на иновативни алгоритми со употреба на нови напредни sw-ски решенија, за оптимизација на параметрите за квалитетен производ, базирано врз заедничката соработка со Факултетите; - Маркетинг и продажба; - Да им се пристапи на потенцијалните корисници преку комуникација и подршка, која би се реализирала со помош на Факултететите. Со контролирање на околината во проиводството и квалитетот на културите во истиот како и периодот на одгледување, може да се зголеми, со тоа што културите ќе ги добиваат оптималните услови за раст, како што се температура, влажност, вода, јаглен диоксид, сончева светлина, хранливи материи, Ph и сл. Сите овие фактори ќе се контролираат автоматски, со употреба на смарт ситемот за контрола опремен со адекватни сензори и софтвер. Решението ќе биде реализирано со употреба на нов IoT систем кој ќе биде изработен со сопствен развој како и негова примена во производството. Пазарниот потенцијал на решението го гледаме во производството за различни култури во затворен простор (микро-земјоделци) и цвеќиња како и земјоделски фарми од различен вид во земјата и странство

    Influence of different substrates on the quality properties of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    In order to determine the influence of different substrates on some quality properties of seedling tomato (Licopersicon esculentum), hybrid Optima F1, It was placed in experiment 2019 year. In the research was used commercially substrate as a control Gramoflor Profi 100%, and 5 combinations with it and other enhancers, such as: Т1 – Gramoflor Profi + Zeo min 2:1, Т2- Gramoflor Profi + Zeo pullus 2:1, Т3- Orgalife 100% чист, Т4- Orgalife + Zeo min 2:1, Т 5- Orgalife+ Zeo pullus 2:1. During the research the following parameters were monitored: seedling height, stem diameter and number of leaves. Measurements were started 37 days after sowing (BBCH 07), and were measured 5 times during seedling vegetation, every 7 days (BBCH 09, 10, 11 и 13). According to the obtained data for the examined property, the height of the seedling was determined as the highest average height in the treatment T1 of 19.1 cm,and the lowest average height of 7.4 cm in T2 treatment. Statistical analysis of this property showed statistically significant differences (p<0,05) between treatments T1 with control, then treatment Т3 with treatment Т2, and between T4 treatment and T2 treatment. High statistically significant differences (p <0.01) exist between T1 and T2 treatments. Based on the obtained results for the property average tree diameter from all three measurements, it was determined that the control and treatment T1 have the same average tree diameter of 3.5 mm, and the lowest was determined in the treatment T2, which tree diameter was 2.3 mm. Statistical analysis of data on this property showed highly significant differences (p <0.01) between control and treatment T1, control with T3 and control with T4, then treatment T1 with treatment T2, treatment T1 with T3 and treatment T1 with T4. Regarding the quality, the average number of leaves was determined to be 7.6 in the treatment T1, and the lowest value of 6.1 in the treatment T2. From the obtained data, there are statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between the control and T3, while statistically significant differences (p <0.01) there are between the control with T1, and the control with the treatment T4, also statistically significant differences (p <0.01) there is between T2 and T1, treatment T2 with T3 and between T2 and T4


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    Dairy product quality monitoring begins at the farm and ends in the hands of the consumer. Raw milk must also meet other quality standards; it should be free of drug residues, free of added water and free of sediment, contaminants and other abnormalities. In our researches, is taken somatic cells count, the number of bacteria and Aflatoxins as indicators of the quality of raw milk from the Ovče Pole region in the period January-June, 2018. For the needs of this research, an analysis was made of 1320 samples for the presence of bacteria in raw milk, determination of somatic cell count in 478 samples as well as identification and quantification of aflatoxin M1 in 60 samples.&nbsp; The results from this study indicated determination acceptable count of somatic cells in 95.5 % of the samples from raw milk while in 2 samples of raw milk, the amount of aflatoxin M1 was above limits with highest amount of 0.58 mg/kg raw milk. According to European milk quality standards, in the biggest part of the samples (89.55 %), presence of bacteria does not meet the standard. From the analyzes made by the milk producers that were the subject of analysis in this research, it can be concluded that they do not adhere to good agricultural practice, the level of milk contamination is high due to poor hygiene, improper handling of milk after milking and insufficient education of farmers for hygiene in primary production


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    The aim of this study is determination of the quality of red wines from grape varieties Vranec, Merlot and Frankovka fermented by wine yeasts from the French manufacturer SELECTYS® LA DÉLICIEUSE and baker's yeast seeded in a ratio of 0.25 g/L. The research was done during 2020 and 2021 in the Vinica vineyard, where the three grape varieties are grown at an altitude from 400 to 520 m. Regarding enological parameters, the highest amount of alcohol was measured for Merlot wines fermented by French yeast (13.07%), Frankovka wine fermented by baker’s yeast had the highest amount of sugar (9.71 g/L), Vranec wine produced by baker’s yeast had the highest total acidity (7.37 g/L) while the highest concentration of volatile acids was determined for Frankovka wine fermented by French yeast SELECTYS® LA DÉLICIEUSE (1.58 g/L). The impact of wine yeast to the quantity of particular elements was the most statistically significant for Fe57 in Merlot and Vranec wines, Cu65 in Frankovka wines and Pb208 in Merlot. Vranec and Merlot wines fermented by baker’s yeast indicated higher amounts of phenolic compounds while Frankovka wines produced by SELECTYS® LA DÉLICIEUSE showed opposite tendency with significantly higher amounts of polyphenols. &nbsp

    Специјално градинарство - рецензирана скрипта

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    Класификацијата на градинарските култури во рецензираната скрипта Специјално градинарство е направена според органите за исхрана, што значи дека во поединечните групи на зеленчук се застапени различни видови зеленчук од повеќе ботанички фамилии, со детални податоци за биолошките, морфолошките и производните карактеристики на градинарските видови кои имаат значење за исхраната на човекот. Материјалот е концепиран во осум поглавја и тоа: 1. Класификација на градинарските култури; 2. Коренести градинарски култури;3. Луковичести култури; 4. Клубенести култури; 5. Лиснат зеленчук; 6. Плодови зеленчуци; 7. Фамилија Poaceae и 8. Повеќегодишни видови на зеленчук. Настојувавме материјалот да го презентираме на лесно разбирлив и едноставен стил, соодветен за студентите за кои рецензираната скрипта е наменета. Веруваме и се надеваме дека овој материјал ќе биде многу корисен и за поширок круг на корисници

    Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of XAD-7 extracts from lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)

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    Vaccinium vitis-idaea is most commonly known as 'lingonberry' or 'cowberry’ belongs to the family Ericaceae-edible fruit. The collection of wild berries is very popular in northern, central and eastern Europe, notably in Nordic countries, the Baltic states, central and northern Europe. The berries are quite tart, so they are often cooked and sweetened before eating in the form of lingonberry jam, compote, juice, smoothie or syrup. The raw fruits are also frequently simply mashed with sugar, which preserves most of their nutrients and taste. Their consumption is strongly related to normalization of blood sugar levels, health hearth and eyes, kidney protection and lowering the risk of some types of cancers. The present study characterized and identified the most effective extract, only consisting of anthocyanins, copigments or a mixture of both, obtained from a lingonberry juice concentrate. An extract was generated by using a XAD-7 column followed by fractionation into anthocyanins and determination of antioxidant activity by cyclic voltammetry

    Total bacterial count, somatic cell count and presence of Aflatoxin M1 in raw milk from the "Ovce Pole" region, Republic of North Macedonia

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    Dairy product quality monitoring begins at the farm and ends in the hands of the consumer. Raw milk must also meet other quality standards; it should be free of drug residues, free of added water and free of sediment, contaminants and other abnormalities. In our researches, is taken somatic cells count, the number of bacteria and Aflatoxins as indicators of the quality of raw milk from the Ovče Pole region in the period January�June, 2018. For the needs of this research, an analysis was made of 1320 samples for the presence of bacteria in raw milk, determination of somatic cell count in 478 samples as well as identification and quantification of aflatoxin M1 in 60 samples. The results from this study indicated determination acceptable count of somatic cells in 95.5 % of the samples from raw milk while in 2 samples of raw milk, the amount of aflatoxin M1 was above limits with highest amount of 0.58 mg/kg raw milk. According to European milk quality standards, in the biggest part of the samples (89.55 %), presence of bacteria does not meet the standard. From the analyses made by the milk producers that were the subject of analysis in this research, it can be concluded that they do not adhere to good agricultural practice, the level of milk contamination is high due to poor hygiene, improper handling of milk after milking and insufficient education of farmers for hygiene in primary production

    Total bacterial count in raw milk from the farms from Region “Ovče Pole”, Republic of North Macedonia

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    Dairy product quality assurance begins at the farm and ends in the hands of the consumer. In this regard, raw milk quality is essential and is closely monitored. Raw milk must also meet other quality standards; it should be free of drug residues, free of added water and free of sediment, contaminants and other abnormalities. The overall condition and cleanliness of the dairy farm, as determined by routine inspections, are also considered. Although regulatory requirements have been instrumental in ensuring the quality of raw milk, most segments of the dairy industry feel that more stringent standards. This research study presents an insight into the number of bacteria as indicators of the quality of raw milk from the Ovče Pole region. For the needs of this research, an analysis was made of 1320 samples for the presence of bacteria in raw milk. According to European milk quality standards, in the biggest part of the samples, presence of bacteria does not meet the standard. From the analyzes made by the milk producers that were the subject of analysis in this reasearch, it can be concluded that they do not adhere to good agricultural practice, the level of milk contamination is high due to poor hygiene, improper handling of milk after milking and insufficient education of farmers for hygiene in primary production

    Quality of red wines from Vranec,Merlot and Frankovka grape varieties ermented by two diferent yeast strains

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    The aim of this research is to determine the quality of red wines from grape varieties Vranec, Merlot and Frankovka using wine yeasts from the French manufacturer SELECTYS® LA DÉLICIEUSE and baker's yeast seeded in a ratio of 0.25 g/L. The research was done during 2020 and 2021 in the Vinica vineyard, where the three grape varieties are grown at an altitude of 400 to 520 m. The determination of the quality of the young wines was done in the State Phytosanitary Laboratory, where the presence of sugars, alcohol, total acids, volatile acids, the presence of free and total SO2 were determined with FOSS WINESCAN, while the presence of micro and macro elements in the wines was determined with ICP/MS. As part of the study, a polyphenolic profile of the wines obtained was established using the method of Folin Ciocalteau. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Pearson correlation coefficient between the chemical characteristics of the wines and the yeasts used for the study. The choice of yeasts used for fermentation is important to obtain high quality wines to satisfy consumer tastes and market requirements. Key words: yeasts, wine, fermentatio


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    The shelf life of the food was actually period in which the product is considered suitable for consumption. By understanding the factors that influenceto the shelf life of the product, it is possible manipulation of these factors in order to extend the shelf life of the product. There are several factors that affect the shelf life such as: the manufacture of the product, freezing , chemical changes, as well as, food packaging. These factors can contribute to reducing the amount of food that is thrown away because of the short shelf life. There is scientific basis for assessing the shelf life using mathematical expressions that are useful in predicting the degradation of food products during storage. It is based on the principles of chemical kinetics. Actually, the changes in the quality (Q) can be observed and measured over time. The shelf life of the food products based on changes in quality in relation to the time can follow kinetics of zero order or first order. Using these calculations the phases of reducing the quality and accuracy of the product can be predicted