2,610 research outputs found

    Post-structuralism, Complexity and Poetics.

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    Post-structuralism and complexity are plural and diverse modes of thought that share a common subscription to the Ăąïżœïżœanteriority of radical relationalityĂąïżœïżœ. They nonetheless subscribe to a different ethic of life because they address the anteriority of radical relationality in different ways. Complexity remains strategic in its bid to become a power-knowledge of the laws of becoming. It derives that strategic ethic from its scientific interest in the implicate order of non-linearity that is said to subvert Newtonian science. Post-structuralism is poetic. It derives its poetic ethic from Heidegger and from the re-working of orphic and tragic sensibilities to radical relationality with the radically non-relational. Observing that all poetry is complexity avant la lettre, the paper illustrates these points with the Odyssey and concludes that while complexity is ultimately concerned with fitness, post-structuralism is pre-occupied with justice

    Development of an efficient milk production profile of the Irish dairy Industry

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    End of project reportFluctuation around milk price will be the biggest factor that the dairy industry will experience over the next number of years. This fluctuation is being driven by fluctuation on the world dairy markets. In the past, when intervention was a much bigger feature of the CAP regime, the fluctuation in world markets had little effect on the EU price. This was because the Intervention system bought product from the market when prices were depressed and placed products on the world market when the price rose. This in effect meant that the CAP regime was having a regulatory effect on the world market as well as the EU markets. An example of the type of fluctuation observed on the world market can be gleamed from the Fonterra milk price in 2006-2007 (4.50/kg(MS)milksolid)versus2007−2008(4.50/kg (MS) milk solid) versus 2007-2008 (7.90/kg MS). This corresponds to a 76% increase in price in 1 year. For the Dairy Industry in Ireland to prosper under these conditions all sectors will be required to be as efficient as possible from the farm, processing and marketing sectors. This report deals with; (1) Milk payment (2) Optimum milk production systems and (3) Seasonality of milk supply. (1) Milk payment systems in Ireland currently do not adequately reward high solids quality milk. Virtually all milk payment systems include a positive constant which reward the production of volume rather than the production of protein and fat kilograms. The A+B-C system of milk payment would adequately reward the production of protein and fat while at the same time correcting for the volume related processing costs. (2) Optimum systems of milk production will be built around the maximization of grass utilization in the future. Grazed grass is the cheapest feed that can be fed to dairy cows. Stocking rates nationally are 1.74cows/Ha around the milking platform and therefore when dairy farms are expanding they should do so by increasing stocking rate. The inclusion of supplementary feeds will reduce profitability for the vast majority of dairy farmers and could only possibly lead to increases in profitability when coupled increases in stocking rate. (3) Grass based systems while substantially reducing costs at farm level result in a seasonal milk supply profile. This results in a reduced capacity utilization of the milk processing facilities as well as restricted product port folio. However the production of Winter milk will lead to significant cost increases at farm level and should only be encouraged if the specific product produced would be sufficient to cover the additional costs associated with over winter production. Within spring calving systems milk payment systems should be used to encourage an efficient milk supply profile with a mean compact calving date of mid February.Teagasc acknowledges with gratitude the support of Dairy Levy Funds and EU Structural Funds (FEOGA) in financing the research programme

    The Effects of Class Size on Student Achievement in Higher Education: Applying an Earnings Function

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    This paper uses an earnings function to model how class size affects the grade students earn. We test the model using an ordinal logit with and without fixed effects on 363,023 undergraduate observations. We find that class size negatively affects grades. Average grade point declines as class size increases, precipitously up to class sizes of ten, and more gradually but monotonically through class sizes of 400 plus. The probability of getting a B plus or better declines from 0.9 for class sizes 20 to about 0.5 for class sizes of 120 and almost 0.4 for class sizes of 400

    Epilogue The Scandal of the Refugee: Some peflections on the "Inter" of International Relations

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    The refugee is a scandal for philosophy in that the refugee recalls the radical instability of meaning and the incalculability of the human. The refugee is a scandal for politics also, however, in that the advent of the refugee is always a reproach to the formation of the political order subjectivity which necessarily gives rise to the refugee. The scandal is intensified for any politics of identity which presupposes that the goal of politics is the realization of sovereign identity. The principal argument, then, is that what I will call the scandal of the refugee illuminates both the fundamental ontological determinations of international politics and the character of political action, because the refugee is both a function of the intentional political destruction of the ontological horizons of people's always already heterogeneous worlds, and effects an equally fundamental deconstruction of the ontological horizons which constitute the equally heterogeneous worlds into which, as refugees, these people are precipitated. It is precisely on this concrete and corporeal site that both the ontological horizons and the allied political decision-making of modern politics are thrown into stark relief and profoundly called into question. For it is precisely here that the very actions of modern politics both create and address the incidence of its own massive and self-generated, political abjection. If that is one of the principal ends of international relations, one is forced to ask, what does it take as its beginning? If, in other words, the vernacular political architecture of modern international power commonly produces 1:115 forcibly displaced people globally, one is inclined to ask about the foundations upon which that architecture is itself based.La réalité du refuge est une scandale pour la philosophie en cela que le réfugié nous rappelle l'instabilité radicale de la signification et l'incalculabilité de l'humain. Mais le réfugié est aussi un scandale pour la politique en cela que l'avÚnement du réfugié est toujours un reproche à la formation de l'ordre politique ou de la subjectivité qui suscite nécessairement l'apparition du réfugié. Le scandale est intensifié par toute politique de l'identité qui présupposeque le but du politique est la réalisation de l'identité souveraine. Le principal argument, dans ce cas, est que ce que je nommerais le scandale du réfugié illumine à la fois les déterminations ontologiques fondamentales de la politique internationale et le caractÚre de l'action politique, car le réfugié est à la fois une fonction de l'intentionnelle destruction politique des horizons ontologiques des mondes toujours - déjà hétérogÚnes des peuples, et il entraßne une tout aussi fondamentale destruction des horizons ontologiques qui constitue les mondes tout aussi hétérogÚnes dans lesquels, en tant que réfugiés, ces peuples sont précipités. C'est exactement sur ce site concret et corporel que les horizons ontologiques et les prises de décision corollaires de la politique modernes ont mis à nu et fermement remis en question. Car c'est exactement ici que l'action effective de la politique moderne crée et envisage les incidences de sa propre abjection politique, massive et autogénérée. Si cela est une des principales finalités des relations internationales, force est de demander que se donnent-elles comme point de départ? En d'autres termes, si l'architecture politique vernaculaire du pouvoir international moderne produit ordinairement 1:115 personnes globalement déplacées de force, on est en droit de poser des questions sur les fondements sur lesquels repose une telle architecture

    Systemic innovation in native title

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    This paper explores the implications which flow from the fact that native title institutions comprise a complex system, or meta-system, and examines the extent and value of innovation within the native title system. It looks backwards to identify and assess a number of key innovations since the Mabo High Court decision, which had whole of system implications. It then looks forward to identify and consider potential future systemic innovations within the native title system. The paper concludes by suggesting that the quality of innovation in the native title system will have a significant impact on the nature and form of the national process of reaching an equitable settlement between mainstream and Indigenous interests in Australia

    Emerging strategic issues in native title:future political and policy challenges

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    In the 25 years since the Mabo High Court decision, native title claims, litigation, determinations, and land use agreements have proliferated with the result that native title is now an undisputed component in the Australian nation's core institutional framework. This has been a remarkable development. The emergence of public policy for native title over the past quarter century, built on a complex array of conceptual foundations which derive from Indigenous tradition, the common law, statute law, anthropology, history and politics, invites the question: what next? Where will native title policy be in 25 years' time? What are the emerging issues which will most shape that future? This paper attempts to explore and answer those questions from a public policy perspective, adopting an explicitly political frame of analysis from international development theory, political settlement theory. Emerging issues of national, regional and local significance are considered and assessed from both the perspective of public policymakers, and Indigenous interests. It is argued that there are strong grounds for both policymakers and Indigenous interests dealing with native title issues to be more proactive than has been the case to date in managing the emerging strategic challenges identified

    Learning Happens: Incorporating a Rhizomatic Perspective into Teaching and Learning

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    This session will review a rhizomatic perspective of teaching and learning. Data from research regarding a community leadership program will be utilized as an example of applying this perspective

    Choice of Optimal Planting and Marketing Decisions for Fresh Vegetable Producers: A Mathematical Programming Approach

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    This study combines whole farm economic analysis with biophysical simulation techniques in order to achieve a twofold objective. First, the study seeks to develop a multiple enterprise vegetable farm model with a production and marketing decision interface and, second, to determine optimal production practices for Kentucky vegetable growers. Three vegetable crops are examined: tomatoes, bell peppers and sweet corn. The findings indicate that the risk associated with vegetable production can be significantly mitigated with diversification of production mix and with a greater number of transplanting dates. However, this reduction in risk comes at a high cost in terms of expected net returns.vegetable production, mean-variance, biophysical simulation, farm management, Farm Management, C61, C63, D81,
