2,185 research outputs found

    Prioritarian rates of return to antipoverty transfers

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    A growing impact evaluation literature on antipoverty transfer programmes in low- and middle-income countries measures changes in utilitarian terms, at their unit value. The paper argues that valuing antipoverty transfers is more appropriately done within a framework of prioritarian social welfare functions, as the very presence of these programmes indicates that polities place a greater value on gains and losses among the disadvantaged. The paper applies this framework to the Senior Citizen Grant in Uganda, including survey and experimental work throwing light on social preferences for redistribution. It finds that default utilitarian valuation significantly underestimates the social value of transfer programmes

    Caracterização da vitelogênese em Rhamdia quelen e sua aplicação no monitoramento de desreguladores endócrinos

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Alberto de Oliveira RibeiroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 07/03/2012Bibliografia: fls. 146-148Resumo: A vitelogenina (VTG) é uma glicolipofosfoproteína expressa pelas fêmeas de ovíparos em resposta ao hormônio endógeno 17?estradiol (E2). Machos ovíparos somente expressam essa proteína quando expostos ao E2 ou a compostos que mimetizem o mesmo. Alguns poluentes provenientes do despejo industrial, urbano e resíduos da atividade agrícola possuem estrutura semelhante a do E2, sendo capazes de afetar o sistema endócrino sendo considerados desreguladores endócrinos, levando machos a expressarem a VTG. Visto o aumento destes poluentes no ambiente natural e o seu potencial tóxico, torna-se necessário caracterizar processos e moléculas indicadores deste tipo de disfunção. Frente a tal cenário, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar o processo de vitelogênese e a molécula de vitelogenina expressa por machos de Rhamdia quelen, produzir anticorpos policlonais que reconheçam a vitelogenina da espécie em questão e a aplicação dos mesmos no biomonitoramento de reservatórios de abastecimento de água urbanos. Para a caracterização do processo de vitelogênese machos de R. quelen foram injetados com E2 e comparados a fêmeas naturalmente vitelogênicas e machos adultos. Após 15 dias de exposição tecidos chaves para o processo de vitelogênese foram coletados e analisados. O fígado demonstrou aspecto vacuolizado tanto em fêmeas quanto em machos expostos ao E2, sendo tais vacúolos compostos de lipídeos. O teor de carboidratos também se apresentou aumentado em machos estrógeno induzidos. Indivíduos expostos ao estrógeno apresentaram ainda um aumento no índice hepatossomático e não apresentaram alteração no índice gonadossomático. As gônadas de fêmeas e machos controle apresentaram morfologia padrão para tal tecido; já nos machos expostos as gônadas apresentaram-se em estágio iniciais de maturação. Verificou-se no plasma a presença de uma molécula, de alta massa molecular, estrógeno induzível em machos e naturalmente presente em fêmeas que foi caracterizada como uma glicolipofosfoproteína. A espectrometria de massa não identificou a proteína, porém verificou-se alta similaridade entre o mapa de massas peptídicas da molécula considerada como vitelogenina das fêmeas e dos machos induzidos. Através de ensaios de western blot foi possível identificar tal proteína como sendo a vitelogenina. Técnicas imunológicas também foram utilizadas para marcar a vitelogenina no fígado e nas gônadas de machos expostos e fêmeas. Tais resultados demonstram que a vitelogenina é produzida no fígado, secretada para a corrente sanguínea e incorporada às gônadas. Para a produção dos anticorpos policlonais, machos adultos de R. quelen foram injetados com 10 mg EE2.kg-1 (17?etinil-estradiol). A VTG foi isolada diretamente do gel de poliacrilamida e coelhos machos foram imunizados. A especificidade dos anticorpos produzidos foi verificada por western blot, imuno-histoquímica e imunofluorescência. Para avaliar a presença de desreguladores endócrinos nos reservatórios do Iraí e do Passaúna, animais da espécie em questão foram mantidos por 3 e 6 meses, em tanques redes em cada um dos reservatórios. Em ambas as exposições e em ambos os reservatórios não foi detectada a VTG no plasma de machos adultos, indicando que nestes reservatórios não há poluentes que afetem o sistema endócrino da espécie estudada, ou a quantidade de poluentes existentes não foram capazes de induzir tal resposta.Abstract: Vitellogenin (VTG) is a glicolipophosphoprotein expressed by oviparous females in response to endogenous hormone 17?estradiol (E2). Oviparous males only express this protein when exposed to E2 or compounds that mimic it. Some pollutants from urban sewage, industrial and agriculture dumps have a structure similar to E2, being able to affect the endocrine system and therefore considered endocrine disruptors, turning males to express VTG. Considering the increase of these pollutants in natural environment and its potential toxicity, it is necessary to characterize processes and molecules as indicators of endocrine dysfunction. Considering the previous scenario described, the aim of this study is to characterize the process of vitellogenesis and vitellogenin molecule expressed by males of Rhamdia quelen, producing polyclonal antibodies that recognize the vitellogenin of this specie and applying them in biomonitoring water urban reservoirs for human supply. To characterize the process of vitellogenesis males of R. quelen were injected with E2 and compared with naturally vitellogenic females and adult males. After 15 days of exposure important tissue for the vitellogenesis processes were collected and analyzed. Liver showed vacuolated aspect in both males exposed to E2 and females, and these vacuoles where lipid composed. The carbohydrate content also showed increased in males estrogen-induced. Individuals exposed to estrogen showed a further increase in hepatosomatic index and no change in the gonadosomatic index. The gonads of males and females controls showed normal morphology, whereas in males exposed, gonads were in the initial stage of maturation. It was found in plasma the presence of a molecule with high molecular mass, estrogen inducible in males and naturally present in females and it was characterized as a glicolipophosphoprotein. Mass spectrometry did not identify the protein, but it showed a high similarity between the structure of the female protein and male induced protein. Through western blot assays this protein was identified as vitellogenin. Immunological techniques were also used to locate the vitellogenin in liver and gonads of exposed males and females. These results demonstrate that vitellogenin is produced by liver, secreted into the bloodstream and incorporated into the gonads. For the production of polyclonal antibodies, adult males of R. quelen were injected with 10 mg EE2.kg-1 (17?etinil-estradiol). VTG was isolated directly from the polyacrylamide gel and male rabbits were immunized. The specificity of the antibodies produced was verified by western blot, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. To evaluate the presence of endocrine disruptors in the Iraí and Passaúna water reservoirs, animals were exposed for 3 and 6 months in fish cages in both reservoirs. In both expositions and in both reservoirs VTG was not detected in plasma of adult males, leading us to believe in the absence of pollutants that affect the endocrine system of this specie in these two water reservoirs

    Avaliação dos efeitos do trióxido de antimônio sobre o sistema endócrino e reprodutivo e sobre as condições oxi-redutoras em ratos Wistar

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Ciro Alberto de Oliveira RibeiroCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Anderson Joel Martino de AndradeDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 05/07/2017Inclui referências : f. 98-107Resumo: O uso de antimônio (Sb) pelas diversas sociedades vem de tempos remotos. Seu mais antigo e mais comum uso é no tratamento da leishmaniose, no entanto seu uso como sinergista em retardantes de chamas e na catálise de polímeros plásticos vem crescendo enormemente nas últimas décadas. O potencial tóxico das formas pentavalentes, utilizadas no tratamento de doenças já foi extensivamente estudando, no entanto esta não é a forma biologicamente ativa, sendo convertida na forma trivalente pelos sistemas biológicos. Frente a isto torna-se essencial estudar os efeitos das formas trivalentes, considerando doses relevantes para a exposição humana. Desta forma, diversas doses de antimônio no seu estado de oxidação +3 (trióxido de antimônio - Sb2O3) foram testadas seguindo diversos protocolos. No capítulo 1, são relatados os efeitos do Sb2O3 sobre o sistema endócrino e reprodutivo de ratos Wistar, seguindo protocolos experimentais específicos para avaliar disfunção endócrinas propostos pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos (EPA-US). Neste caso nenhum efeito de disfunção endócrina (anti) estrogênica ou (anti) androgênica foram observados, no entanto danos histológicos em tireóide e testículos foram comuns frente a exposição ao Sb2O3. No capítulo 2 são relatados os efeitos desta substância sobre as condições oxido redutoras e danos em macromoléculas de fígado, rim, pulmão e coração. Também foram analisados danos histológicos em órgãos de biotransformação e excreção e possíveis danos neurológicos. Os resultados deste capítulo levam a conclusão de que o Sb2O3, mesmo em baixas doses pode alterar a homeostase especialmente hepática e renal, alterando enzimas e moléculas relacionadas ao balanço oxi-redutor bem como danificar macromoléculas essenciais à integridade celular. Desta forma conclui-se que, embora o Sb2O3 não tenha propriedades desreguladoras endócrinas, ele possui efeitos tóxicos sobre o organismo como um todo. Palavras chave: Desregulação endócrina, Estresse oxidativo, Antimônio, ratos Wistar.Abstract: Antimony is a world widespread substance used a long time ago in human history. It most common use is in leishmaniosis treatment, but it use as a flame retardant and in plastic catalysis are increasing in last decades. Antimony exist as pentavalent and trivalet forms. The toxicology of pentavalent Sb, commonly used in disease treatment, are well studied. However, the pentavalent form is converted in the trivalent form by biological systems, and Sb+3 is more toxic than the Sb+5 oxidation state, turning necessary study the most toxic form in a dose relevant for human exposure. In the present thesis, Sb2O3, were used as a Sb+3 contaminant, considering diverse exposure protocols. In the first chapter, the effects of Sb2O3 under endocrine and reproductive systems were evaluated following EPA protocols proposed for endocrine disrupting contaminants. No (anti) estrogenic or (anti) androgenic effects of Sb were observed in all tested doses and protocols, but damages in thyroid and testis were common after Sb2O3 exposure. In the second chapter of this thesis, the effects of Sb under oxidative stress, as well histologic alterations and neurologic effects were considered. The present results show that antimony can alter the body homeostasis, especially renal and hepatic enzymes related to oxidative balance and cause damages to macromolecules. Considering all presented results, we conclude that Sb do not exert endocrine disrupting effects, but exert toxic effects, especially for liver and kidneys. Key - words: Endocrine disfunction, oxidative stress, antimony, Wistar rats

    Crossover of conduction mechanism in Sr2IrO4 epitaxial thin films

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    High quality epitaxial Sr2IrO4 thin films with various thicknesses (9-300 nm) have been grown on SrTiO3 (001) substrates, and their electric transport properties have been investigated. All samples showed the expected insulating behavior with a strong resistivity dependence on film thickness, that can be as large as three orders of magnitude at low temperature. A close examination of the transport data revealed interesting crossover behaviors for the conduction mechanism upon variation of thickness and temperature. While Mott variable range hopping (VRH) dominated the transport for films thinner than 85 nm, high temperature thermal activation behavior was observed for films with large thickness, which was followed by a crossover from Mott to Efros-Shklovskii (ES) VRH in the low temperature range. This low temperature crossover from Mott to ES VRH indicates the presence of a Coulomb gap (~3 meV). Our results demonstrate the competing and tunable conduction in Sr2IrO4 thin films, which in turn would be helpful for understanding the insulating nature related to strong spin-orbit-coupling of the 5d iridates

    Coherent Fe-rich nano-scale perovskite oxide phase in epitaxial Sr2FeMoO6 films grown on cubic and scandate substrates

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    We report the growth of high-quality epitaxial Sr2FeMoO6 (SFMO) thin films on various unconventional oxide substrates, such as TbScO3, DyScO3, and Sr2Al0.3Ga0.7TaO6 (SAGT) as well as on the most commonly used one, SrTiO3 (STO), by pulsed laser deposition. The films were found to contain a foreign nano-scale phase coherently embedded inside the SFMO film matrix. Through energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy, we identified the foreign phase to be Sr2−xFe1+yMo1−yO6, an off-stoichiometric derivative of the SFMO compound with Fe rich content (y ≈ 0.6) and a fairly identical crystal structure to SFMO. The films on STO and SAGT exhibited very good magnetic properties with high Curie temperature values. All the samples have fairly good conducting behavior albeit the presence of a foreign phase. Despite the relatively large number of items of the foreign phase, there is no significant deterioration in the properties of the SFMO films. We discuss in detail how magneto-transport properties are affected by the foreign phase. INT

    The Spaceborne Imaging Spectrometer DESIS: Mission summary and potential for scientific developments

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    The DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS) is a spaceborne instrument installed and operated on the International Space Station (ISS). The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has developed the instrument and the full pre-processing chain up to L2A, while the US company Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) provided the Multi-User System for Earth Sensing (MUSES) platform and the infrastructure for operations and data tasking. DESIS is equipped with an on-board calibration unit and a rotating pointing mirror (POI). The POI can change the line of sight in the forward/backward direction (independently of the MUSES orientation), allowing the observation of the same area with different pointing angles within an overflight. About four years after the mission’s kick-off, the DESIS spectrometer was integrated into MUSES in August 2018, marking the start of the commissioning phase. The DESIS on-orbit functional tests were successful, and the DLR-built processing chain installed at DLR for scientific users and at Amazon Web Service for commercial users started to generate operational L1B, L1C and L2A DESIS products. In October 2019 the operational phase started the distribution of the data to scientific and commercial users. Since then, the instrument performance has been constantly evaluated. In a continuous monitoring process, the data quality is controlled and, if necessary, the calibration algorithms and tables are adjusted. This is essential for the later data application by scientists. In particular, the monitoring approaches emphasize the need for high and consistent data quality over long time periods. In autumn 2021, the first DESIS user workshop demonstrated the widespread use of DESIS data for topics like water and terrestrial resource monitoring, biodiversity and forest management. This presentation will give an overview of the DESIS mission, data quality, data access, and provides examples and perspectives on the scientific exploitation of the mission. The contribution for the CHIME mission is presented exemplarily for the CHIME test sites that are constantly observed by DESIS since 2020. DESIS data acquisition opportunities rely on the non-sun-synchronous ISS orbit, resulting in observation and illumination conditions difficult to reproduce. On the other hand, DESIS time series contain images of different day times, sensor incident angles as well as sun zenith angles and thus, can open up new opportunities for the monitoring of Earth system processes that have a daily variability such as photosynthesis. Finally, DESIS multitemporal data stacks can be an essential data base for algorithm and operational processor developments that shall be able to handle massive data amounts. The DESIS data archive is open for such research and developments and thus, is a valuable imaging spectroscopy data source