42 research outputs found

    Teaching English in the industry 4.0 and disruption era: Early lessons from the implementation of SMELT I 4.0 DE in a senior high lab school class

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    Industrial revolutions always bring with them radical changes and, with various degrees, disruptive effects on the existing or ongoing technologies. In this conjunction, radical changes in doing education are now forthcoming, and some traditional ones are being disrupted. Many proposals are now being introduced to respond to the demands of the era. In relation to the teaching of English, the writer proposed a model, called SMELT I 4.0 DE, standing for a Synergetic Multilayered English Language Teaching for Industry 4.0 and Disruption Era. While the effects of each layer of the model (ICTC, SRLI, and TVCD) on students’ ELT learning have been extensively reported, those of the layers in a synergetic whole are not yet well-investigated. Hence, a study on the use of SMELT I 4.0 DE is theoretically motivating and practically enlightening. For the very reason, a one-semester pilot project implementing the model in an English as a foreign language (EFL) class in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Senior High Lab School has been conducted in the first semester of 2018/2019. This paper is intended to present findings from the aforementioned SMELT I 4.0 DE pilot project. The data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, document analysis, and observations from a class of 29 students. It is shown that ICTC has been successful in (1) increasing students motivation and engagement, (2) giving them positive experience in utilizing students digital devices for educational purposes, and (3) encouraging students creativity; SRLI has triggered students self-regulation in planning, doing, and assessing their learning, self-selection of learning focus and materials, and strategies; and TVCD has enhanced students learning through self-discipline, honesty, confidence, collaboration, communication, and hardworking. In conclusion, the implementation of SMELT I 4.0 DE has resulted in significant progress in all aspects of students’ learning under study

    SMSLEFA: An alternative synergistic multilayered analysis of students’ learning engagement in EFL context

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    Students’ learning engagement (SLE) has been the focus of educational research at least since the 1990s. Studies have been conducted using various methods and data analysis approaches and frameworks. However, reviews on related literature show that thus far there is no synergistic multilayered framework of analysis that has been developed and utilized. In the meantime, understanding SLE using discrete and separated framework is by no means conclusive. Hence, it is reasonable to argue that synergistic multilayered framework is imperative if conclusive result is being targeted. For this purpose, the writer has developed an alternative framework, called SMSLEFA, standing for Synergistic Multilayered Students’ Learning Engagement Framework of Analysis. This paper will explicate how this framework of analysis works as well as describing the nature of SLE in an English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching. To achieve these objectives, a sample of EFL teaching in an Indonesian context, involving a teacher and his 24 students, has been purposively selected. The analysis shows that SMSLEFA has successfully explicated the SLE in a synergistic multilayered way and described the intricacy of the SLE in the class under study, and that SLE in the teaching-learning process has been successfully developed through the interwoven network of K1- (teachers’ explanation) and Ds1 (teachers’ invitation to perform communicative activities)-initiated exchanges, and the support of other kinds of exchanges. This interaction pattern encourages the development of synergistic combination of C1 (remembering text elements) and P2 (manipulating model texts) processes as the dominant processes, leading to the production of T (text)-level communication as the most frequently processed throughout the teaching-learning process


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    This research aims at investigating the effectiveness of Jigsaw in teaching reading comprehension, and it also aimed to investigate the students’ responses toward the Jigsaw technique. An English teacher and 30 seventh graders were involved as participants in this research. The data were obtained through classroom observation, giving treatments, and questionnaires. The data obtained from pre-test and post-test were analyzed by using SPSS 20 and ANATES V4 for windows. The data analysis from the independent t-test showed that there was significant difference in the result of post-test means between the experimental and the control groups. It showed that the score of the experimental group (M=24) was higher than control group (M=19). Furthermore, based on the result of the dependent t-test showed that tobt was greater than tcrit (8.976 2.064) at the level of significance 0,05 indicating that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. It means that there was a significant difference between students’ pre-test and post-test of experimental group after the treatments. The results of the study revealed that Jigsaw could be applied effectively to teach reading comprehension. Students were eager to discuss the information included in the descriptive texts one to another. In addition, the study also showed that the majority of students showed their interest in learning reading comprehension through Jigsaw. The results of the research indicated that using Jigsaw to teach reading comprehension made students tend to be active during the teaching and learning process, and it improved their comprehension about the descriptive texts

    Discourse Analysis

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    The primary focus of the study entitled Scientific Approach: An English Learning-Teaching (ELT) Approach In The 2013 Curriculum (A Descriptive Study of Teacher in One Junior High School in Bandung) is to investigate the practice of a teacher implementing scientific approach in English learning-teaching in one junior high school in Bandung and reveal the difficulties encountered by the teacher in the process. In particular, this study portrays the occurrence of activities and the quality of the teaching process through pedagogical microscope. This study employs a descriptive-qualitative research design. The data were procured from classroom observation, teacher’s lesson plan analysis and interview. Those data were analyzed by Pedagogical Microscope instrument (Suherdi, 2009). The findings show to some extents. First, the finding shows that all the five stages of scientific approach were completely executed in four meetings of delivering one material or one Basic Competence (KD) eventhough the five stages were not always conducted in every meeting which was different from lesson plan made. The teacher provided plenty activities in each stage. Scientific approach implemented by the teacher could engage students in active learning activities and develop various students’ contributions. The ways the teacher led the active learning activities and students’ contributions were varied depending on the stages. Scientific approach implemented successfully fostered students’ critical thinking and developed high-thinking level of students’ learning behaviour. Second, the difficulties encountered by the teacher during implementation were the problem on the students with low English proficiency, time allotment, and the teacher’s teaching management


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    The fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) marked by artificial intelligence and cyber-physical systems has transformed the landscape of education including English literacy instruction. Some literacy educators claim that the success of students’ today as millennial kids (Gen-Zs) and future employees has been linked to digital literacy. This term is defined as the skills associated with using digital technology to enable users to locate, organize, understand, evaluate and create information and using those skills to solve problems in technology-rich environments. This study attempts to investigate the extent to which multimodal pedagogy helps improve students’ digital literacy skills in an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) setting in a vocational higher education. A theoretical multimodal semiotic approach along with multiliteracies pedagogy is served as the overarching guideline in the overall instructional procedures grounded specifically from the principles of learner-centeredness, constructivist learning, and social interaction. A qualitative case study approach was adopted to provide an in-depth explication and analysis of students’ literacy development. Data collection included classroom observations and students’ digital artefacts. In the course of the study, the students were engaged in the creation of two digital projects of different genres: digital information report in the form of text-image creation and digital persuasive talk in the form digital video production. The key findings of this study suggest that multimodal pedagogy is an effective instructional method for digital literacy learning in that several aspects of digital literacy had proven to be significantly improved

    A genre analysis of research article ‘findings and discussion’ sections written by Indonesian undergraduate EFL students

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    The quality of findings and discussion (FD) section in a research article is crucial to elucidate the results of a particular inquiry and to situate the significance of the results in the body of knowledge through publications in scientific journals. Previous academic genre analysis has generated several models to help novice writers develop the rhetorical moves of the FD sections across disciplines. However, the study on the quality of the rhetorical moves in the undergraduate EFL students’ research articles is still scarce. Hence, this study seeks to examine the manifestation of rhetorical moves in the findings and discussion sections written by Indonesian undergraduate EFL students. A total of 113 unpublished ELT research articles from a state educational university in Bandung was selected as the target corpus. AntMover 1.10 was employed as the analysis tool. The top-down approach was carried out to obtain the existing rhetorical structure using Ruiying and Allison’s (2003) framework as the guideline. The bottom-up approach was used to scrutinize the linguistic realizations of the rhetorical moves. The findings demonstrated that, in the move level, most of the students’ FD sections had manifested the four moves, i.e., providing background information, reporting results, summarizing results, and commenting on results. However, in the step level, a number of FD sections did not provide detailed information regarding the sequence of the findings presentation, the analysis procedure to obtain the findings, the explanation for the findings, and the highlight of the significance of the findings. The randomized rhetorical patterns were also dominant. It can downgrade the clarity and rigor of the FD sections. Despite that, the linguistic realizations of the moves, particularly the tense and sentence voice, mostly conformed to the norms. The findings may serve as a reference to develop the teaching materials of English for research publication purposes (ERPP)

    EFL Teachers’ Considerations in Developing Online Teaching Materials

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    The sudden necessity of studying from home forced teachers to immediately readjust their teaching materials into the online teaching materials form. However, online tools for language teaching that can be used by teachers as sources and learning media in their teaching materials vary widely. Therefore, the present study purposed at understanding experienced English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ considerations in developing online teaching materials amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The data collected through qualitative case study research design. The data gathered through document analysis and interview. The data analyzed by the form proposed by Miles and Huberman (1994). The result of the study reveals that there are 3 out of 8 principles of teaching materials that teachers take into account; giving the students fresh input, facilitating students learning style and attitudes, and contain audio-visual media. There is also found 2 others principle that does not really considered as a matter in developing online teaching materials; achieve impact by requiring and facilitating learner self-investment and provide opportunities to give feedback