88 research outputs found

    Multi-generational House

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    BUTOROVÁ, H.: Dvougenerační rodinný dům: Bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra architektury 226, 2017, 49 s. Vedoucí práce: Student, A. Předmětem bakalářské práce „Dvougenerační rodinný dům“ je vypracování částečné projektové dokumentace pro provádění stavby podle vyhlášky 499/2006 Sb., o dokumentaci staveb. Jako podklad bakalářské práce slouží architektonická studie vypracovaná v rámci předmětu Ateliérová tvorba I a dokumentace pro stavební povolení vypracovaná v předmětu Ateliérová tvorba Va. Rodinný dvougenerační dům je navržen v lázeňské oblasti Karviná-Darkov. Stavba je složena z části pro mladou rodinu a z části pro starší rodiče. Cílem bylo vytvořit společné zázemí obou rodin, avšak i dostatek soukromí. Koncepce domu je založena na přízemní části staršího páru a na dvoupodlažní části mladé čtyřčlenné rodiny.BUTOROVÁ, H.: Multi-generational House: Bachelor´s thesis. Ostrava: VŠB-Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture 226, 2017, 49 p. Thesis head: Student, A. The subject of bachelor’s thesis „Multi-generational House‟ is preparation of partial project documentation for construction of a building according to notice 499/2006 Sb., about documentation of buildings. As resource materials serves architectural study worked out from Studio Work I and a documentation for building permit worked out from Studio Work Va. Multi-generational House is projected in the spa area Karviná-Darkov. The building consists of a part for young family and a part for grandparents. The goal was to make a common base for both families, but also to secure enough privacy. The philosophy of the house is based on the ground part for older couple and on the two-floor part for young four-member family.226 - Katedra architekturyvelmi dobř

    Association between liver biochemical test parameters and serum glucose.

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    <p>Tertiles of plasma LnALT, LnAST, LnGGT and serum LnTriglyceride (TG) (mmol/L) in association with nonfasting serum levels (mmol/L) of glucose. Asterisks (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001) represents significant difference between groups using linear regression analysis, correcting for relation to sibling relationship, age, gender, smoking, alcohol use in g/day, and number of hepatotoxic medication. NS: not significant.</p

    Nonfasting liver enzymes and triglycerides in offspring of long-lived siblings and control subjects.

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    <p>Results are from linear mixed models, correcting for age, gender, and correlation of sibling relationship (model 1) and additionally for smoking, body mass index, alcohol use in g/day and number of hepatotoxic medications (model 2). Models were fitted for natural log-transformed values of alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), and LnTriglycerides. Geometric means (95% confidence interval) are reported for transformed variables.</p

    Subject demographics.

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    <p>Values are means (SE, standard error or 95% CI, confidence interval) or numbers (%). P values are from student’s t-test (<sup>†</sup>), Pearson chi-square test (<sup>‡</sup>), and from linear mixed model analysis, correcting for age, gender, BMI, and correlation of sibling relationship (<sup>a</sup>). Models were fitted for natural log-transformed values for insulin. For transformed variables, data are presented as geometric means with 95% confidence intervals.</p><p>Age: age at serum screening, Hypertension: systolic blood pressure ≥130 mmHg and/or diastolic pressure ≥85 mmHg, or administration of antihypertensive medication, COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Insulin: nonfasting serum insulin levels, Glucose: nonfasting serum glucose levels.</p

    Computed tomography markers of liver steatosis in offspring of long-lived siblings and control subjects.

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    <p>Results are from linear mixed model and logistics regression analysis, correcting for age and gender (model 1) and additionally for smoking, body mass index, alcohol use in g/day, and number of hepatotoxic medications (model 2).</p>†<p>LS ratio were available in 131 offspring and 116 controls.</p><p>NAFLD: moderate-to-severe non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, L/S ratio: liver/spleen ratio, 95% CI: 95% confidence interval, HU: hounsfield units.</p

    Association of the 15-Picture Learning Test with calendar age and familial longevity.

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    <p>In the upper and lower panel, estimated mean values for trial 3, the immediate (PLTi) and delayed (PLTd) recall of the 15-Picture Learning Test are shown in tertiles of calendar age and for offspring versus partner status, respectively. Error bars indicate standard error. Analyses on calendar age are adjusted for gender, years of education, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, alcohol use, smoking, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and <i>apolipoprotein E</i> genotype. P-values indicate p for trend. Analyses on offspring versus partner status are adjusted additionally for age and for familial relationships among the offspring using robust standard errors. P-values indicate the difference between offspring and partners. ***:p<0.001, **:p<0.01, *p<0.05.</p

    Cognitive performance expressed as number of subjects with mistakes dependent on calendar age in years.

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    *<p>Values are expressed as number (%).</p>†<p>Subjects with no mistakes = 0, subjects with one or more mistakes = 1. Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; 15-PLT, 15-Picture Learning Test. Model 1: adjusted for gender and years of education. Model 2: as model 1+ diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke and hypertension), alcohol use, smoking, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and <i>apolipoprotein E</i> genotype.</p

    Cognitive performance expressed as number of subjects with mistakes dependent on familial longevity (offspring versus partner status<sup>*</sup>).

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    *<p>Offspring = 0, partner = 1.</p>†<p>Values are expressed as number (%).</p>‡<p>Subjects with no mistakes = 0, subjects with one or more mistakes = 1. Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; 15-PLT, 15-Picture Learning Test. Model 1: adjusted for age, gender and years of education. Model 2: as model 1+ diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke and hypertension), alcohol use, smoking, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and <i>apolipoprotein E</i> genotype. Robust standard errors were used to account for familial relationships among the offspring.</p

    Association of the Stroop test with calendar age and familial longevity.

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    <p>In the upper and lower panel, estimated mean values for part 3, the interference score and combined interference score of the Stroop test are shown in tertiles of calendar age and for offspring versus partner status, respectively. Error bars indicate standard error. Analyses on calendar age are adjusted for gender, years of education, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, alcohol use, smoking, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and <i>apolipoprotein E</i> genotype. P-values indicate p for trend. Analyses on offspring versus partner status are adjusted additionally for age and for familial relationships among the offspring using robust standard errors. P-values indicate the difference between offspring and partners. Take note that lower Stroop scores indicate better cognitive performance.***:p<0.001, *:p<0.05.</p

    Cognitive performance dependent on familial longevity (offspring versus partner status<sup>*</sup>).

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    *<p>Offspring = 0, partner = 1.</p>†<p>Values are expressed as mean (standard error).</p>‡<p>n = 223 for offspring and n = 223 for partners. Abbreviations: β, estimate; CI, confidence interval; 15-PLT, 15-Picture Learning Test; DSST, Digit Symbol Substitution Test. Model 1: adjusted for age, gender and years of education. Model 2: as model 1+ diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke and hypertension), alcohol use, smoking, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and <i>apolipoprotein E</i> genotype. Robust standard errors were used to account for familial relationships among the offspring.</p