4,808 research outputs found

    Tecnologia e misure verdi verso un\u2019architettura resiliente / Technology and green measures to a resilient architecture

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    La portata degli effetti che i cambiamenti climatici comportano nei diversi territori, impone di ripensare l\u2019attuale approccio al disegno della citt\ue0. Il nuovo orientamento \ue8 diretto verso la progettazione resiliente (dal latino resilire cio\ue8 \uabrimbalzare\ubb) sostenibile, agile e antifragile che possa resistere e fare fronte alle attuali criticit\ue0. L\u2019articolo focalizza l\u2019attenzione sul ruolo fondamentale della tecnologia nel settore delle costruzioni per la mitigazione del microclima.The scope of the effects that climate change implies in different territories requires a rethink of the current approach to the city\u2019s design. The new orientation is directed towards resilient design (from Latin to resilient) that is sustainable, agile and anti-fragile that can withstand current crises. The article focuses on the fundamental role of technology in the construction of microclimate mitigation

    Cultural content of lighting for the discovery of archaeological heritage

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    Archaeological sites, built landscapes of the past, represent the identity heritage for future generations. The aim of this article is to investigate and demonstrate the importance of the cultural identity reinforcement, which can be achieved by enhancing the historical heritage through the use of artificial lighting. The charm of an archaeological site or a monument comes from the perception of its whole environmental context, both for the functional lighting and the enhancement of the artistic and monumental. Light can turn into concrete matter both in interiors, in archaeological and urban spaces: combining innovative technologies, artificial light can be used to change the world, to shape cities, as well as architecture and space in general. The emphasis must be on what should be the most effective lighting system for the archaeological sites, one respecting the ruins and the authenticity of the landscape, while at the same time bringing out their architectural, historical and symbolic significance: the light, which is emotion, suggestion, evocation can support the experience of every single visitor. There is the possibility to obtain a recovery of memory and identity of a city, in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of the results. The choice of sites presented in this paper is derived from the author\u2019s doctoral research, through own direct study and experience, specifically dedicated to indoor and outdoor archaeological sites, according to an experimental view of strategic projects that aim to recover the ancient built environment

    Evoluzione dei materiali intelligenti

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    L\u2019attivit\ue0 progettuale presiede alla scelta dei materiali e alla capacit\ue0 tecnica entro le due dimensioni dell\u2019agire: le conoscenze precedenti e la tensione verso il futuro. Questo ha permesso di individuare la successione i paradigmi \u201ctecnologico-materici\u201d che si sono avvicendati, caratterizzando il progetto con la comparsa di nuovi materiali e processi produttivi. L\u2019avvento dei compositi ha rimesso in discussione tutti i materiali stravolgendone le caratteristiche.The design activity governs the choice of materials and technical capacity within the two dimensions of action: the previous knowledge and the tension towards the future. This has allowed us to identify the succession of\ua0 "technological-textural" paradigms that have come and gone, characterizing the design with the appearance of new materials and production processes. The advent of composite materials has challenged all the materials transforming their features

    Innovazione in luce. Dal patrimonio archeologico all\u2019ambiente costruito contemporaneo

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    Il presente articolo parte dalle considerazioni finali della tesi di dottorato dell'autore e sviluppa le questioni delineate nelle conclusioni. La tesi sulla "Luce e Archeologia" evidenzia come, in molti casi, l'illuminazione possa essere considerato come materiale "immateriale altro", per aiutare la comprensione e la valorizzazione dei contesti antichi. In generale, \ue8 stato dimostrato che attraverso la combinazione di tecnologie innovative, la luce pu\uf2 essere usata per cambiare il mondo, per modellare le citt\ue0, cos\uec come l'architettura e gli spazi in generale. Luce, materiale impalpabile, pu\uf2 trasformarsi in materia concreta, sia per la riconfigurazione degli ambienti interni, che per gli spazi esterni archeologici e urbani. C'\ue8 la possibilit\ue0 di ottenere il recupero della memoria e l'identit\ue0 di una citt\ue0, tenendo sempre presente l'efficienza energetica e l'efficacia dei risultati.The topic of this paper starts from the final considerations of the author\u2019s doctoral thesis and develops questions outlined in the conclusions. The thesis on \u201cLight and Archaeology\u201d highlights how, in many cases, the lighting outlines such as finding a material \u201cimmaterial other\u201d, to help understanding and enhancing the ancient contexts. In general, it has been demonstrated that combining innovative technologies, light can be used to change the world, to shape cities, as well as architecture and space in general. Light, impalpable material, can turn into concrete matter both in interiors, in archaeological and urban spaces. There is the possibility to obtain the recovery of the memory and the identity of a city, considering to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of the results

    Beni culturali: strategie innovative per la governance euromediterranea.

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    I paesi del Mediterraneo meridionale sono caratterizzati da un patrimonio storico, culturale e ambientale unico che rappresenta un potenziale elemento unificante che contribuisce alla comprensione reciproca e lo scambio culturale con i Paesi europei. Il riconoscimento delle diverse identit\ue0 culturali dell' "Euromediterraneo" e un legame rafforzato tra di essi \ue8 certamente auspicabile: in realt\ue0, potrebbe costituire un contributo fondamentale per creare le condizioni necessarie, in vista di un processo di pace, in modo che lo sviluppo sia impostato su un processo di pianificazione congiunta e su un dibattito scientifico sui temi del patrimonio culturale comune.The Southern Mediterranean Countries are characterized by a unique historical, cultural and environmental heritage that represents a potential unifying element that contributes to mutual understanding and cultural interchange with the European Countries. The recognition of different cultural identities of \u201cEuromediterranean\u201d and a strengthened bond between them is certainly desirable: in fact, it could constitute a fundamental contribution to create the necessary conditions, in view of a peace process, ensuring that the development is set on a joint planning process and on a scientific debate on issues of common cultural heritage

    Smart materials in architecture

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    The project activity presides over the choice of materials and technical capacity within two dimensions of action: the previous knowledge and the tension about the future. That allowed us to identify the succession of the "technological and material" paradigms that have come and gone, featuring the project with the arrival of new materials and production processes. The advent of composite smart materials has challenged all the materials overturning the features

    The Status of a PA Endangered Bird- the Upland Sandpiper

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    The upland sandpiper (Bartramia Longuardia) has experienced a steep population decline in the northeastern U.S. since the mid-20th Century. In Pennsylvania it was found in less than 0.5% of atlas blocks during the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pennsylvania project (2nd PBBA; 2004-09) and breeding was confirmed at only two locations. Due to continued declines and a small population size, the upland sandpiper was listed as PA endangered in 2012. During May 2012 the areas around 15 2nd PBBA upland sandpiper sightings were resurveyed by Gettysburg College students and volunteer birdwatchers. The aim was to establish whether the atlas records related to persisting populations. We used five-minute audio playback at up to 10 locations within 4km of the atlas sightings. A maximum of 19 pairs/calling male upland sandpipers were found across the state in 2012, most of them on or close to reclaimed surface mines. However, locating such a scarce species can be problematic, and it is still not known to what extent the species is under-reported. To help direct future surveys we analyzed data from the 2nd PBBA and the 2012 survey to produce a habitat suitability model for the upland sandpiper in Pennsylvania. We used a GIS framework to determine areas of suitable habitat and then stratified these by proximity to recent (2004-2012) upland sandpiper sightings. We recommend that our suitability model be used to establish a sampling protocol for more thorough statewide upland sandpiper survey every five years, in order that the species’ precarious status can be closely monitored
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