328 research outputs found

    Emotional Intelligence: A New Variable in Career Decision-Making

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    Positive Relational Management for Healthy Organizations: Psychometric Properties of a New Scale for Prevention for Workers

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    This contribution aims at evaluating the psychometric properties of the Positive Relational Management Scale (PRMS) in a sample of two hundred and fifty-one Italian workers. The dimensionality, reliability, and concurrent validity of the scale were investigated. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a correlated three-dimensional version of the scale, comprising Respect, Caring, and Connectedness. Latent correlations among the dimensions were moderate-to-strong (.44 - .57), but suggestive of the multidimensionality of the scores. In addition, good internal consistency was confirmed. The concurrent validity is good as the Pearson’s correlations between PRMS and measure for social support, life satisfaction, life meaningfulness, and flourishing range from .39 to .52. The results indicate that the PRMS is a valid instrument for measuring positive relational management at work in the Italian context within a positive preventive perspective

    Beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits in social support: The role of ability based emotional intelligence

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    Social support represents an important individual resource that has been associated with multiple indices of adaptive functioning and resiliency. Existing research has also identified an association between emotional intelligence (EI) and social support. The present study builds on prior research by investigating the contributions of ability based emotional intelligence to social support, beyond the effects of fluid intelligence and personality traits. The Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), the Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ), the Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence test (MSCEIT), and the Multidimensional scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) were administered to 149 Italian high school students. The results showed that ability based EI added significant incremental variance in explaining perceived social support, beyond the variance due to fluid intelligence and personality traits. The results underline the role of ability based emotional intelligence in relation to perceived social support. Since ability based emotional intelligence can be increased through specific training, the results of the present study highlight new possibilities for research and intervention in a preventive framework

    Three-dimensional advanced numerical approaches to the seismic soil and structural response analyses

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    A 3D non-linear finite element approach is developed to study the free-field seismic ground response and the soil-structure interaction (SSI) phenomena at the Lotung site (Taiwan) during the earthquake event occurred on May 20 1986. The site was extensively instrumented with down-hole and surface ac- celerometers, these latter located also on a 1/4–scale nuclear power plant containment structure. An advanced constitutive model is adopt- ed for simulating the soil behaviour, while a linear visco-elastic be- haviour is assumed for the structural model. The free-field and SSI analyses are carried out applying both the NS and EW horizontal components of the acceleration time history as recorded at the depth of 47 m b.g.l. The predicted ground response re- sults are in fair agreement with the recorded motion at depth and at the surface. The dynamic response of structure is well captured for this specific seismic event, thus confirming the validity of the numerical approach

    Satisfaction with Life Scale among Italian workers: reliability, factor structure and validity through a big sample study

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    The study aims to assess the psychometric characteristics of the Satisfaction with Life Scale among 1074 participants from the working context. Analyzing Reliability, Factor Structure and concurrent validity, results indicated good values; besides results revealed a robust structure with one factor. On the basis of these results, the SWLS is a valid instrument in relation to evaluate some cognitive aspects of life satisfaction also in the Italian work context

    The psychology of sustainability and sustainable development: Advancing decent work, inclusivity, and positive strength-based primary preventive interventions for vulnerable workers

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    This study discusses the contribution of the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development to the wellbeing of vulnerable workers. The psychology of sustainability and sustainable development is a current area of the research study in the field of sustainability science. It deals with sustainability as a framework to recognize and integrate the value of the psychological approach in the construction of processes linked to sustainable development. Accordingly, the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development could provide sustainable development processes for the employment of vulnerable workers. The contribution starts with the definition of the coordinates of a sustainable development process for vulnerable workers, anchoring it to the principles of decent work and inclusivity. Subsequently, positive variables involved in the sustainable development processes and their relationship with decent work and inclusivity are discussed. Moreover, positive healthy organizations are introduced as work environments capable to take care of the wellbeing, also, of vulnerable workers. Lastly, the applications of positive strength-based primary preventive interventions for vulnerable workers are analyzed. Perspectives for further research studies and interventions are also examined
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