11 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Mutu Olahan Kacang Mete pada PT East Indo Fair Trading, Kabupaten Karangasem, Provinsi Bali

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    Cashew Nut Product Quality Control In PT East Indo Fair Trading, Karangasem Regency, Bali ProvincePT East Indo Fair Trading is one of cashew nut manufacturing company in Bali. Company has been applied management quality in accordance guidelines standard prevailing, but the fact remains found damage to products. The purpose of research to know processing the cashew nut, supervise the quality uses statistics method and total cost for quality control steady. Based on the research done, there are 11 stages production processed of cashew nut. Quality control analysis include: quality control the beginning until the end of the production process, quality control using controlled map analysis these show that the process is controllable, and quality control using cause and effect diagram analysis that show the source of the product's damage is affected by raw material, human resources, and mechanism. Based on the analysis on total quality cost, actual quality cost the spend by the company are Rp 214.583.333,00 with the total of damage around 8.460 kilograms, and total quality cost over optimum quality are Rp 190.673.096,00 with the total of optimum damage around 5.153,33 kilograms, with the difference of streamlined cost are Rp 23.910.237,00 and the extent of damage differences over the cashew nut products are 3.306,67 kilograms. The recommended suggestion is the company better use statistic quality control method and increase the procedure also the appropriate working method

    Peran Human Capital Terhadap Efisiensi Perusahaan Perbankan Di Indonesia

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    —Human capital (HC) menjadi salah satu faktor pen-ting dalam keunggulan kompetitif Perusahaan untuk memenang-kan persaingan, dimana aspek tersebut berperan dalam mening-katkan potensi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) agar dapat diber-dayakan secara optimal. HC berkaitan dengan investasi Perusa-haan dalam pengembangan SDM. Adanya kecenderungan Peru-sahaan dalam mengeluarkan biaya tenaga kerja cukup tinggi, khususnya pada Perusahaan perbankan, dapat mempengaruhi efisiensi Perusahaan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran HC terhadap efisiensi Peru-sahaan perbankan di Indonesia dengan menghitung rasio biaya tenaga kerja yang juga menyangkut biaya pendidikan dan pela-tihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 31 Bank yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil analisa ditemukan bahwa terdapat kontribusi human capital terhadap efisiensi bank di Indonesia

    Reproducibility of Standing Posture for X-Ray Radiography: A Feasibility Study of the BalancAid with Healthy Young Subjects

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    Unreliable spinal X-ray radiography measurement due to standing postural variability can be minimized by using positional supports. In this study, we introduce a balancing device, named BalancAid, to position the patients in a reproducible position during spinal X-ray radiography. This study aimed to investigate the performance of healthy young subjects’ standing posture on the BalancAid compared to standing on the ground mimicking the standard X-rays posture in producing a reproducible posture for the spinal X-ray radiography. A study on the posture reproducibility measurement was performed by taking photographs of 20 healthy young subjects with good balance control standing on the BalancAid and the ground repeatedly within two consecutive days. We analyzed nine posterior–anterior (PA) and three lateral (LA) angles between lines through body marks placed in the positions of T3, T7, T12, L4 of the spine to confirm any translocations and movements between the first and second day measurements. No body marks repositioning was performed to avoid any error. Lin’s CCC test on all angles comparing both standing postures demonstrated that seven out of nine angles in PA view, and two out of three angles in LA view gave better reproducibility for standing on the BalancAid compared to standing on the ground. The PA angles concordance is on average better than that of the LA angles

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi di SD Pelangi Jimbaran

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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangat bermanfaat di segala bidang, salah satunya di bidang pendidikan. Teknologi merupakan sarana bagi proses pembelajaran, baik digunakan untuk mencari informasi maupun digunakan dalam membantu kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi berupa video pembelajaran pada SD Pelangi Jimbaran. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu wawancara, observasi serta menggunakan lembar kuisioner dan tes hasil belajar secara langsung kepada peserta didik. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif untuk mengukur minat serta mengetahui hasil belajar peserta didik setelah menggunakan media belajar berbasis teknologi berupa video pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil tes dan kuisioner yang diberikan kepada peserta didik dapat disimpulkan penggunaan media belajar berbasis teknologi berupa video belajar ini membantu peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajar sehingga sangat efektif digunakan dalam meningkatkan minat serta hasil belajar peserta didik di SD Pelangi Jimbaran

    The Inovation in Teaching Balinese and Javanese Dances in English for Students of Dance Departement

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    Creating an innovation in teaching Balinese and Javanese dances in English for the students of Dance department who learn English is an interesting and effective Way. This innovation has given a significant result that the students of Dance department have been able to explain the basic Balinese and Javanese dances movements in English after translating the existence of Balinese and Javanese dances and all terms related to them from Indonesian into English.This idea becomes one of the efforts to strengthen the steps of Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar in the International level and in reaching the vision to be the centre of excellent. There are three main discussions in this paper, namely, the existence of Balinese dance, the exsistence of Javanese dance, and teaching method in teaching Balinese and Javanese dances.The existence of Balinese and Javanese dances and some terms and terminologies associated with Balinese and Javanese dances and other things that are still relevant are described in the result ofthis study. It is very significant benefit in the teaching-learning process of English and of Balinese and Javanese dances as well This paper is a part of the result of competitive research grants funded by ISI Denpasar DIPA Number : DIPA-023-O4.1.673453/2015 dated November l4, 2015. The other result of this research has also been presented in the 6th International Seminar on Austronesia Languages and Literatures, Udayana University, Denpasar dated 28-29 Agustus 2015The method apllied is the translation research methods combined with dance research method, which is started with collecting the terms related to Balinese and Javanese dances , then translated into English. Furthermore, the translation results are tested in teaching dance to students majoring in Dance department and foreign students who studied at ISI Denpasar

    Tax Sanctions, Tax Amnesty Program, and Tax Obligation Placement Towards Compliance Report on Corporate Taxpayers

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    The level of taxpayer compliance was very low. It was due to the lack of the taxpayer's knowledge in fulfilling tax obligations. The level of the taxpayer's awareness has not reached the expected level. The study was intended to determine whether there were significant effects of taxation sanctions, tax amnesty program, and assets placement report on compliance with tax obligations of the corporate taxpayers conducted at the Official Service of Pratama Tax in East Denpasar. It was used, 293 respondents. The research method used was a descriptive method with survey technique through questionnaire distribution. Statistical testing used multiple linear regression analysis where the influence of variables was tested using the t-test. The research obtained that taxation sanctions, tax amnesty program, and assets placement report affect the compliance of tax obligations of corporate taxpayers with an influence of 78.6% was a positive direction, while the remaining 21.4% was explained by other factors not examined