23 research outputs found


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    Identifikasi permasalahan pada mitra dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat (PKM) ini antara lain (1) bagaimana meningkatkan motivasi guru untuk melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas?; (2) Bagaimana meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman guru dalam melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas?; (3) Bagaimana cara memberikan pengetahuan dan praktik penyusunan rancangan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas? Berdasarkan identifikasi permasalahan mitra tersebut, maka dari kesepakatan dan hasil diskusi pengusul dengan mitra, solusi yang ditawarkan kegiatan PKM yang diusulkan adalah (1) Peningkatan motivasi guru untuk melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas; (2) Pelatihan untuk  meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman guru dalam melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas; (3) Pelatihan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan praktik penyusunan rancangan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Adapun rencana pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu (1) sosialisasi program, (2) koordinasi pelaksanaan, (3) pelaksanaan, dan (4) evaluasi hasil kegiatan.  Luaran yang akan dihasilkan dari pelaksanaan PKM ini adalah (1) Meningkatnya kesadaran dan motivasi guru dalam melakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas; (2) Meningkatnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman guru dalam melakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas; dan (3) Rancangan rencana Penelitian Tindakan Kelas


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    Abstract Simple tense is one of the essential skills that should be mastered by the students. The skill deals with knowing how to form sentence and use it in an appropriate way. In teaching and learning simple tenses process, the students are usually confused of rules. The students sometimes get bored in teaching and learning process employed by the teacher in teaching simple tenses. As a result, a lot of students have low scores on English caused by the failure in mastering simple tenses. One of the solutions to improve students’ simple tenses mastery is by using English song. It helps them to give motivation in learning English and memorizing the grammatical point through repetition of words in the song. The research intended “To improve students’ simple tenses mastery at MA Nurut Taqwa Cerme Bondowoso. The design of the research was Classroom Action Research. The research covered four stages of activities, they were planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research subject was XIIPA class because their simple tenses scores were still low. The class consisted of 23 students. Test and observation used to collect the data. The result of the score analysis was, the percentage of students who got score >70 was 45% in the first cycle. It means that the score of cycle one did not achieve the criteria of success. Therefore, it was necessary to continue the action into cycle two with some modification in implementing the action. The result of writing test in second cycle was 78% of the students could achieve the target score. It was not necessary to continue the action into next cycle because more than 70% students could achieve the target score. To sum up, the use of English song could improve students’ simple tenses mastery at MA Nurut Taqwa Cerme Bondowoso by filling the blank spaces with the correct to-be and verbs form. Key words: Simple tenses Mastery, English Son


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    Simple tense is one of the essential skills that should be mastered by the students. The skill deals with knowing how to form sentence and use it in an appropriate way. In teaching and learning simple tenses process, the students are usually confused of rules. The students sometimes get bored in teaching and learning process employed by the teacher in teaching simple tenses. As a result, a lot of students have low scores on English caused by the failure in mastering simple tenses. One of the solutions to improve students’ simple tenses mastery is by using English song. It helps them to give motivation in learning English and memorizing the grammatical point through repetition of words in the song.The research intended “To improve students’ simple tenses mastery at MA Nurut Taqwa CermeBondowoso. The design of the research was Classroom Action Research. The research covered four stages of activities, they were planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research subject was XIIPA class because their simple tenses scores were still low. The class consisted of 23 students. Test and observation used to collect the data.The result of the score analysis was, the percentage of students who got score >70 was 45% in the first cycle. It means that the score of cycle one did not achieve the criteria of success. Therefore, it was necessary to continue the action into cycle two with some modification in implementing the action. The result of writing test in second cycle was 78% of the students could achieve the target score. It was not necessary to continue the action into next cycle because more than 70% students could achieve the target score. To sum up, the use of English song could improve students’ simple tenses mastery at MA Nurut Taqwa Cerme Bondowoso by filling the blank spaces with the correct to-be and verbs form. Key words: Simple tenses Mastery, English Son

    The Ninth Grade Students' Perception in Learning English Vocabularies Through Watching "Coco" Movie with Subtitle

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    Vocabulary is one of the important component should be learn by people who learns English. Movie can be an entertaining media and source for students to improve their language skills because movies represent real-life language by native speakers. The use of English movies can be different for every learners grade. This research was aimed to finding “The Ninth Grade Students’ Perception In Learning English Vocabularies Through Watching Coco  Movie With Subtitle. To collect the data, the researcher used instruments of questionnaire. The researcher useD Descriptive Qualitative Method with 29 respondents from Ninth grade students from SMPN 8 Jember. The data analyzed by using Prof. Dr. Sugiyono those are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. Based on the data those were  9 students had a positive answered. From 3 students got 100% positive answered, 3 student got 75%, 3 students got 88% positive answer. 20 students had  negative perception. 16 students got 50%, 4 students got 63% for negative perception. It showed that the total percentage of negative perception level is more higher than the positive percetions. Based on the data analyze it could be concluded that the use of COCO movie with subtitle can be used for learning activity but not for the first choice. Most of the students find difficulty when watching the movie because of the English Subtitle

    Reading Comprehension Problem and Solution in Online Classroom

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    The research focus on finding the problem and solution of reading comprehension in online learning class at ninth grade in 2022/2023 Academic Year. The research problems are focused on; 1. How do students learn reading comprehension in online learning class? 2. What kind of problems faced by students in studying reading comprehension in online learning class?, 3. What strategies can be used by students to solve the problems in online learning class?. To find the answer of the problem above descriptive qualitative research was conducted. The results of this research were in the form of words and sentences. It was found that some strategies were used by students as scan reading to save time and reduced eye strain due to gadget light, form a small group study with students who are near home to join reading class together and discuss about the material. if students found it was hard to read by smartphones or laptop some students print out the assignment given by teacher. Therefore, students could read easily, and underline the important information directly. Different from previous studies, this research, in addition to finding problems, also offers useful solutions for online reading learning

    Teacher Strategy in Teaching English During Covid-19 Pandemic for the Eighth Grade Students at SMP Baitul Arqom Balung

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    Corona virus, also known as COVID-19, has been causing havoc around the world since the end of 2019. The pandemic situation has completely replaced the way of teaching English method from face-to-face learning into online teaching. This research aims to investigate the teachers’ strategies in using online learning platform and the challenges in implementing their strategies during Covid-19 pandemic through online learning platforms". The design of this study was qualitative approach. This study involves English teacher of SMP Baitul Arqom Balung as the inteviewee. The data was collected through documentation and interview. Based on observation the researcher found that the online learning application used in SMP Baitul Arqom Balung was a WhatsApp, Google Form, Zoom, Google classroom. In conclusion, the researcher found strategies had applied by student teachers in teaching English online. Those strategies as follows: Explaining the material by using several devices, checking of students’ understanding, and giving the assignment