114 research outputs found

    Organic consumption in three European countries

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    The present paper describes the consumption of organic foods in Denmark, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The study is based on an extensive set of household purchase panel data for each country. The data indicate that the consumption level in Denmark is substantially higher than in both Italy and in the United Kingdom. Furthermore differences between various socio-demographic groups are investigated. Some of these differences can be identified in all three countries

    Do Danish consumers prefer an organic vegetarian meal or a non-organic meaty alternative? Evidence from a choice experiment

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    The paper aimed to analyse how different segments of consumers make trade-offs between the content of vegetables and meat in a meal and between organic and non-organic ingredients

    Ø-mærket skaber høj forventning

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    Forbrugere tillægger den økologiske produktion egenskaber, der ikke indgår i Ø-mærket

    Increase in organic consumption and dietary health – a dynamic approach.

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    The paper investigated whether an increase in the consumption of organic food was related to an improvement in diet composition of individual households

    Are Organic Consumers Healthier than Others?

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    Recent research results indicate that organic consumers have a healthier diet than other consumers. This suggests that there might be a positive relationship between organic consumption and a healthy lifestyle. One aim of an ongoing research project is to analyse whether consumers with a high organic consumption have a higher interest in nutrition and a healthy living than other consumers. In order to test whether such a causal relationship exists, purchase data from Danish households are combined with information on these households’ perception of organic food and their health concerns

    Differentiated Food Taxes as a Tool in Health and Nutrition Policy

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    The purpose of the present study is to analyse the effects of using economic policy tools in nutrition policy, e.g. introduction of specific taxes on unhealthy food components or differentiated VAT on foods. The effects of such regulation instruments are demonstrated using Denmark as an illustrative case. A model concept combining econometric models of food consumption behaviour for different socio-demographic groups with a model for conversion between food consumption and nutrient intake is developed. The socio-demographic effects of four different tax or subsidy regulation schemes are investigated.obesity, food taxes, econometric model, socio-demographic differences, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Differentiated Food Taxes as a Tool in Health and Nutrition Policy

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    The purpose of the present study is to analyse the effects of using economic policy tools in nutrition policy, e.g. introduction of specific taxes on unhealthy food components or differentiated VAT on foods. The effects of such regulation instruments are demonstrated using Denmark as an illustrative case. A model concept combining econometric models of food consumption behaviour for different socio-demographic groups with a model for conversion between food consumption and nutrient intake is developed. The socio-demographic effects of four different tax or subsidy regulation schemes are investigated.obesity, food taxes, econometric model, socio-demographic differences, Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Hvordan opfatter forbrugeren økologi?

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    I DETTE STUDIE undersøges, hvordan forbrugerne opfatter fødevarer. Mere præcist fokuserer undersøgelsen på, om en forbruger først og fremmest tænker på, hvilken produktgruppe en fødevare tilhører (produktfokus), eller om det er vigtigst, om en fødevare er økologisk eller konventionelt produceret (øko-fokus). Vores resultater indikerer, at forbrugernes måde at opdele fødevarer på hænger tæt sammen med deres holdninger til og forbrug af økologiske fødevarer. Betydningen af forbrugerens opdelingsstrategi genfindes i en case, hvor forbrugernes præferencer for forskellige typer af mælk analyseres. Det afspejler sig tydeligt, at forbrugere, der har øko-fokus, i højere grad end forbrugere, der har produktfokus, er villige til at betale en merpris for bl.a., at mælken stammer fra køer, der kommer på græs om sommeren. Derudover indikerer resultaterne, at den økologiske forbruger i højere grad kan karakteriseres ved troen på, at der er flere positive egenskaber i Ø-mærkede produkter, ud over hvad der garanteres af mærket, end ved socio-demografiske faktorer som, hvor meget man tjener, hvor man bor, og hvilket køn man har. Analysen er baseret på 900 danskeres besvarelse af et spørgeskema i juni 2009

    Dokumentation af valgeksperiment og spørgeskema, CONCEPTS

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    Formålet med dette arbejdspapir er at dokumentere en spørgeskemaundersøgelse om økologisk forbrug. I undersøgelsen, der er bygget op omkring et valgeksperiment, fokuseres der særligt på forbrugernes holdninger til de enkelte egenskaber i mælk

    Organic food and health concerns: a dietary approach using observed data

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    AbstractA number of studies based on stated behaviour suggest that consumption of organic food is part of a life style that involves healthy eating habits that go beyond shifting to organic varieties of the individual food products. However, so far no studies based on observed behaviour have addressed the relationship between organic purchases and diet composition. The aim of the present paper is to fill this gab using purchase data for a large sample of Danish households. Using a Tobit regression analysis, the diets of households with higher organic consumption were found to include more vegetables and fruits but less fat/confectionary and meat which is in accordance with the official Danish Dietary Recommendations. Moreover, higher organic budget shares were found among well-educated consumers in urban areas and clearly linked to a belief that organic products are healthier. No statistical relations were found between consumption of organic food and perceptions that organic production is more animal or environmentally friendly