959 research outputs found

    Molecular analysis of gene expression in rat brain

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    Imperial Users onl

    PeerWise - The Marmite of Veterinary Student Learning

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    PeerWise is a free online student-centred collaborative learning tool with which students anonymously author, answer, and evaluate multiple choice questions (MCQs). Features such as commenting on questions, rating questions and comments, and appearing on leaderboards, can encourage healthy competition, engage students in reflection and debate, and enhance their communication skills. PeerWise has been used in diverse subject areas but never previously in Veterinary Medicine. The Veterinary undergraduates at the University of Glasgow are a distinct cohort; academically gifted and often highly strategic in their learning due to time pressures and volume of course material. In 2010-11 we introduced PeerWise into 1st year Veterinary Biomolecular Sciences in the Glasgow Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery programme. To scaffold PeerWise use, a short interactive session introduced students to the tool and to the basic principles of good MCQ authorship. Students were asked to author four and answer forty MCQs throughout the academic year. Participation was encouraged by an allocation of up to 5% of the final year mark and inclusion of studentauthored questions in the first summative examination. Our analysis focuses on engagement of the class with the\ud tool and their perceptions of its use. All 141 students in the class engaged with PeerWise and the majority contributed beyond that which was stipulated. Student engagement with PeerWise prior to a summative exam was positively correlated to exam score, yielding a relationship that was highly significant (p<0.001). Student perceptions of PeerWise were predominantly positive with explicit recognition of its value as a learning and revision tool, and more than two thirds of the class in agreement that question authoring and answering reinforced their learning. There was clear polarisation of views, however, and those students who did not like PeerWise were vociferous in their dislike, the biggest criticism being lack of moderation by staff

    Nitration of the benzenesulfonate of 2-hydroxybiphenyl /

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    Coeducation Will Probably Never Be Co-

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    Non-fiction by Paul C. Denn


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    Mother’s Stress Level in Assisting Children Online- Learning During Pandemic Covid-19 at Kecamatan Parongpong. Online learning in school-age children during Covid-19 pandemic has a special burden on mother and put they in a risk of stress. The purpose of this study is to determine the stress level of mother in assisting school-age children online learning during pandemic. The research design was quantitative descriptive. The sample of this study was 50 mothers of school-age children and obtained by random sampling method. Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) questionnaire were used for collecting data and analyzed by descriptive (univariate) analysis. The result showed the stress level of mother was in moderate stress. Mother's stress level is caused by several things, such as the various mother’s roles during pandemic, the mother's education background, family’s cost of living and cost of education during pandemic. The main factors influence the stress level of the mother need to be analyzed further for the next study. Keywords: Covid-19, Mother, Online learning, Stress level. Pembelajaran daring pada anak usia sekolah di pandemi Covid-19 memberikan beban tersendiri bagi ibu sehingga beresiko menimbulkan stres pada ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat stres ibu yang mendampingi anak usia sekolah selama pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 50 orang ibu yang mendampingi anak usia sekolah dalam pembelajaran daring yang didapatkan dengan metode random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengunakan kuesioner Perceived stres Scale (PSS-10) dan dianalisa dengan analisis deskriptif (univariat). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat stres ibu yang mendampingi anak usia sekolah dalam pembelajaran daring selama masa pandemi adalah stres sedang. Tingkat stres ibu disebabkan oleh beberapa hal seperti berbagai peran yang harus dilakukan ibu, tingkat pendidikan ibu, biaya hidup dan biaya pendidikan selama pembelajaran daring. Perlu dianalisis faktor yang sangat berpengaruh pada tingkat stres ibu yang mendampingi anak belajar dengan metode daring di masa pandemi. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Ibu, Pembelajaran daring, Tingkat stres

    Lipid Profile dan Tekanan Darah pada Wanita Dewasa Berdasarkan Pemeriksaan BMI dan LP

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between BMI, WC (waist circumference) with lipid profile, and blood pressure. The research design uses quantitative methods, with a correlational descriptive approach. The results showed that the mean BMI of respondents was 28.58 or obesity and waist circumference 91.53 were in the high category. At the same time, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were included in hypertension grade 1, with values ​​of 139.05 and 89.03 mmHg. Lipid profile (total cholesterol and triglycerides are within normal limits with a mean of 183.08 and 94.93 mg/dl. Bivariate analysis of BMI and LP with systolic blood pressure and lipid profile with p-value> .05 and p-value <.05 for BMI and LP on diastolic blood pressure Conclusion, There is a significant relationship between BMI and LP on diastolic blood pressure, but there is no meaningful relationship to systolic blood pressure and lipid profile.   Keywords: BMI, Waist Circumference, Lipid Profile, Blood Pressur

    Gambaran Kecemasan dan Mekanisme Koping Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan Tingkat 1 Dalam Menghadapi Ujian Praktik Laboratorium

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    Anxiety is a person's emotional status that arises against situations in the environment, both from within the individual and outside the individual. Anxiety can lead to loss of concentration, especially in students who will take the laboratory practicum exam. Anxiety experienced by individuals will determine the coping mechanism that will be used in overcoming the problem. The purpose of this study was to obtain a description of the anxiety and coping mechanisms of first-year nursing undergraduate students in facing laboratory practical exams. The research method used was descriptive quantitative using total sampling technique with 80 respondents. Data collection using the State Anxiety Inventory questionnaire and The Brief Cope Inventory. This study shows that the anxiety of first-year nursing undergraduate students in facing laboratory practical exams is in the mild anxiety category. Coping of first-year nursing undergraduate students in facing laboratory practice exams is adaptive coping and uses problem-focused coping. Kecemasan merupakan status emosional seseorang yang muncul terhadap situasi di lingkungan, baik dari dalam individu maupun luar individu. Kecemasan dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya konsentrasi terutama pada mahasiswa yang akan mengikuti ujian praktikum laboratorium. Kecemasan yang dialami oleh individu akan menentukan mekanisme koping yang akan digunakan dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran kecemasan dan mekanisme koping mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan Tingkat 1 dalam menghadapi ujian praktikum laboratorium. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah responden 80 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner State Anxiety Inventory dan The Brief Cope Inventory. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kecemasan mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan Tingkat 1 dalam menghadapi ujian praktik laboratorium adalah pada kategori kecemasan ringan. Koping mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan Tingkat 1 dalam menghadapi ujian praktik laboratorium adalah koping adaptif dan menggunakan problem-focused coping. &nbsp

    Conversing with Copilot: Exploring Prompt Engineering for Solving CS1 Problems Using Natural Language

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    GitHub Copilot is an artificial intelligence model for automatically generating source code from natural language problem descriptions. Since June 2022, Copilot has officially been available for free to all students as a plug-in to development environments like Visual Studio Code. Prior work exploring OpenAI Codex, the underlying model that powers Copilot, has shown it performs well on typical CS1 problems thus raising concerns about the impact it will have on how introductory programming courses are taught. However, little is known about the types of problems for which Copilot does not perform well, or about the natural language interactions that a student might have with Copilot when resolving errors. We explore these questions by evaluating the performance of Copilot on a publicly available dataset of 166 programming problems. We find that it successfully solves around half of these problems on its very first attempt, and that it solves 60\% of the remaining problems using only natural language changes to the problem description. We argue that this type of prompt engineering, which we believe will become a standard interaction between human and Copilot when it initially fails, is a potentially useful learning activity that promotes computational thinking skills, and is likely to change the nature of code writing skill development

    The Four-Day School Week: Impact on Student Academic Performance

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    Although the four-day school week originated in 1936, it was not widely implemented until 1973 when there was a need to conserve energy and reduce operating costs. This study investigated how achievement tests scores of schools with a four-day school week compared with schools with a traditional five-day school week. The study focused on student performance in Colorado where 62 school districts operated a four-day school week. The results of the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) were utilized to examine student performance in reading, writing, and mathematics in grades 3 through 10. While the mean test scores for five-day week schools exceeded those of four-day week schools in 11 of the 12 test comparisons, the differences were slight, with only one area revealing a statistically significant difference. This study concludes that decisions to change to the four-day week should be for reasons other than student academic performance

    The politics of institutionalizing preventive health

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    Prevention is an attractive idea to policymakers in theory, particularly in health where the burden of spending and care is increasingly taken up by complex and chronic conditions associated with lifestyle choices. However, prevention in general, and preventative health in particular, has proven hard to implement in practice. In this paper, we look to one tangible legacy of the recent rise of the prevention agenda: agencies with responsibility for preventative health policy. We ask how this form of institutionalizing preventative health happens in practice, and what consequences it has for the advancement of the prevention agenda. We draw on qualitative data to compare the trajectories of newly formed agencies in Australia, New Zealand and England. We find that building and maintaining legitimacy for such agencies may come at the expense of quick progress or radical action in service of the prevention agenda
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