314 research outputs found

    Out of equilibrium dynamics in the bidimensional spin-ice model

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    We study the dynamics of 2d spin-ice following a quench from a fully disordered initial condition (equilibrium at infinite temperature) into its disordered, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases. We analyze the evolution of the density of topological defects and we show that these take finite density over very long periods of time in all kinds of quenches. We identify the leading mechanisms for the growth of domains in the ordered phases and we evaluate the (anisotropically) growing lengths involved in dynamic scaling.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Full phase diagram of active Brownian disks: from melting to motility-induced phase separation

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    We establish the complete phase diagram of self-propelled hard disks in two spatial dimensions from the analysis of the equation of state and the statistics of local order parameters. The equilibrium melting scenario is maintained at small activities, with coexistence between active liquid and hexatic order, followed by a proper hexatic phase and a further transition to an active solid. As activity increases, the emergence of hexatic and solid order is shifted towards higher densities. Above a critical activity and for a certain range of packing fractions, the system undergoes MIPS and demixes into low and high density phases; the latter can be either disordered (liquid) or ordered (hexatic or solid) depending on activity

    Effects of husbandry parameters on the life-history traits of the apple snail, Marisa cornuarietis: effects of temperature, photoperiod, and population density

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    These experiments are part of a larger study designed to investigate the influence of husbandry parameters on the life history of the apple snail, Marisa cornuarietis. The overall objective of the program is to identify suitable husbandry conditions for maintaining multi-generation populations of this species in the laboratory for use in ecotoxicological testing. In this article, we focus on the effects of photoperiod, temperature, and population density on adult fecundity and juvenile growth. Increasing photoperiod from 12 to 16 h of light per day had no effect on adult fecundity or egg hatching and relatively minor effects on juvenile growth and development. Rearing snails at temperatures between 22°C and 28°C did not influence the rates of egg production or egg clutch size. However, the rates of growth and development (of eggs and juveniles) increased with increasing temperature in this range, and when temperatures were reduced to 22°C egg-hatching success was impaired. Juvenile growth and development were more sensitive to rearing density than adult fecundity traits. On the basis of the present results, we conclude that rearing individuals of M. cornuarietis at a temperature of 25°C, a photoperiod of 12L:12D, and a density of <0.8 snails L−1 (with lower densities for juvenile snails) should provide favorable husbandry conditions for maintaining multi-generation populations of this species

    The case for new academic workspaces

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    Executive summary: This report draws upon the combined efforts of a number of estates professionals, architects, academics, designers, and senior managers involved in the planning of new university buildings for the 21st century. Across these perspectives, all would agree – although perhaps for different reasons - that this planning is difficult and that a number of particular considerations apply in the design of academic workspaces. Despite these difficulties, they will also agree that when this planning goes well, ‘good’ buildings are truly transformational – for both the university as a whole and the people who work and study in them. The value of well-designed buildings goes far beyond their material costs, and endures long after those costs have been forgotten ..

    Reflecting on loss in Papua New Guinea

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    This article takes up the conundrum of conducting anthropological fieldwork with people who claim that they have 'lost their culture,' as is the case with Suau people in the Massim region of Papua New Guinea. But rather than claiming culture loss as a process of dispossession, Suau claim it as a consequence of their own attempts to engage with colonial interests. Suau appear to have responded to missionization and their close proximity to the colonial-era capital by jettisoning many of the practices characteristic of Massim societies, now identified as 'kastom.' The rejection of kastom in order to facilitate their relations with Europeans during colonialism, followed by the mourning for kastom after independence, both invite consideration of a kind of reflexivity that requires action based on the presumed perspective of another