9 research outputs found

    Infection of Botrytis Cinereai in Different Fungicide Application Programs in Semillon Grape

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    Botrytis cinerea can lead to reduction in the yield and quality of table and wine grapes, with high economic loses in the world and also Turkey. In this work was compared fungicide applications in trial vineyard of Semillon cv. with that of several grower vineyards the effectiveness to fruit infection of Botrytis cinerea at harvest. Studies were conducted at five sites in Tekirdağ. All fungicide treatments reduced mean B. cinerea berry infection when compared to the unsprayed control treatment. Trial programme resulted in at least disease severity (1.46%) and incidence (5.83%) and this programme was used fungicide at flower stage for B. cinerea. The highest disease severity (11.46%) and incidence (31.67%) was noted in Grower I Programme. This is followed by Grower III programme, Grower II programme and Grower IV programme, respectively. The recommendation for control of B. cinerea in the Trakya region is to apply one spray at bloom.Botrytis cinerea dünyada olduğu gibi aynı zamanda Türkiye’de de sofralık ve şaraplık üzümlerde önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Semillon şaraplık üzüm çeşidinde B. cinerea’nın hasat döneminde meydana getirdiği meyve enfeksiyonlarına karşı fungisit deneme programı ile üreticilerin uyguladığı fungisit programları karşılaştırılmıştır. Uygulanan tüm fungisit programları kontrol üretici bağı ile karşılaştırıldığında B. cinerea’nın tane enfeksiyonlarını azalttığı tespit edilmiştir. En az hastalık şiddeti (%1,46) ve hastalık oranı (%5.83) çiçeklenme döneminden itibaren başlatılan deneme programında tespit edilmiştir. En yüksek hastalık şiddeti (%11.46) ve hastalık oranı (%31.67) I. üreticinin uyguladığı programda tespit edilmiştir. Bunu sırasıyla III. üretici programı, II. üretici programı ve IV. üretici programı takip etmiştir. Trakya Bölgesi’nde B. cinerea’nın kontrolü için çiçeklenme döneminde fungisit uygulamalarının başlatılması önerilmektedir

    Agricultural recycling of treatment-plant sludge: A case study for a vegetable-processing factory

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    WOS: 000247905600004PubMed ID: 16934389The present study evaluated the possibility of using the sludge produced by a vegetable-processing factory in agriculture. The sludge was amended with a soil mixture (i.e., a mixture of sand, soil, and manure) and was applied at 0, 165, 330, 495 and 660 t/ha to promote the growth of cucumbers. The effects of various sludge loadings on plant growth were assessed by counting plants and leaves, measuring stem lengths, and weighing the green parts and roots of the plants. We also compared heavy metal uptake by the plants for sludge loadings of 330, 495, and 660 t/ha with various recommended standards for vegetables. Our results showed that plant growth patterns were influenced to some extent by the sludge loadings. In general, the number of leaves, stem length, and dry weight of green parts exhibited a pronounced positive growth response compared with an unfertilized control, and root growth showed a lesser but still significant response at sludge loadings of 165 and 330 t/ha. The sludge application caused no significant increase in heavy metal concentrations in the leaves, though zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) were found at elevated concentrations. However, despite the Zn and Fe accumulation, we observed no toxicity symptoms in the plants. This may be a result of cucumber's tolerance of high metal levels. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Analysis of Polygalacturonase Enzyme Production in Isolates of Botrytis cinerea Sensitive to Different Fungicides Used in Vineyards

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    WOS: 000283729600006Reduction of mycelial growth and spore germination of Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of grey mould, are common criteria to determine the sensitivity of this fungus to fungicides. In this article, the influence of nine different fungicides on polygalacturonase (PG) activity and mycelial dry weight (MDW) was analysed on culture filtrates from B. cinerea, obtained from grapes. All fungicides except triadimenol and tebuconazole inhibited MDW of isolates <50%. Cyprodinil + fludioxonil, myclobutanil and imazalil inhibited PG activity more than 50%. Fenhexamid had a lower inhibitory effect (<50%) on PG activity. Procymidone and pyrimethanil induced both PG activity and isoenzyme banding profile of isolates sensitive to these fungicides. This study provides a new additional tool for determining sensitivity to fungicides and monitoring the effect of fungicide resistance management policies.Trakya UniversityTrakya University [TUBAP-664]This research was supported by the Scientific Research Fund of Trakya University (TUBAP-664). We are grateful to Dr Martha Rowe (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) for improving the language and for useful remarks

    The effects of biological and chemical treatment on gray mold disease in tomatoes grown under greenhouse conditions

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    WOS: 000251725000006A total of 163 bacterial strains isolated from tomato leaves were evaluated for their ability to suppress gray mold (Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr.) on tomatoes, and 4 strains consistently reduced the incidence of B. cinerea. These antagonist strains were identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens. The bacterial strains with in vitro resistance to fungicides were combined with low-dose fenhexamid in vivo. One strain of P. fluorescens (Pf 163) reduced the disease incidence by an average of 78% on tomato plants inoculated with B. cinerea in greenhouse trials. In comparison to the control treatment, other P. fluorescens strains applied with low-dose fenhexamid reduced the incidence of decay by 74.17%, 70.52%, and 65.74%, respectively. The antagonists significantly reduced gray mold decay when combined with low-dose (12.5 ml a.i. hl(-1)) fenhexamid more than the control did. It was shown that antagonistic bacterial strains inhibited B. cinerea and that they have a potential use in combination with the fungicide in greenhouse experiments