60 research outputs found

    The effects of fetal movement counting on pregnancy outcomes

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    Introduction: Counting fetal movements may lead to timely assess fetal health and prevent the adverse effects of pregnancy. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of fetal movement counting on pregnancy outcomes. Materials and Methods: In a randomized controlled trial, 208 women with singleton pregnancy were randomly divided into two groups of fetal movement counting and control. Pregnancy outcomes were compared between the two groups. Data were analysed with SPSS and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: There was no significant difference in the mean maternal concern (p=0.36), admission to hospital due to the decreased fetal movements (p=0.99), birth weight (p=0.21), Apgar score (p=0.51), the mean of gestational age at the time of decreased fetal movements (p=0.49) and mode of delivery (p=0.69) between the two groups. There were no cases of premature labour, intrauterine growth retardation and fetal death in the two groups. Conclusion: Pregnancy outcome was similar in the two groups of fetal movement counting and control. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effect of fetal movement counting on the major outcomes of pregnancy such as intrauterine fetal death

    Giving Bad News: A Qualitative Research Exploration

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    Background: The manner in which healthcare professionals deliver bad news affects the way it is received, interpreted, understood, and dealt with. Despite the fact that clinicians are responsible for breaking bad news, it has been shown that they lack skills necessary to perform this task. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore Iranian mothers' experiences to receive bad news about their children cancer and to summarize suggestions for improving delivering bad news by healthcare providers. Materials and Methods: A qualitative approach using content analysis was adopted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 mothers from two pediatric hospitals in Iran. Results: Five major categories emerged from the data analysis, including dumping information, shock and upset, emotional work, burden of delivering bad news to the family members, and a room for multidisciplinary approach. Conclusions: Effective communication of healthcare team with mothers is required during breaking bad news. Using multidisciplinary approaches to prevent harmful reactions and providing appropriate support are recommended

    The Effect of Counseling in Third Trimester on Anxiety of Nulliparous Women at the Time of Admission for Labor

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    Background: Anxiety is recognized as a preventive and effective factor in labor progress. Due to the different results of studies in other countries and lack of the similar study in Iran, this study was designed to determine the effect of counseling with nulliparous women in third trimester on their anxiety in the beginning of labor. Materials and Method: This quasi-experimental study was carried out on 64 nulliparous women who had not previous hospitalization and known psychological disease. The women completed the consent form and then their anxiety was assessed in third trimester by Hamilton Scale. Those women were randomly entered into the study groups (34 individuals in each group). The intervention group in every visit in third trimester was counseled about the different topics of pregnancy and delivery. The non-intervention group received the normal prenatal care. Then the anxiety scores of both groups of women were assessed at the time of hospitalization for delivery. Data was analyzed by SPSS- 15, Mann- Witney-U and Wilcoxon rank tests. P-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Mean of anxiety score in intervention group was 26.5±7.6 in third trimester and 11.82±8.3 at the time of admission for delivery and difference was significant (p<0.001). It was 25.90±6.9 in third trimester and 23.53±5.8 at the time of labor beginning in non-intervention group and the difference was not significant (p=0.25). Conclusion: Counseling with pregnant women in third trimester reduced their anxiety in the beginning of labor. For reduction of anxiety of nulliparous women, counseling in third trimester was suggested

    Comparison of General Health in Droupout and Non-droupout Students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences

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    Introduction: Recognition of factorsable to threaten the general health of university students and to reduce the quality of education is very important. The aim of this study was to compare the general health between droupout and non-droupout students of different courses in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences during 2009-10. Materials & Methods: In this descriptive analytical study, 310 of students in two groups (droupout VS non- droupout) were assessed for general health using GHQ-28 questionnaire. Sampling was

    Gap between the expectations and perceptions of students regarding the educational services offered in a school of nursing and midwifery

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    Introduction: Awareness of students’ opinions about the various aspects of training provided is an essential factor to evaluate the quality of education. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the gap between the students’ expectations and perceptions from the educational services provided to them in the School of Nursing and Midwifery in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 320 students were selected by stratified random sampling method and data were collected by SERVQUAL questionnaire to examine the areas of assurance, responsiveness, empathy, tangibles and confidence. Data analysis was conducted by descriptive (frequency, percentage, mean±SD) and analytical (paired t-test, independent t-test and One-Way ANOVA) statistics in SPSS 20. Results: The mean scores of the students’ expectations and perceptions of the educational services delivered to them were 4.34±0.63 and 3.56±0.68, respectively, with a significant, negative gap (–0.77±0.77, p<0.001). The lowest gap of quality was derived for assurance (-0.65) followed by reliability (-0.69), accountability (-0.74), and empathy (-0.81), and the greatest gap observed in tangibles (-0.96). Conclusion: A negative gap was observed between the students’ expectations and perceptions of the quality of educational services delivered to them. This means that the quality of services delivered to students was less than what they expected. The highest gap was related to the tangibles. In order to improve the educational services, paying attention to different areas of quality of educational services, especially, the tangibles, is necessar

    The effects of lidocaine and mefenamic acid on post-episiotomy pain: A comparative study

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    Background: Most women suffer pain following an episiotomy and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used for pain relief. Due to the gastrointestinal side effects of oral drugs, it seems that women are more accepting of topical medications for pain relief. Objectives: Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effects of lidocaine and mefenamic acid on post-episiotomy pain. Patients and Methods: This clinical trial was carried out in 2011. It involved sixty women with singleton pregnancy who were given an episiotomy at 38 to 42 weeks of gestation. The participants were randomly divided into two groups. One group received 2% lidocaine cream (n = 30), while the other group received 250 mg of mefenamic acid (n = 30). The data were collected via a questionnaire and a visual analog scale. Pain intensity was compared from the first complaint by the mother and at 6, 12, and 24 hours after the delivery in both groups. The data were analyzed using SPSS (version 16), the t-test, and the paired t-test, and a P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The mean intensity of pain at the first compliant was 4.92 ± 1.9 in the lidocaine group and 4.90 ± 1.5 in the mefenamic acid group, and the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.20). Additionally, there was no significant difference in the mean intensity of post-episiotomy pain between the two groups at 6 (P = 0.05), 12 (P = 0.36), and 24 (P = 0.98) hours after childbirth. Conclusions: The effects of the lidocaine cream and mefenamic acid were similar in terms of the relief of post-episiotomy pain. Lidocaine cream therefore represents a good alternative to mefenamic acid, which is commonly used to reduce pain following an episiotomy, especially in women who are breastfeeding and who wish to avoid oral analgesic drugs being secreted in their milk. © 2016, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

    Effects of fetal movement counting on mental health of mother in third trimester: A randomized controlled trial

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    مقدمه: اضطراب، يكي از مشكالت روان شناختي زنان باردار است كه گاهي مي تواند شكل بیمارگونه به خود گرفته و بهداشت رواني مادر را تحت تأثیر قرار دهد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف تعیین تأثیر شمارش حركات جنین بر سالمت عمومي مادر انجام شد. روش کار: اين مطالعه نیمه تجربي در سال 1392 بر روي 208 زن نخست زا انجام شد. افراد به طور تصادفي در دو گروه قرار گرفته و در هفته 28 بارداري، پرسشنامه 28-GHQ را تكمیل كردند، سپس گروه مداخله اقدام به شمارش حركات جنین از هفته 37-28 بارداري كرده و گروه كنترل از مراقبت هاي معمول برخوردار شدند. هر دو گروه در هفته 37 بارداري مجدداً پرسشنامه را تكمیل و نتايج مقايسه شد. تجزيه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار آماري SPSS( نسخه 16 )و آزمون هاي تي مستقل، تي زوج، كاي اسكوئر و آزمون دقیق فیشر استفاده شد و میزان p كمتر از 05/0 معني دار در نظر گرفته شد. يافته ها: میانگین نمرات GHQ در گروه مداخله در هفته 28 و 37 بارداري به ترتیب 23/10±52/23 و 12/10±09/21 بود كه تفاوت از نظر آماري معني دار بود )025/0=p .)اين میزان در گروه شاهد به ترتیب 43/9±69/23 و 60/8±88/23 بود و تفاوت معني داري بین دو گروه وجود نداشت )52/0=p .)در مقايسه میانگین نمرات بین دو گروه مشخص شد كه در هفته 28 بارداري تفاوت معني دار نبود )37/0=p ،)اما در هفته 37 تفاوت معني دار بود )002/0=p )و شمارش حركات جنین توانسته است سطح سالمت رواني مادر را نسبت به گروه كنترل بهبود بخشد. تفاوت معني داري در میانگین دفعات نگراني مادر در اثر كاهش حركات جنین )36/0=p )و بستري شدن به دلیل آن )25/0=p )و میانگین سن بارداري در زمان كاهش حركت جنین در دو گروه وجود نداشت .)p=0/19( نتیجه گیری: شمارش حركات جنین توسط مادر در هفته هاي 28 تا 37 بارداري سالمت عمومي مادر را بهبود مي بخشد

    Comparison of Viewpoint of Obese Children and Their Parents Abouttheir Quality of Life in Shahrekord

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    Background & Objective: The worldwide incidence of obesity is increasing rapidly not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing countries also seen an increase in prevalence. Health and quality of life of the most important factors in self-care behaviors and self-monitoring is particularly important in the prevention of obesity and its complications. From this perspective, the present study compared obese children and their parents to determine the quality of life for children in Shahrekord done. Method: In a cross - sectional study, 15 primary school boys and girls in Shahrekord were selected by cluster random sampling. The height and weight of students of the school to the standard method measured and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. According to the Center for Disease Control, subjects with higher BMI percentile 95 for age and gender as obese and with a BMI percentile of 85 to 95 as overweight considered and Sort by Morgan 140 children selected randomly. Then the quality of life of their vision and their parents examined .Data collected by Questionnaire (pedsQoL) in both the children and parents about physical (8 items), emotional (5 items), social (5 questions ) and school performance (5 questions). Data were analyzed with using inferential statistics (paired t-test, Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlation). Results: Results show mean score of quality of life in the viewpoint of children With obesity was0/92± 0/59 and in the viewpoint of their parents was1/29± 0/87 .Comparison means quality of life score of children and their parents using the t-test, α Level of %5 indicates significant statically difference in total score (P<0/001). There were no significant differences between mean score of quality of life in the social and school dimension in the parents and children viewpoint , but in physical (p <0/001) and emotional (p <0/05), this difference was significant. Emotional quality of life of the girls was worse than boys (p <0/001). Conclusion: Result showed that the viewpoint of obese children and their parents about quality of life was different in total and in different dimension (especially the physical and emotional dimension) and parents view was more undesirable. Therefore in attention to the important role of parents in the care of children must consider view of parents about quality of life and provide background to their participation in care planning to as much as possible promotion of children quality of life

    The effects of fetal movements counting on maternal-fetal attachment: A randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: With the decrease in fetal activity, the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes increases and timely reporting by mother may decrease the risk of fetal death. There are conflicting reports about the impact of fetal movement counting on maternal-fetal attachment and this study is trying to address this issue. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of fetal movements counting on maternal-fetal attachment. Materials and Methods: In a randomised controlled trial from October 2012 to December 2013, 250 nulliparous women referred to Health Centers to receive the prenatal care. The Ultrasound screening was performed in 16th-18th weeks of gestation and multiple pregnancy and fetal malformations were excluded (n=4). Thirty-eight of participants did not return the baseline questionnaire and 208 women were randomly allocated into the two groups to either fetal movement counting or to standard antenatal care. Main outcome was maternal-fetal attachment, measured by the Prenatal Attachment Inventory. The analysis was performed by SPSS and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: No difference was found between the groups with respect to individual characteristics. At 28 weeks of gestation, the mean scores given to Prenatal Attachment Inventory items, was 90.23±9.64 in the intervention group and 90.00±10.04 in the control group and the difference was not significant (Mean difference=0.230, p=0.866). Also, no significant difference was found at 37 weeks of gestation between the two groups (93.75±7.59 vs 92.78±9.90 respectively, mean difference=0.961, p=0.433). Conclusion: The counting of fetal movements by mother from 28 to 37 weeks of gestation did not affect the maternal-fetal attachment in nulliparous women. The investigation of fetal movement counting on psychological factors of mother was suggested. © 2018, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. All rights reserved

    Comparing the Effects of Echinophora-platyloba, Fennel and Placebo on Pre-menstrual Syndrome.

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    INTRODUCTION Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition characterized by a number of behavioral, psychological and physical symptoms recurring cyclically during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The uncertainty in the pathogenesis of PMS has led to many treatment protocols being suggested as possible therapies. The present study was carried out to compare the effects of echinophora-platyloba and fennel extracts on the PMS against placebo in students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences in 2008. METHODS In this single-blind randomized clinical trial, 90 students with moderate to severe PMS enrolled in the study and were randomely divided into three equal groups. The first group received echinophora-platyloba extract, the second group received fennel extracts and the third group received placebo. The severity of PMS was measured by Daily Record of Severity of Problems (DRSP) questionnaire at the end of the first and second menstrual cycles before the intervention and the results were compared with them after the intervention. Data was analyzed using Dunn, Kruskal Wallis, and Pearson correlation tests by SPSS (v. 11.5) and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS There were not any significant differences in the means of premenstrual syndrome scores before the intervention among the three groups (100.8±22.1 in echinophora-platyloba group, 101.3±27.1 in fennel group and 104.3±19.5 in placebo group, p > 0.05), but the differences were significant after the intervention (49.7±23.2 in echinophora-platyloba group, 64.4±27.5 in fennel group and 79.1±28.1 in placebo group, respectively, p < 0.001). No significant differences were seen between the echinophora-platyloba and fennel groups. CONCLUSION The echinophora-platyloba and fennel extracts could reduce the severity of PMS. The effects of echinophora-platyloba and fennel were similar and greater than the placebo. Administration of the extracts of these herbs is suggested for relieving the signs and symptoms of PMS