11 research outputs found

    Novel Digital Magnetometer for Atmospheric and Space Studies (DIMAGORAS)

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    Introductory Chapter: Space Flight

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    Introductory Chapter: Drones

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    Introductory Chapter: Introduction to Computational Semantics

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    Space Flight

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    Space has always been intriguing people's imagination. However, space flight has only been feasible over the last 60 years. The collective effort of distinguished international researchers, within the field of space flight, has been incorporated into this book suitable to the broader audience. The book has been edited by Prof. George Dekoulis, Aerospace Engineering Institute (AEI), Cyprus, an expert on the state-of-the-art implementations of reconfigurable space physics systems. The book consists of six sections, namely, ""Introduction,"" ""Spacecraft Simulators,"" ""Spacecraft Navigation,"" ""Spacecraft Propulsion,"" ""Suborbital Flight,"" and ""Deep-Space Flight."" We hope that this book will be beneficial for professionals, researchers, and academicians and inspires the younger generations into pursuing relevant academic studies and professional careers within the space industry

    Drones - Applications

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    Drone technologies have constantly been developing for over 100 years. The latest models exhibit a previously unseen set of specifications available to the end users. The collective effort of distinguished international researchers, within the field of drone technologies, has been incorporated into this textbook suitable to the broader audience. The book has been edited by Prof. George Dekoulis, Aerospace Engineering Institute (AEI), Cyprus, an expert on state-of-the-art implementations of reconfigurable space engineering systems. The book consists of four main sections, namely, ""Introduction,"" ""Drone History,"" ""Drone Design,"" and ""Drone Applications."" We hope this book will be beneficial to professionals, researchers, and academicians and, moreover, to inspire the younger generations into pursuing relevant academic studies and professional careers within the drone industry

    Robotics - Legal, Ethical and Socioeconomic Impacts

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    This book analyses the legal, ethical and social aspects of using deep-learning AI robotic products. The collective effort of distinguished international researchers has been incorporated into one book suitable for the broader audience interested in the emerging scientific field of roboethics. The book has been edited by Prof. George Dekoulis, Aerospace Engineering Institute, Cyprus, expert on state-of-the-art implementations of robotic systems for unmanned spacecraft navigation and other aerospace applications. We hope this book will increase the sensitivity of all the community members involved with roboethics. The significance of incorporating all aspects of roboethics right at the beginning of the creation of a new deep-learning AI robot is emphasised and analysed throughout the book. AI robotic systems offer an unprecedented set of virtues to the society. However, the principles of roboethical design and operation of deep-learning AI robots must be strictly legislated, the manufacturers should apply the laws and the knowledge development of the AI robots should be closely monitored after sales. This will minimise the drawbacks of implementing such intelligent technological solutions. These devices are a representation of ourselves and form communities like us. Learning from them is also a way to improve ourselves

    Field - Programmable Gate Array

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    This edited volume ""Field-Programmable Gate Array"" is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of semiconductors. The book comprises single chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the aerospace engineering systems research area. All chapters are complete within themselves but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims at providing a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors and open new possible research paths for further novel developments