283 research outputs found

    A Search for Water Masers in the Saturnian System

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    We searched for H2O 6(1,6)-5(2,3) maser emission at 22.235 GHz from several Saturnian satellites with the Nobeyama 45m radio telescope in May 2009. Observations were made for Titan, Hyperion, Enceladus and Atlas, for which Pogrebenko et al. (2009) had reported detections of water masers at 22.235 GHz, and in addition for Iapetus and other inner satellites. We detected no emission of the water maser line for all the satellites observed, although sensitivities of our observations were comparable or even better than those of Pogrebenko et al.. We infer that the water maser emission from the Saturnian system is extremely weak, or sporadic in nature. Monitoring over a long period and obtaining statistical results must be made for the further understanding of the water maser emission in the Saturnian system.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Letter

    Deep-Sea-Inspired Chemistry: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Bottom of the Ocean for Chemists

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    「深海インスパイヤード化学」のコンセプトを発表 --カーボンニュートラル実現に向けた新たな深海利用の提案--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-09.The ocean constitutes approximately 70% of Earth’s surface. Its average depth is 3688 m, of which depths beyond 200 m are classified as the deep sea. The deep sea is distinct from the surface of the ocean in terms of pressure, temperature, and sunlight. The unique physicochemical processes under the extreme environment of the deep sea and the specialized biochemical mechanisms developed by organisms to survive in the deep sea can serve as a vast source of inspiration for scientific and technological advancements. In this Perspective, we discuss three examples of deep-sea-inspired chemistry: (1) soft materials that respond to high pressures such as those observed in the deep sea; (2) molecular self-assembly inspired by the chemistry of hot and compressed water in deep-sea hydrothermal vents; and (3) nanobiotechnology and biomimetics inspired by survival strategies of deep-sea organisms. Finally, we provide an outlook on deep-sea-inspired chemistry. This Perspective aims to promote the sustainable utilization of the ocean based on knowledge, as opposed to the conventional utilization of the ocean solely based on resources. We hope that this Perspective will encourage chemists to harness their inspiration gleaned from the deep sea

    Unveiling the RNA virosphere associated with marine microorganisms

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    The study of extracellular DNA viral particles in the ocean is currently one of the most advanced fields of research in viral metagenomic analysis. However, even though the intracellular viruses of marine microorganisms might be the major source of extracellular virus particles in the ocean, the diversity of these intracellular viruses is not well understood. Here, our newly developed method, referred to herein as fragmented and primer ligated dsRNA sequencing (flds) version 2, identified considerable genetic diversity of marine RNA viruses in cell fractions obtained from surface seawater. The RNA virus community appears to cover genome sequences related to more than half of the established positive‐sense ssRNA and dsRNA virus families, in addition to a number of unidentified viral lineages, and such diversity had not been previously observed in floating viral particles. In this study, more dsRNA viral contigs were detected in host cells than in extracellular viral particles. This illustrates the magnitude of the previously unknown marine RNA virus population in cell fractions, which has only been partially assessed by cellular metatranscriptomics and not by contemporary viral metagenomic studies. These results reveal the importance of studying cell fractions to illuminate the full spectrum of viral diversity on Earth

    Expression of EGF and, Ras and Myc Oncogene Products in Normal, Graves\u27 Thyroid, Adenoma, and Carcinoma of the Thyroid

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    An immunohistochemical study of EGF, and products of ras and myc oncogenes was carried out in 47 cases of non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the thyroid. Normal thyroid tissues showed no significant immunostaining reaction to antibodies for EGF, and products of ras and myc oncogenes. The incidence of EGF positivity was 27%, 46% and 76% in Graves\u27 disease, follicular adenoma, and carcinoma, repectively. The incidence of positivity of ras oncogene product was 27%, 38%, and 82% in Graves\u27 disease, follicular adenoma and carcinoma, respectively. The incidence of positivity of myc oncogene product was 18%, 46% and 71% in Graves\u27 disease, Follicular adenoma, and carcinoma, respectively. These results suggest that EGF, and ras and myc oncogenes or proto-oncogenes play a role in neoplastic lesions of the thyroid

    Lectin Immunohistochemistry in Human Non-Malignant and Malignant Gallbladder Tissuses

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    Changes in the lectin binding pattern in non-malignant and malignant gallbladder tissues were examined using the following eight types of carbohydrate binding lectins : Ulex europaeus-1 (UEA-1), Arachis hypogaea (PNA), Griffonia simplicifolia (GS-1), Glycine maximum (SBA), Bauhinia purpurea (BPA), Dolichos biflorus (DBA), Canavalia ensiformis (Con-A), and Triticum vulgare (WGA). We used a total of 109 tissues including 31 normal tissues, 25 metaplasias, and 53 carcinomas. Lectin staining pattern was evaluated using the Hamada\u27s crieria of the following four types : apical type, cytoplasmic type with polarity, cytoplasmic type without polarity, and stromal type. Normal cases showed apical type and cytoplasmic type with polarity, while carcinoma cases revealed cytoplasmic type with or without polarity. In carcinoma cases, GS-I and DBA lectins showed higher immunohistochemical positive rate and more frequent cytoplasmic type with polarity pattern of immunohistochemical localization than the other types of lectins. These results suggest that the GS-I and DBA are the most reliable lectin marker for malignant transformation of the gallbladder tissues. Key words : Lectin, immunohistochemistry, gallbladder carcinoma

    Enantioselective utilization of D-amino acids by deep-sea microorganisms

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    Microorganisms that utilize various D-amino acids (DAAs) were successfully isolated from deep-sea sediments. The isolates were phylogenetically assigned to Alphaproteobacteria, Gammmaproteobacteria, and Bacilli. Some of the isolates exhibited high enantioselective degradation activities to various DAAs. In particular, the Alphaproteobacteria Nautella sp. strain A04V exhibited robust growth in minimal medium supplemented with D-Val as a sole carbon and nitrogen source, whereas its growth was poor on minimal medium supplemented with L-Val instead of D-Val. Its growth was facilitated most when racemic mixtures of valine were used. In contrast, the Nautella strains isolated from shallow-sea grew only with L-Val. No significant differences were found among the strains in the genome sequences including genes possibly related to DAA metabolisms.http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/yokosuka/yk05-15/ehttp://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/natsushima/nt06-17/ehttp://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/natsushima/nt08-24/

    Identification of novel clostridium perfringens type E strains that carry an iota toxin plasmid with a functional enterotoxin gene

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    Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) is a major virulence factor for human gastrointestinal diseases, such as food poisoning and antibiotic associated diarrhea. The CPE-encoding gene (cpe) can be chromosomal or plasmid-borne. Recent development of conventional PCR cpe-genotyping assays makes it possible to identify cpe location (chromosomal or plasmid) in type A isolates. Initial studies for developing cpe genotyping assays indicated that all cpe-positive strains isolated from sickened patients were typable by cpe-genotypes, but surveys of C. perfringens environmental strains or strains from feces of healthy people suggested that this assay might not be useful for some cpe-carrying type A isolates. In the current study, a pulsed-field gel electrophoresis Southern blot assay showed that four cpe-genotype untypable isolates carried their cpe gene on a plasmid of ~65 kb. Complete sequence analysis of the ~65 kb variant cpe-carrying plasmid revealed no intact IS elements and a disrupted cytosine methyltransferase (dcm) gene. More importantly, this plasmid contains a conjugative transfer region, a variant cpe gene and variant iota toxin genes. The toxin genes encoded by this plasmid are expressed based upon the results of RT-PCR assays. The ~65 kb plasmid is closely related to the pCPF4969 cpe plasmid of type A isolates. MLST analyses indicated these isolates belong to a unique cluster of C. perfringens. Overall, these isolates carrying a variant functional cpe gene and iota toxin genes represent unique type E strains. © 2011 Miyamoto et al

    ERRγ enhances cardiac maturation with T-tubule formation in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes

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    ヒトのiPS細胞から新生児レベルまで成熟した心筋細胞を作製する. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-21.Lowering the cost of heart cell therapies. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-21.One of the earliest maturation steps in cardiomyocytes (CMs) is the sarcomere protein isoform switch between TNNI1 and TNNI3 (fetal and neonatal/adult troponin I). Here, we generate human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) carrying a TNNI1[EmGFP] and TNNI3[mCherry] double reporter to monitor and isolate mature sub-populations during cardiac differentiation. Extensive drug screening identifies two compounds, an estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRγ) agonist and an S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 inhibitor, that enhances cardiac maturation and a significant change to TNNI3 expression. Expression, morphological, functional, and molecular analyses indicate that hiPSC-CMs treated with the ERRγ agonist show a larger cell size, longer sarcomere length, the presence of transverse tubules, and enhanced metabolic function and contractile and electrical properties. Here, we show that ERRγ-treated hiPSC-CMs have a mature cellular property consistent with neonatal CMs and are useful for disease modeling and regenerative medicine

    Genetic characterization of type A enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens strains

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    Clostridium perfringens type A, is both a ubiquitous environmental bacterium and a major cause of human gastrointestinal disease, which usually involves strains producing C. perfringens enterotoxin (CPE). The gene (cpe) encoding this toxin can be carried on the chromosome or a large plasmid. Interestingly, strains carrying cpe on the chromosome and strains carrying cpe on a plasmid often exhibit different biological characteristics, such as resistance properties against heat. In this study, we investigated the genetic properties of C. perfringens by PCR-surveying 21 housekeeping genes and genes on representative plasmids and then confirmed those results by Southern blot assay (SB) of five genes. Furthermore, sequencing analysis of eight housekeeping genes and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis were also performed. Fifty-eight C. perfringens strains were examined, including isolates from: food poisoning cases, human gastrointestinal disease cases, foods in Japan or the USA, or feces of healthy humans. In the PCR survey, eight of eleven housekeeping genes amplified positive reactions in all strains tested. However, by PCR survey and SB assay, one representative virulence gene, pfoA, was not detected in any strains carrying cpe on the chromosome. Genes involved in conjugative transfer of the cpe plasmid were also absent from almost all chromosomal cpe strains. MLST showed that, regardless of their geographic origin, date of isolation, or isolation source, chromosomal cpe isolates, i) assemble into one definitive cluster ii) lack pfoA and iii) lack a plasmid related to the cpe plasmid. Similarly, independent of their origin, strains carrying a cpe plasmid also appear to be related, but are more variable than chromosomal cpe strains, possibly because of the instability of cpe-borne plasmid(s) and/or the conjugative transfer of cpe-plasmid(s) into unrelated C. perfringens strains. © 2009 Deguchi et al

    Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75 variant

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    SARS-CoV-2オミクロンBA.2.75株(通称ケンタウロス)のウイルス学的性状の解明. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-10-12.The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75 variant emerged in May 2022. BA.2.75 is a BA.2 descendant but is phylogenetically distinct from BA.5, the currently predominant BA.2 descendant. Here, we show that BA.2.75 has a greater effective reproduction number and different immunogenicity profile than BA.5. We determined the sensitivity of BA.2.75 to vaccinee and convalescent sera as well as a panel of clinically available antiviral drugs and antibodies. Antiviral drugs largely retained potency but antibody sensitivity varied depending on several key BA.2.75-specific substitutions. The BA.2.75 spike exhibited a profoundly higher affinity for its human receptor, ACE2. Additionally, the fusogenicity, growth efficiency in human alveolar epithelial cells, and intrinsic pathogenicity in hamsters of BA.2.75 were greater than those of BA.2. Our multilevel investigations suggest that BA.2.75 acquired virological properties independent of BA.5, and the potential risk of BA.2.75 to global health is greater than that of BA.5