11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kebiasaan Belajar dan Perhatian Orang Tua terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Ekonomi Kelas X di SMA Kartika 1 5 Padang.

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    This research was conducted at the Padang 1-5 Kartika High School Study Habits Influence And Attention Parents Against Student Results X Class Economy In high school Kartika 1-5 Padang . The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence about the Influence of Study Habits And Attention Parents Against Student Results X Class Economy In high school Kartika 1-5 Padang . The method used in this research is descriptive and associative . This research is a symptom , events and to determine the relationship between two variables or more , where the population sampled were used as much as 174 students out of a population of 308 students . Data habit learning ( X1 ) and parental concern ( X2 ) is obtained from the results of the questionnaire or questionnaires while economics student learning outcomes data ( Y ) is obtained from the documentation of the value of mid semester. Analysis of the data used in this study is a descriptive analysis and inductive analysis which consists of a normality test, multikolinielitas , heterosidasitas test , autocorrelation test , multiple regression analysis , determination ( R2 ) and test the hypothesis . The results of this study indicate that : 1 . Habit learning positive and significant effect on student learning outcomes economy class X SMA kartika 1-5 field , 2 . Attention parents and significant positive effect on learning outcomes of students high school economics class X kartika 1-5 padang , 3 . habit learning and parental concern and a significant positive effect jointly to the results of the economic study of high school students kartika 1-5 padang . Based on these results , it is suggested that students , parents , teachers and school authorities to pay more attention to another study habits and attention of parents in the learning process in an effort to further optimize student learning outcomes economy class X SMA kartika 1-5 padang

    Pengukuran Tingkat Kebisingan di Jalan Raya Pekanbaru-bangkinang Sebelum di Bangun Bebas Hambatan (Highway)

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    Measurement of the noise level in the roadway of Pekanbaru-Bangkinang before building of Highway has been done. The sources of noise originated from the sound of vehicles that passed through the roadway. The level of noise has been measured by using a Sound Level Meter (SLM). The measurement of noise level carried out in two locations, first location was on roadway of Pekanbaru-Bangkinang KM 21 and the second location was at round aboard of Jalan Garuda Sakti and Jalan PekanbaruBangkinang. The noise level at first location was measured as a function of time from 07.00 until 18.00 pm during one week. In this research, the number of vehicles that passed through the first location have been counted every hour. Furthermore, the noise level was measured as a function of distance from the noise source using two SLMs, namely SLM type MS 6701 and SL 4112. The results showed that the noise level at the first location occurred on Saturday and Sunday at 16.00 to 18.00 with the highest value of 79.09 dBA and 78.28 dBA respectively, while the lowest noise value occurred on Friday at 12.00 to 13.00 pm with the value of 67.97 dBA. The highest noise level at the second location occurred at 17.00 to 18.00 with a value of 81.60 dBA. The value of noise level at the second location was higher compared to that of the first location. This was due to more number of vehicles that passed through that location compared to that of the first location. The profile of noise level occurred on Saturday was compared to that of the theoretical calculations. The result showed that both results had a similar characteristics. Moreover, the results of this research showed that the level of noise as a function of distance from the noise source was decrease with increasing the distance. The decrease of the noise level was caused by the absorption of the noise by the surrounding parameters such as air,vegetation and buildings nearby

    Model Pola Laju Aliran Fluida dengan Luas Penampang yang Berbeda Menggunakan Metode Beda Hingga

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    The writer has done a research on the model of rate pattern of liquid fluid flow by using flow model that has different pattern. The Equation of continuity was used to solve flow rate case, while Equation of Laplace two dimensions was used for numerical case by finite difference methods by using MATLAB R2009b (version The purpose of fluid research was making flow pattern then analyzing fluid flow to each point in dimensions on Equation of Laplace. The methodology used in this research was evaluating Equation of Laplace concept, identifying the problems, two dimensions of Laplace equation used, completing the numerics by using finite difference methods, and completing analitics for simple cases. The results showed that there was no significant between analytical and computation of fluid flow rate. It can be seen the average of error value is close to zero and the highest error value is 0,000,778 % . Even in various geometry problems, the flow pattern can is be also visualized

    Pengembangan Permainan Edukatif Ragam Budaya Nusantara Berbasis Android

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    This research aims to develop a game software that can be used as an alternative means of learning media in Indonesian local culture for the community in the form of the game in the Android operating system. The methodology used in this study is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) sourced from Luther and has been modified by Sutopo, which consists of six stages, namely the concept, design, collection of material, manufacture, testing, and distribution. Testing applications that have been created using black-box method, which is carried out to check the functions contained in the application. The process of application testing is done by using a questionnaire. The testing is done objectively by asking ratings from users of the application. Therefore, the results of the study that were obtained using black-box method, indicates that the game is already working according to specifications needed to show test results for each application functions and buttons. And the results of the questionnaire data obtained by the average score of all ratings amounted to 84%. And it can be concluded that the applications made are well-qualified