1,178 research outputs found


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    Narrowly understood, veganism is the practice of excluding all animal products from one’s diet, with the exception of human milk. More broadly, veganism is not only a food ethics, but it encompasses all other areas of life. As defined by the Vegan Society when it became an established charity in the UK in 1979, veganism is best understood as “a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude – as far as is possible and practicable – all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment”. There are two main moral justifications for veganism, both of which rely on a common assumption: that sentience, i.e., the capacity to feel pleasure and pain, is the necessary and sufficient trait to be morally considerable. In what follows, I present these two justifications and a third one which, although less popular, captures some core intuitions among vegans. I then present a challenge faced by veganism and two arguments that reject it as discriminatory, and briefly conclude

    Transhumance in the Tigray highlands (Ethiopia)

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    Transhumance, the seasonal movement of herds occurring between two points and following precise routes repeated each year, is practiced on a broad scale in the open field areas of Tigray (North Ethiopia). This article presents a characterization of the practice, factors that explain its magnitude, and recent changes. Eleven villages were selected randomly, semistructured interviews were conducted, and data on the sites were collected both in the field and from secondary sources. The transhumance destination zones are characterized as better endowed with water and fodder resources, essentially due to their great extent. The sample villages can be classified into three groups: annual transhumance (average one-way traveling distance 8.1 km), home range herding (average traveling distance 2.2 km), and keeping livestock near homesteads. Movements are basically induced by the fact that there is little to no space for livestock near the villages during the crop-growing period—not by the significantly different temperature or rainfall conditions in the grazing lands. Adults will only herd the flocks when the distance for transhumance is great or considered unsafe; otherwise, young boys tend the livestock for the entire summer rainy season. Faced with social (schooling) and technological (reservoir construction and establishment of exclosures) changes, transhumance in Tigray has adjusted in a highly adaptive way, with new routes being developed and others abandoned. Transhumance does not lead to major conflicts in the study area even when livestock are brought to areas that belong to other ethnic groups (Afar, Amhara)

    Increase of sentinel lymph node melanoma staging in The Netherlands; still room and need for further improvement

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    Aim: To investigate implementation of the seventh American Joint Committee on Cancer melanoma staging with sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and associations with socioeconomic status (SES). Patients & methods: Data from The Netherlands Cancer Registry on patient and tumor characteristics were analyzed for all stage IB-II melanoma cases diagnosed 2010-2016, along with SES data from The Netherlands Institute for Social Research. Results: The proportion of SLNB-staged patients increased from 40% to 65% (p <0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that being female, elderly, or having head-and-neck disease reduced the likelihood of SLNB staging. Conclusion: SLNB staging increased by 25% during the study period but lagged among elderly patients and those with head-and-neck melanoma. In The Netherlands, SES no longer affects SLNB staging performance

    Curved track sprint characteristics in elementary school children

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    The management strategies of patients who underwent Mustard repair for transposition (of the great arteries were changed in the 1970s: infants became eligible for direct surgical repair, so Blalock-Hanlon atrioseptostomy could be avoided, and cold cardioplegia was introduced for myocardial preservation. Data are lacking, however, regarding whether these changes have had positive effects on the long-term outcome. We therefore conducted a follow-up study on all 91 patients who underwent a Mustard repair for transposition of the great arteries in our institution between 1973 and 1980 to assess the incidence and clinical importance of sequelae as well as health-related quality of life for these patients. Patients who were alive and could be traced through local registrar's offices received an invitation to participate in the follow-up study, which consisted of an interview, physical examination, echocardiography, exercise testing, and standard 12-lead and 24-hour electrocardiography. Patients operated on in the first 4 years had a significantly higher mortality rate and higher incidence of sinus node dysfunction than did patients operated on in the subsequent 4 years (25% vs 2% and 41% vs 3%, respectively). In contrast, the incidence of baffle obstruction necessitating reoperation was significantly higher in the second group. There were no significant differences in echocardiographic findings and exercise capacity between patients operated on in the first 4 years and in the subsequent 4 years. None of the patients had right ventricular failure; a mild degree of baffle leakage or obstruction was seen in 22% of the patients, and the mean exercise capacity was decreased to 84% +/- 16% of normal. The changes introduced between 1973 and 1980 have resulted in a considerable reduction of mortality and incidence of sinus node dysfunction but have also resulted in a more frequent need for reoperatio

    Locked-In Syndrome after Traumatic Basilar Artery Entrapment within a Clivus Fracture:A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We report the case of a 58-year-old male with a rare vascular complication after traumatic head injury: entrapment of the basilar artery into a fracture of the clivus, ultimately leading to a locked-in syndrome due to brainstem infarction. Review of the literature revealed 19 earlier published cases of basilar artery entrapment within traumatic longitudinal clival fractures. In the majority of these patients there is an unfavorable neurological outcome

    Reducing dementia risk by targeting modifiable risk factors in mid-life: study protocol for the Innovative midlife intervention for dementia deterrence (In-MINDD) randomised controlled feasibility trial

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    Background Dementia prevalence is increasing as populations live longer, with no cure and the costs of caring exceeding many other conditions. There is increasing evidence for modifiable risk factors which, if addressed in mid-life, can reduce the risk of developing dementia in later life. These include physical inactivity, low cognitive activity, mid-life obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. This study aims to assess the acceptability and feasibility and impact of giving those in mid-life, aged between 40 and 60 years, an individualised dementia risk modification score and profile and access to personalised on-line health information and goal setting in order to support the behaviour change required to reduce such dementia risk. A secondary aim is to understand participants’ and practitioners’ views of dementia prevention and explore the acceptability and integration of the Innovative Midlife Intervention for Dementia Deterrence (In-MINDD) intervention into daily life and routine practice. Methods/design In-MINDD is a multi-centre, primary care-based, single-blinded randomised controlled feasibility trial currently being conducted in four European countries (France, Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK). Participants are being recruited from participating general practices. Inclusion criteria will include age between 40 and 60 years; at least one modifiable risk factor for dementia risk (including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, renal dysfunction, current smoker, raised cholesterol, coronary heart disease, current or previous history of depression, self-reported sedentary lifestyle, and self-reported low cognitive activity) access to the Internet. Primary outcome measure will be a change in dementia risk modification score over the timescale of the trial (6 months). A qualitative process evaluation will interview a sample of participants and practitioners about their views on the acceptability and feasibility of the trial and the links between modifiable risk factors and dementia prevention. This work will be underpinned by Normalisation Process Theory. Discussion This study will explore the feasibility and acceptability of a risk profiler and on-line support environment to help individuals in mid-life assess their risk of developing dementia in later life and to take steps to alleviate that risk by tackling health-related behaviour change. Testing the intervention in a robust and theoretically informed manner will inform the development of a future, full-scale randomised controlled trial

    Vanadium (β-(Dimethylamino)ethyl)cyclopentadienyl Complexes with Diphenylacetylene Ligands

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    Reduction of the V(III) (β-(dimethylamino)ethyl)cyclopentadienyl dichloride complex [η5:η1-C5H4(CH2)2NMe2]VCl2(PMe3) with 1 equiv of Na/Hg yielded the V(II) dimer {[η5:η1-C5H4(CH2)2NMe2]V(µ-Cl)}2 (2). This compound reacted with diphenylacetylene in THF to give the V(II) alkyne adduct [η5:η1-C5H4(CH2)2NMe2]VCl(η2-PhC≡CPh). Further reduction of 2 with Mg in the presence of diphenylacetylene resulted in oxidative coupling of two diphenylacetylene groups to yield the diamagnetic, formally V(V), bent metallacyclopentatriene complex [η5:η1-C5H4(CH2)2NMe2]V(C4Ph4).

    A French translation of the obsessive-compulsive drinking scale for craving in alcohol-dependent patients: a validation study in Belgium, France, and Switzerland

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    The Obsessive-Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS) is an instrument developed to measure cognitive aspects of alcohol craving. The aim of this study was to validate the French translation of the OCDS according to the international methodology as published by Hunt and coworkers (see text), including forward-backward translations, patient interviews (9 patients), patient's perception of acceptability (15 patients), and final validation within a treatment program (50 patients). All 74 patients were native French-speaking alcohol-dependent patients from Belgium, France, and Switzerland. The derived aggregated total (TOT) score and both subscores corresponding to the obsessive (OB) and compulsive (CP) dimensions were shown to be asymptomatically normal. Good internal consistencies were found, with Cronbach alpha: TOT = 0.88; OB = 0. 82; CP = 0.79. The test-retest procedure was used to examine intrarater reliability (r = 0.81). The construct validity was examined with linear correlation of the two main components: r(OB, CP) = 0.62; r(OB, TOT) = 0.86; r(CP, TOT) = 0.92. Principal-components analysis revealed two main factors: the first factor representing the total scale score, while the obsessive and compulsive subscale scores were distributed along factor two. The translated scale seems to be psychometrically as valid as the original English scale and confirms the psychometric properties of the OCDS. [Ed.]]]> eng oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_F7D93BF6D7F8 2022-05-07T01:30:22Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_F7D93BF6D7F8 Langue, Littérature et Altérité Janz, N. (ed.) Vernand, D. (ed.) info:eu-repo/semantics/book book 1992 fre oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_F7DA4CD40334 2022-05-07T01:30:22Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_F7DA4CD40334 Landslides and debris-flows: Analysis, monitoring, modeling and hazard assessment Jaboyedoff, M. Crosta, G.B. Arattano, M. Jaboyedoff, M. (ed.) Crosta, G.B. (ed.) Arattano, M. (ed.) info:eu-repo/semantics/book book 2005 eng oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_F7DA82AC327E 2022-05-07T01:30:22Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_F7DA82AC327E Doit-on modifier le traitement anticoagulant avant des extractions dentaires? [Dental extractions in patients taking anticoagulants: is alteration of the anticoagulant regime necessary?] info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/15997980 Madrid, C. info:eu-repo/semantics/review article 2005 Revue Médicale Suisse, vol. 1, no. 21, pp. 1418, 1421-1422, 1424 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pissn/1660-9379 <![CDATA[A major concern in the management of patients under anticoagulants is the potential for excessive bleeding after dental procedures. Recommendations for the administration of oral anticoagulants in conjunction with oral surgery range from complete withdrawal of anticoagulants to the maintenance of an unchanged therapy. Rising evidences show that the alteration of anticoagulation is not necessary for patients with INR of 4 or less previous to tooth extractions. Topical antifibrinolytics as tranexamic acid control successfully alveolar bleeding. It is time to stop interrupting anticoagulant therapy for oral surgery. A theoretical risk of hemorrhage after dental surgery in patients at therapeutic levels of anticoagulation exists but it is minimal and is greatly overweighed by the risk of thromboembolism after alteration of the anticoagulant therapy