65 research outputs found

    Advanced Temporalising

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    There is a widespread assumption that B-theorists (according to whom there is nothing metaphysically special about the present moment in virtue of which it is present) should interpret the standard tense operators (‘it was the case that’, ‘it will be the case that’) as implicit quantifier-restrictors – so that, for example, an utterance at instant t of the sentence ‘It was the case that there are dinosaurs’ is true just in case there are dinosaurs located at some instant t* earlier than t. However, it is easy to show that this interpretation of the tense operators creates serious problems for B-theorists when combined with certain other relatively uncontroversial B-theoretic assumptions. In this paper, I argue that the best way for B-theorists to respond to these problems is to treat the standard tense operators as redundant when the sentences in their scope are qualitative (i.e. not about any particular individuals)

    A (Limited) Defence of Priorianism

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    This paper defends Priorianism, a theory in the philosophy of time which combines three theses: first, that there is a metaphysical distinction between the present time and non-present times; second, that there are temporary propositions, that is, propositions that change in truth-value simpliciter over time; and third, that there is change over time only if there are temporary propositions. Priorianism is accepted by many Presentists, Growing Block Theorists, and Moving Spotlight Theorists. However, it is difficult to defend the view without appealing to premises that those who reject the view find controversial. My aim in this paper is to defend Priorianism in a way that largely avoids appealing to such premises. I do three things: first (Section 1), I describe the component theses of Priorianism and the relations between them. Next (Section 2), I show how Priorians can respond to the argument that the B-theory implies that there are temporary propositions, and therefore satisfies the Priorian condition for there being change over time. Finally (Section 3), I defend the Priorian thesis that there is change over time only if there are temporary propositions against an alternative principle of change defended by Ross Cameron (The Moving Spotlight, 2015)

    The Modal Moving Spotlight Theory

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    The Moving Spotlight Theory (MST) combines three theses: first, that there is an absolute present time; second, that always, everything exists eternally; and third, that exactly one fundamental property is temporary. In this paper, I argue that MST so defined can be combined with a reductive analysis of the tense operators (i.e. properties of propositions like being past), which I call the 'Modal Analysis'. According to the Modal Analysis, for it to be the case that at a time t, p is for it to be the case that p is necessitated by some fact not about fundamental presentness -- in effect, some permanent fact -- and the proposition that t is the present time. I argue that the Modal Analysis can be thought of as a spelling-out in more fundamental terms of an analysis of the tense operators due to Parsons (2002), which I call the 'Counterfactual Analysis'. Like the Counterfactual Analysis, the Modal Analysis has the virtue of securing the truth of Temporalism (the view that there are temporary propositions) given MST. I show that the Modal Analysis also secures some of the basic principles of standard linear tense logic

    Possible Worlds as Propositions

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    Corona Virus Disease merupakan jenis virus yang dapat mengakibatkan infeksi pada saluran pernapasan atas (ISPA), yang menimbulkan gejala ringan hingga berat. Virus COVID-19 dapat mengakibatkan penyakit yang lebih serius misalnya pneumonia. Tanggal 2 Maret 2020 pertama kali kasus COVID-19 dilaporkan di Indonesia. Virus COVID-19 dengan cepat menyebar dan meningkat pesat di Indonesia dengan peningkatan jumlah yang terus bertambah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi pasien meninggal akibat Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) di RSUD Koja. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah rekam medis pasien meninggal akibat COVID-19 bulan Juli 2020 sampai dengan Desember 2020. Dari hasil pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin didapatkan jumlah sampel sebanyak 81 rekam medis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kasus terkonfirmasi COVID-19 tertinggi terjadi pada kelompok usia ≥ 60 tahun dengan jumlah 44 %, berjenis kelamin laki-laki 61%, penyakit gagal ginjal 51%, diabetes mellitus 35%, Congestive heart failure 19%, hipertensi 16%. Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar karakteristik pasien meninggal karena kasus COVID-19 paling tinggi usia ≥ 60 tahun, laki-laki, riwayat komorbid chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetes mellitus, penyakit kardiovaskula

    Presentism and times as propositions

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    Some Presentists—according to whom everything is present—identify instants of time with propositions of a certain kind. However, the view that times are propositions seems to be at odds with Presentism: if there are times then there are past times, and therefore things that are past; but how could there be things that are past if everything is present? In this paper, we describe the Presentist view that times are propositions ; we set out the argument that Presentism is incompatible with the view that times are propositions ; and then we describe three possible responses to that argument on behalf of Presentists who identify times with propositions. We argue that each of these responses comes with significant costs. Finally, we describe a fourth possible response—according to which times are irreducibly higher-order entities—which appears to avoid the costs of the other three. We also describe and respond to two objections to the higher-order strategy

    Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Dalam Penggunaan Sistem INA CBGs Di Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Pondok Kopi

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    The implementation of the financing system in hospitals using the INA-CBGs system. The INA-CBGs system is a payment made at a package rate covering all components of resources in hospitals used in services, both medical and non-medical services. This research aims to identify the application of the INA-CBGs system and factors influencing the 6M method. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Descriptive analysis is the process of analyzing, explaining and summarizing events and phenomena from data obtained through interviews and field observations directly regarding the use of the INA-CBGs system.  The results showed that the influence factor in the use of the INA-CBGs system can be reviewed from 6M. Man, the influence of humans is the incompatibility of the required crew with officers who do three jobs at once, the incompatibility of the educational background of outpatient coding officers with professional standards and the lack of implementation of special training regarding the INA-CBGs system. Materials, the influence of this factor is the unavailability of ICD-10 and ICD-9-CM books in casemix. Machines, the influence of machine factors, namely sometimes the internet is less stable and the lack of printer machines provided.  Methods, the influence of the method factor, namely the unformed SPO from the hospital regarding the use of the INA-CBGs system. Money, the supporting factor is that there is a reward in overtime to encourage officers, while the obstacle is the difference in hospital costs and INA-CBGs packages. Market, supporting influence in the target market, namely inpatient BPJS patients with class 3 selection


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    Sistem informasi rumah sakit (SIMRS) merupakan suatu sistem teknologi informasi komunikasi yang berkaitan dengan pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, penyajian informasi, analisis data dan penyimpulan informasi serta penyampaian informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode HOT- Fit yang menempatkan komponen penting dalam SIMRS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana mengevaluasi SIMRS dengan metode Hot-Fit di RSJKO Soeprapto Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan wawancara terstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek human(manusia) dibutuhkan SDM pada bidang IT yang lebih banyak. Aspek organization(organisasi) pihak rumah sakit belum melakukan evaluasi dan pengawasan rutin terhadap pengelolaan SIMRS. Aspek technology(teknologi), SIMRS di RSJKO Soeprapto Bengkulu sudah mempunyai keamanan sistem yang terjaga. Pada aspek net benefit(manfaat) petugas mengatakan SIMRS memudahkan pekerjaan dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan pasien. Simpulan dari pnelitian ini adalah pada ada variabel human (manusia), masih kurangnya jumlah petugas dibidang IT, kemampuan petugas dalam mengoperasikan sistem sudah berjalan baik dengan mengikuti pelatihan, petugas merasakan kepuasan dan manfaat dari SIMRS.Pada variabel organization (organisasi), kekurangan tenaga IT dan pihak rumah sakit belum melakukan evaluasi dan pengawasan oleh petugas IT tehadap SIMRS. Pada variabel technology (teknologi), SIMRS sudah memiliki keamanan sistem yang terjamin. Petugas pendaftaran rawat jalan mengeluhkan bahwa terkadang SIMRS tidak bisa melakukan pengeditan data sehingga data yang dihasilkan tidak akurat.Pada variabel net benefit (manfaat), dengan adanya SIMRS petugas merasakan manfaat yang positif dengan mempermudah pekerjaan


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    Rumah sakit merupakan tempat untuk mendapatkan kesehatan dan keselamatan pasien. Keselamatan pasien merupakan prioritas utama bagi semua petugas rumah sakit, karena dengan mengutamakan keselamatan pada pasien itu dapat berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kualitas rumah sakit. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan patient safety di RS berdasarkan 6 sasaran keselamatan pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan tinjauan literature review terhadap 6 jurnal yang membahas tentang pelaksanaan patient safety berdasarkan 6 sasaran keselamatan pasien didapati persentase tertinggi sebesar 100% dan terendah 50% pada sasaran 1. Untuk sasaran ke-2 didapati persentase tertinggi 100% dan terendah 56.1%. Untuk sasaran ke-3 didapati persentase tertinggi 100% dan terendah 36.8%. Untuk sasaran ke-4 didapati persentase tertinggi 100% dan yang terendah 59.8%. Untuk sasaran ke-5 didapati persentase tertinggi 89.7% dan terendah 50.5%. Untuk sasaran ke-6 didapati persentase tertinggi 100% dan terendah 61.7%. Disarankan agar stok gelang selalu tersedia, selanjutnya selalu konfirmasi kembali saat menerima perintah dari dokter, disarankan juga agar selalu memberikan tanda pada jenis obat tertentu dan untuk tenaga kesehatan agar tidak melakukan hal yang dapat berisiko bagi kesehatan pasien
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