727 research outputs found

    Employees' views on home-based, after-hours telephone triage by Dutch GP cooperatives

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    __Abstract__ __Background:__ Dutch out-of-hours (OOH) centers find it difficult to attract sufficient triage staff. They regard home-based triage as an option that might attract employees. Specially trained nurses are supposed to conduct triage by telephone from home for after-hours medical care. The central aim of this research is to investigate the views of employees of OOH centers in The Netherlands on home-based telephone triage in after-hours care. Methods: The study is a Q methodology study. Triage nurses, general practitioners (GPs) and managers of OOH centers ranked 36 opinion statements on home-based triage. We interviewed 10 participants to help develop and validate the statements for the Q sort, and 77 participants did the Q sort. __Results__: We identified four views on home-based telephone triage. Two generally favor home-based triage, one highlights some concerns and conditions, and one opposes it out of concern for quality. The four views perceive different sources of credibility for nurse triagists working from home. __Conclusion__: Home-based telephone triage is a controversial issue among triage nurses, GPs and managers of OOH centers. By identifying consensus and dissension among GPs, triagists, managers and regulators, this study generates four perspectives on home-based triage. In addition, it reveals the conditions considered important for home-based triage

    Daily Life in Syria

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    Security and Global Affair

    Malnutrition is associated with worse health-related quality of life in children with cancer

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    Purpose:\ud Malnutrition in childhood cancer patients has been associated with lower health-related quality of life (HRQOL). However, this association has never actually been tested. Therefore, we aimed to determine the association between nutritional status and HRQOL in children with cancer.\ud \ud Methods:\ud In 104 children, aged 2–18 years and diagnosed with hematological, solid, or brain malignancies, nutritional status and HRQOL were assessed at diagnosis and at 3, 6, and 12 months using the child- and parent-report versions of the PedsQL 4.0 Generic scale and the PedsQL 3.0 Cancer Module. Scores on both scales range from 0 to 100.\ud \ud Results:\ud Undernourished children (body mass index (BMI) or fat-free mass < −2 standard deviation score (SDS)) reported significantly lower PedsQL scores compared with well-nourished children on the domains physical functioning (−13.3), social functioning (−7.0), cancer summary scale (−5.9), and nausea (−14.7). Overnourished children (BMI or fat mass >2 SDS) reported lower scores on emotional (−8.0) and cognitive functioning (−9.2) and on the cancer summary scale (−6.6), whereas parent-report scores were lower on social functioning (−7.5). Weight loss (>0.5 SDS) was associated with lower scores on physical functioning (−13.9 child-report and −10.7 parent-report), emotional (−7.4) and social functioning (−6.0) (child-report), pain (−11.6), and nausea (−7.8) (parent-report). Parents reported worse social functioning and more pain in children with weight gain (>0.5 SDS) compared with children with stable weight status.\ud \ud Conclusions:\ud Undernutrition and weight loss were associated with worse physical and social functioning, whereas overnutrition and weight gain affected the emotional and social domains of HRQL. Interventions that improve nutritional status may contribute to enhanced health outcomes in children with cancer

    Biological background of pediatric medulloblastoma and ependymoma: A review from a translational research perspective

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    Survival rates of pediatric brain tumor patients have significantly improved over the years due to developments in diagnostic techniques, neurosurgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and supportive care. However, brain tumors are still an important cause of cancer-related deaths in children. Prognosis is still highly dependent on clinical characteristics, such as the age of the patient, tumor type, stage, and localization, but increased knowledge about the genetic and biological features of these tumors is being obtained and might be useful to further improve outcome for these patients. It has become clear that the deregulation of signaling pathways essential in brain development, for example, sonic hedgehog (SHH), Wnt, and Notch pathways, plays an important role in pathogenesis and biological behavior, especially for medulloblastomas. More recently, data have become available about the cells of origin of brain tumors and the possible existence of brain tumor stem cells. Newly developed array-based techniques for studying gene expression, protein expression, copy number aberrations, and epigenetic events have led to the identification of other potentially important biological abnormalities in pediatric medulloblastomas and ependymomas. Copyright 2008 by the Society for Neuro-Oncology

    Measures against Jihadist Foreign Fighters: A policy comparison between the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, the UK and the US (2010 to 2017)

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    From the time when the problem of people travelling to areas of conflict in Syria and Iraq became a topical issue at the end of 2012, many European countries as well as the United States have taken measures to prevent actual or would-be travellers and to prosecute and/or monitor returnees. This report provides an overview of measures taken, and the instances in which they are being taken, focusing on "person-specific measures". The report shows that the reviewed countries generally take similar initiatives. Nonetheless, there are significant differences in terms of political organisation, powers and legal culture. In a broader sense, this report attempts to shed light on the changing toolbox states have at their disposal as they try to face up to potentially violent, internationally operating non-state actors.Security and Global Affair

    Dealing with Jihadism: A policy comparison between the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, the UK and the US (2010 to 2017)

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    This report offers an understanding of counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation policies in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Its emphasis is on developments following the 11 September 2001 attacks, and addresses the phenomenon referred to as jihadism. The report identifies three developments: 1) the development of counterterrorism and counterradicalisation as actual policy domains, 2) increased coordination of policy and initiatives for information-sharing, 3) unclear demarcation of the policy domain. Security and Global Affair

    Beleidsdomein aanpak jihadisme: een vergelijking tussen Nederland, België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Frankrijk, het VK en de VS

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    Deze studie brengt in kaart wat in Nederland, België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Frankrijk, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de Verenigde Staten wordt gegaan tegen ‘jihadisme’. Er is vooral gekeken naar hoe terrorismebestrijding en de aanpak van radicalisering in de bovengenoemde landen is opgezet. Hierbij is enerzijds gekeken naar beleidsplannen en strategieën en anderzijds naar welke actoren actief zijn op het gebied van terrorismebestrijding en het tegengaan van radicalisering. Alle landen ondernemen activiteiten op deze twee gebieden, hoewel er tussen de landen onderling wel verschillen zijn. Coördinatie van beleid en informatiedeling worden in toenemende mate belangrijk vanwege de inzet op een brede aanpak. Daarnaast kent de aanpak van ‘jihadisme’, vooral waar het de aanpak van radicalisering betreft, geen heldere grenzen door de toetreding van niet-traditionele veiligheidspartners en niet-overheidspartners.Security and Global Affair
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