18,418 research outputs found

    Circumstellar environment of the M-type AGB star R Dor. APEX spectral scan at 159.0368.5159.0-368.5 GHz

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    Our current insights into the circumstellar chemistry of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are largely based on studies of carbon-rich stars and stars with high mass-loss rates. In order to expand the current molecular inventory of evolved stars we present a spectral scan of the nearby, oxygen-rich star R Dor, a star with a low mass-loss rate (2×107M\sim2\times10^{-7}M_{\odot}/yr). We carried out a spectral scan in the frequency ranges 159.0-321.5GHz and 338.5-368.5 GHz (wavelength range 0.8-1.9mm) using the SEPIA/Band-5 and SHeFI instruments on the APEX telescope and we compare it to previous surveys, including one of the oxygen-rich AGB star IK Tau, which has a high mass-loss rate (5×106M\sim5\times10^{-6}M_{\odot}/yr). The spectrum of R Dor is dominated by emission lines of SO2_2 and the different isotopologues of SiO. We also detect CO, H2_2O, HCN, CN, PO, PN, SO, and tentatively TiO2_2, AlO, and NaCl. Sixteen out of approximately 320 spectral features remain unidentified. Among these is a strong but previously unknown maser at 354.2 GHz, which we suggest could pertain to H2_2SiO, silanone. With the exception of one, none of these unidentified lines are found in a similarly sensitive survey of IK Tau performed with the IRAM 30m telescope. We present radiative transfer models for five isotopologues of SiO (28^{28}SiO, 29^{29}SiO, 30^{30}SiO, Si17^{17}O, Si18^{18}O), providing constraints on their fractional abundance and radial extent. We derive isotopic ratios for C, O, Si, and S and estimate that R Dor likely had an initial mass in the range 1.3-1.6MM_{\odot}, in agreement with earlier findings based on models of H2_2O line emission. From the presence of spectral features recurring in many of the measured thermal and maser emission lines we tentatively identify up to five kinematical components in the outflow of R Dor, indicating deviations from a smooth, spherical wind.Comment: 66 pages, 25 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Fully reduced FITS spectrum made available through CD

    An independent distance estimate to the AGB star R Sculptoris

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    For the carbon AGB star R Sculptoris, the uncertain distance significantly affects the interpretation of observations regarding the evolution of the stellar mass loss during and after the most recent thermal pulse. We aim to provide a new, independent measurement of the distance to R Sculptoris, reducing the absolute uncertainty of the distance estimate to this source. R Scl is a semi-regular pulsating star, surrounded by a thin shell of dust and gas created during a thermal pulse approximately 2000 years ago. The stellar light is scattered by the dust particles in the shell at a radius of 19 arcsec. The variation in the stellar light affects the amount of dust-scattered light with the same period and amplitude ratio, but with a phase lag that depends on the absolute size of the shell. We measured this phase lag by observing the star R Scl and the dust-scattered stellar light from the shell at five epochs between June - December 2017. By observing in polarised light, we imaged the shell in the plane of the sky, removing any uncertainty due to geometrical effects. The phase lag gives the absolute size of the shell, and together with the angular size of the shell directly gives the absolute distance to R Sculptoris. We measured a phase lag between the stellar variations and the variation in the shell of 40.0 +/- 4.0 days. The angular size of the shell is measured to be 19.1 arcsec +/- 0.7 arcsec. Combined, this gives an absolute distance to R Sculptoris of 361 +/- 44 pc. We independently determined the absolute distance to R Scl with an uncertainty of 12%. The estimated distance is consistent with previous estimates, but is one of the most accurate distances to the source to date. In the future, using the variations in polarised, dust-scattered stellar light, may offer an independent possibility to measure reliable distances to AGB stars.Comment: accepted by A&A, 8 pages, 8 figure

    Sulphur molecules in the circumstellar envelopes of M-type AGB stars

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    The sulphur compounds SO and SO2_2 have not been widely studied in the circumstellar envelopes of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. By presenting and modelling a large number of SO and SO2_2 lines in the low mass-loss rate M-type AGB star R Dor, and modelling the available lines of those molecules in a further four M-type AGB stars, we aim to determine their circumstellar abundances and distributions. We use a detailed radiative transfer analysis based on the accelerated lambda iteration method to model circumstellar SO and SO2_2 line emission and molecular data files for both SO and SO2_2 that are more extensive than those previously available. Using 17 SO lines and 98 SO2 lines to constrain our models for R Dor, we find an SO abundance of 6.7x106^{-6} and an SO2_2 abundance of 5x106^{-6} with both species having high abundances close to the star. We also modelled 34^{34}SO and found an abundance of 3.1x107^{-7}, giving an 32^{32}SO/34^{34}SO ratio of 21.6. We derive similar results for the circumstellar SO and SO2_2 abundances and their distributions for the low mass-loss rate object W Hya. For these stars, the circumstellar SO and SO2_2 abundances are much higher than predicted by chemical models and these two species may account for all available sulphur. For the higher mass-loss rate stars, we find shell-like SO distributions with peak abundances that decrease and peak abundance radii that increase with increasing mass-loss rate. The positions of the peak SO abundance agree very well with the photodissociation radii of H2_2O. We find evidence that SO is most likely through the photodissociation of H2_2O and the subsequent reaction between S and OH. The S-bearing parent molecule appears not to be H2_2S. The SO2_2 models suggest an origin close to the star for this species, also disagreeing with current chemical models.Comment: 25 page

    The surprisingly carbon-rich environment of the S-type star W Aql

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    W Aql is an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star with an atmospheric elemental abundance ratio C/O\approx0.98 and reported circumstellar molecular abundances intermediate between those of M-type (C/O1) AGB stars. This intermediate status is considered typical for S-type stars, although our understanding of the chemical content of their circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) is currently rather limited. We performed observations in the frequency range 159-268 GHz with the APEX telescope and make abundance estimates through comparison to available spectra towards some well-studied AGB stars and based on rotational diagram analysis in the case of SiC2. We conclude that W Aql's CSE appears considerably closer to that of a C-type AGB star than to that of an M-type AGB star. In particular, we detect emission from C2H, SiC2, SiN, and HC3N, molecules previously only detected towards the CSEs of C-type stars. This conclusion, based on the chemistry of the gaseous component of the CSE, is further supported by reports in the literature on the presence of atmospheric molecular bands and spectral features of dust species typical for C-type AGB stars. Although our observations mainly trace species in the outer regions of the CSE, our conclusion matches closely that based on recent chemical equilibrium models for the inner wind of S-type stars: the atmospheric and circumstellar chemistry of S-type stars likely resembles that of C-type AGB stars much more closely than that of M-type AGB stars. Further observational investigation of the gaseous circumstellar chemistry of S-type stars is required to characterise its dependence on the atmospheric C/O. Non-equilibrium chemical models of the CSEs of AGB stars need to address the particular class of S-type stars and the chemical variety that is induced by the range in atmospheric C/O.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures (+26 pages appendix) Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Properties of dust in the detached shells around U Ant, DR Ser, and V644 Sco

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    Understanding the properties of dust produced during the asymptotic giant branch phase of stellar evolution is important for understanding the evolution of stars and galaxies. Recent observations of the carbon AGB star R Scl have shown that observations at far-infrared and submillimetre wavelengths can effectively constrain the grain sizes in the shell, while the total mass depends on the structure of the grains (solid vs. hollow or fluffy). We aim to constrain the properties of the dust observed in the submillimetre in the detached shells around the three carbon AGB stars U Ant, DR Ser, and V644 Sco, and to investigate the constraints on the dust masses and grain sizes provided by far-infrared and submm observations. We observed the carbon AGB stars U Ant, DR Ser, and V644 Sco at 870 micron using LABOCA on APEX. Combined with observations from the optical to far-infrared, we produced dust radiative transfer models of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with contributions from the stars, present-day mass-loss and detached shells. We tested the effect of different total dust masses and grain sizes on the SED, and attempted to consistently reproduce the SEDs from the optical to the submm. We derive dust masses in the shells of a few 10e-5 Msun, assuming spherical, solid grains. The best-fit grain radii are comparatively large, and indicate the presence of grains between 0.1 micron-2 micron. The LABOCA observations suffer from contamination from 12CO(3-2), and hence gives fluxes that are higher than the predicted dust emission at submm wavelengths. We investigate the effect on the best-fitting models by assuming different degrees of contamination and show that far-infrared and submillimetre observations are important to constrain the dust mass and grain sizes in the shells.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Sulphur-bearing molecules in AGB stars I: The occurrence of hydrogen sulfide

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    Through a survey of (sub-)millimetre emission lines of various sulphur-bearing molecules, we aim to determine which molecules are the primary carriers of sulphur in different types of AGB stars. In this paper, the first in a series, we investigate the occurrence of H2_2S in AGB circumstellar envelopes and determine its abundance, where possible. We have surveyed 20 AGB stars with a range of mass-loss rates and of different chemical types using the APEX telescope to search for rotational transition lines of five key sulphur-bearing molecules: CS, SiS, SO, SO2_2 and H2_2S. Here we present our results for H2_2S, including detections, non-detections and detailed radiative transfer modelling of the detected lines. We compare results based on different descriptions of the molecular excitation of H2_2S and different abundance distributions, including those derived from chemical modelling results. We detected H2_2S towards five AGB stars, all of which have high mass-loss rates of M˙5×106M\dot{M}\geq 5\times 10^{-6}M_\odot yr1^{-1} and are oxygen-rich. H2_2S was not detected towards the carbon or S-type stars that fall in a similar mass-loss range. For the stars in our sample with detections, we find peak o-H2_2S abundances relative to H2_2 between 4×1074\times 10^{-7} and 2.5×1052.5\times 10^{-5}. Overall, we conclude that H2_2S can play a significant role in oxygen-rich AGB stars with higher mass-loss rates, but is unlikely to play a key role in stars of other chemical types or the lower mass-loss rate oxygen-rich stars. For two sources, V1300 Aql and GX Mon, H2_2S is most likely the dominant sulphur-bearing molecule in the circumstellar envelope.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted in A&

    ALMA observations of the vibrationally-excited rotational CO transition v=1,J=32v=1, J=3-2 towards five AGB stars

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    We report the serendipitous detection with ALMA of the vibrationally-excited pure-rotational CO transition v=1,J=32v=1, J=3-2 towards five asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, oo Cet, R Aqr, R Scl, W Aql, and π1\pi^1 Gru. The observed lines are formed in the poorly-understood region located between the stellar surface and the region where the wind starts, the so-called warm molecular layer. We successfully reproduce the observed lines profiles using a simple model. We constrain the extents, densities, and kinematics of the region where the lines are produced. R Aqr and R Scl show inverse P-Cygni line profiles which indicate infall of material onto the stars. The line profiles of oo Cet and R Scl show variability. The serendipitous detection towards these five sources shows that vibrationally-excited rotational lines can be observed towards a large number of nearby AGB stars using ALMA. This opens a new possibility for the study of the innermost regions of AGB circumstellar envelopes.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, 2016MNRAS.463L..74

    CO and HCN isotopologue ratios in the outflows of AGB stars

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    Isotopologue line intensity ratios of circumstellar molecules have been widely used to trace the photospheric elemental isotopic ratios of evolved stars. However, depending on the molecular species and the physical conditions of the environment, the circumstellar isotopologue ratio may deviate considerably from the stellar atmospheric value. In this paper, we aim to examine how the CO and HCN abundance ratios vary radially due to chemical reactions in the outflows of AGB stars and the effect of excitation and optical depth on the resulting line intensity ratios. We find that the circumstellar 12CO/13CO can deviate from its atmospheric value by up to 25-94% and 6-60% for C- and O-type CSEs, respectively. We show that variations of the intensity of the ISRF and the gas kinetic temperature can significantly influence the CO isotopologue ratio in the outer CSEs. On the contrary, the H12CN/H13CN ratio is stable for all tested mass-loss rates. The RT modeling shows that the integrated line intensity ratio of CO of different rotational transitions varies significantly for stars with intermediate mass-loss rates due to combined chemical and excitation effects. In contrast, the excitation conditions for the both HCN isotopologues are the same. We demonstrate the importance of using the isotopologue abundance profiles from chemical models as inputs to RT models in the interpretation of isotopologue observations. Previous studies of CO isotopologue ratios are based on multi-transition data for individual sources and it is difficult to estimate the errors in the reported values due to assumptions that are not entirely correct according to this study. If anything, previous studies may have overestimated the circumstellar 12CO/13CO abundance ratio. The use of the HCN as a tracer of C isotope ratios is affected by fewer complicating problems, provided one accounts corrections for high optical depths.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    How do consumers react differently to a brand owned by a New Digital Influencer compared to a traditional brand, in the high-end beauty segment?

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    The present thesis aims at studying and comparing reactions consumers have towards two types of brands: a traditional brand, one that has been in the high-end beauty segment for generations, and a brand owned by a New Digital Influencer -NDI - in the same segment. A New Digital Influencer is someone who gathers a large online following, who has their audience’s trust by posting reliable content. The goal was to understand consumers’ reactions in Purchase Intention, Brand Attitude, Word-of-Mouth, and Engagement. Furthermore, high-end stands for “very good quality” and “expensive”, being this the criterion applied to select the studied brands. Following the Literature Review, a quantitative research was performed. An online questionnaire targeted at women who are on social media and who don’t reject recommendations from influencers was considered the ideal approach. An experimental in-between groups design was conducted with respondents being randomly allocated either to the traditional brand, or to the brand owned by an NDI. Research Questions were answered by performing a Kruskal-Wallis test, where both groups were considered statistically different in three of the four dimensions analysed. Furthermore, the traditional brand has higher scores for Purchase Intention and Word-of-Mouth; for Engagement the public engages more with a brand owned by an NDI; and for Brand Attitude the reaction by consumers is equal for both brand types. All these discoveries are justified with previous literature. The gap in academic literature has been significantly reduced. Also, it is confirmed: influencers are a possible competitor in the retail industry.A presente tese pretende estudar e comparar a reação de consumidores a dois tipos de marcas: uma marca tradicional, marca presente no mercado de beleza de luxo há gerações, e uma marca lançada por um Novo Influenciador Digital – NDI- no mesmo segmento. Novo Influenciador Digital é alguém que ganha uma rede de seguidores considerável online, que detém a confiança dos mesmos através da postagem de conteúdo confiável. O objetivo traçado foi o de compreender a reação de consumidores em termos de Intenção de Compra, Atitude com a Marca, Boca-a-Boca e Interação. Ainda, o conceito de luxo é “alta qualidade” e “caro” pelo que foi este o critério utilizado na seleção das marcas estudadas. Posteriormente à Revisão de Literatura, foi efetuada uma análise quantitativa. Um questionário online tendo como alvo mulheres ativas nas redes sociais, que não rejeitam influenciadores foi considerada a abordagem ideal. Foi feita uma experiência entre grupos na qual os respondentes foram aleatoriamente alocados à marca tradicional, ou à marca lançada por um NDI. As Perguntas de Pesquisa foram respondidas através do teste de Kruskal-Wallis, e os dois grupos foram considerados estatisticamente diferentes em três dimensões. A marca tradicional obteve resultados mais elevados em Intenção de Compra e Boca-a-Boca; Interação com uma marca lançada por um NDI é superior; Atitude com a Marca é igual em ambos os grupos. Os resultados foram justificados de acordo com a literatura. A lacuna na literatura académica foi significativamente reduzida, e é possível afirmar: influenciadores são possível concorrência no mundo do retalho