5,484 research outputs found

    Irrigação e fertirrigação na cultura do abacaxi.

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    Necessidades hídricas; Salinidade e o cultivo do abacaxi; Resposta da planta à irrigação; Métodos de irrigação; Irrigação localizada; Irrigação por aspersão; Monitoramento da irrigação; Fertirrigação

    Heparina e EDTA como anticoagulantes para matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus).

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da heparina de sódio e do EDTA como anticoagulantes e o efeito destes fármacos sobre os parâmetros hematológicos de matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus)

    Indução floral em plantas de sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia) com aplicação de paclobutrazol.

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    [Flowering induction in sabia plants (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia) with paclobutrazol]. Abstract: The presence of thorns dominant character in sabiá, makes it difficult their exploitation which makes it necessary to apply genetic improvement techniques, to select plants that do not show this trait. To expedite the improvement, the use of bioregulators may be an alternative, as the paclobutrazol (PBZ), to induce flowering, aiming to reduce the time for selection. Four doses It was tested four doses of PBZ applied for five months from the fourth month after sowing. The results of four early flowering plants at eleven months were obtained in seasons 5 and 6 with doses of 1 ml and 2 ml of PBZ. There was evidence that the PBZ contributed to the early flowering since the control treatment did not show similar results. We concluded that the absence of thorns on ?sabiá? is a recessive character because many plants exhibited the presence of thorns after germination, even collected from a population without thorns. The induction of flowering at eleven months of age was related to the use of PBZ

    Caracterização química de frutos de novos genótipos de mamoeiro na Chapada do Apodi.

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    No Brasil, o mamoeiro é cultivado em praticamente todos os Estados, sendo a Bahia o maior produtor, seguido de Espirito Santo, Ceará e Rio Grande do Norte com 45,03%, 31,93%, 5,69% e 4,70% respectivamente (IBGE, 2013). O fruto é utilizado nas dietas alimentares por serem excelentes fontes de cálcio, vitaminas A e C e apresenta importância econômica para o agronegócio brasileiro

    A importância do perfil socioeconômico de criadores de ovinos de corte na elaboração de políticas públicas.

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    Resumo: A agropecuária brasileira é caracterizada pela versatilidade e heterogeneidade. São diversos os modos de produção e diferentes os tipos de criadores. Quando se avalia aspectos relacionados a criadores, sobretudo aqueles considerados familiares, a maioria dos estudos os retrata a partir de características econômicas e produtivas, suprimindo aspectos sociais importantes que os identificam enquanto grupos marcados por sociabilidades distintas. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com esse trabalho demonstrar a importância do perfil socioeconômico dos criadores de ovinos de corte e sua importância na formulação de políticas públicas. Para isso, foram entrevistados 336 criadores do município de Tauá-CE. O município possui um dos maiores rebanhos de ovinos do país e concentra um tradicional mercado de carne ovina no qual a "manta de Tauá" se destaca como principal produto. Observou-se que a maioria dos entrevistados se constitui sob núcleos familiares pequenos, estáveis, chefiados por homens com baixo grau de instrução e detentores de propriedades rurais com boa infraestrutura para moradia, mas pouco produtivas. Foram apontados ainda aspectos relacionados à juventude rural e suas consequências na sucessão familiar. [The importance of socio-economic profile of meat sheep breeders in the development of public policy]. Abstract: Brazilian agriculture is characterized by versatility and variety. There are several modes of production and different types of farmers When evaluating aspects of the creators, especially those considered farm family , most studies portrays them from economic and production characteristics , suppressing important social aspects that identify them as distinct groups marked by sociability. Thus, the aim of this work was to demonstrate the importance of the socioeconomic profile of sheep cutting and its importance in the formulation of public policies. For this, we interviewed 336 farmers in the municipality of Taua - CE. The city has one of the largest herds of sheep in the country and focuses a traditional lamb market in which the "Manta de Taua" stands out as the main product. It was observed that the majority of respondents in households are small, stable, headed by men with low levels of education and rural property owners with good infrastructure for housing, but not very productive. The aspects related to rural youth and their consequences on succession familiar were appointed

    Flat-band quantum communication induced by disorder

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    We show that a qubit transfer protocol can be realized through a flat band hosted by a disordered XXXX spin-1/2 diamond chain. In the absence of disorder, the transmission becomes impossible due to the compact localized states forming the flat band. When off-diagonal disorder is considered, the degeneracy of the band is preserved but the associated states are no longer confined to the unit cells. By perturbatively coupling the sender and receiver to the flat band, we derive a general effective Hamiltonian resembling a star network model with two hubs. The effective couplings correspond to wavefunctions associated with the flat-band modes. Specific relationships between these parameters define the quality of the quantum-state transfer which, in turn, are related to the degree of localization in the flat band. Our findings establish a framework for further studies of flat bands in the context of quantum communication.Comment: 7 figures, 8 page

    Non-Rayleigh signal of interacting quantum particles

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    The dynamics of two interacting quantum particles on a weakly disordered chain is investigated. Spatial quantum interference between them is characterized through the statistics of two-particle transition amplitudes, related to Hanbury Brown-Twiss correlations in optics. The fluctuation profile of the signal can discern whether the interacting parties are behaving like identical bosons, fermions, or distinguishable particles. An analog fully developed speckle regime displaying Rayleigh statistics is achieved for interacting bosons. Deviations toward long-tailed distributions echo quantum correlations akin to non-interacting identical particles. In the limit of strong interaction, two-particle bound states obey generalized Rician distributions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure