2,619 research outputs found

    The Costs and Returns of Scottish Potato Production

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    The gross and net margins for a representative sample of 53 Scottish potato producers classed as "Seed" (>80% of area grown for seed), "Ware" (>80% of area grown for Ware) and "Mixed" for the rest were obtained for the 1999 growing season according to the methodology of MAFF (1990,1999). The farms were arable. Yields were average but for seed growers for whom tuber number in the seed size is more important. Prices were the lowest for six years variable costs were high and gross margins are above the best for cereals. However fixed costs excluding seasonally rented land are considerable leaving negative net margins. Potato price fluctuates widely. Prices were high in 1998. Applying these prices to the 1999 data left good net margins. Average prices still left reasonable net margins. Break-even prices were £85/t for ware and £200/t for seed, which were not reached in three of the last six years. These results show the considerable investment in both fixed and variable costs and risk for this important Scottish crop.Crop Production/Industries,

    Structure and management issues of the emerging ornamental fish trade in Eritrea

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    Following independence from Ethiopia in 1993, Eritrea resumed exploiting Red Sea and Arabian fish species for the ornamental trade in 1995 as a means to earn foreign exchange from sparsely exploited marine resources. This paper describes the findings of research conducted in 1997, in collaboration with the Eritrean Ministry of Fisheries. The capture, transport and export of aquarium fish were reviewed and potential impacts and the status of management were investigated through liaison with stakeholders and researchers. From 1995 to 1997 two companies exported approximately 60,000 fish per year, mainly to the USA, worth US$65,000 (export value). Seventyfive species (from 22 families) were exported. Damselfishes made up two-thirds of total exports but more valuable families (angelfishes and butterflyfishes) were more economically significant. To earn revenue for Eritrea, a 20% export tax was imposed, although this was calculated from declarations by the operators. The emerging nature of the trade allowed detailed monitoring by the Ministry of Fisheries. However, management efforts were constrained by a lack of capacity for enforcement and baseline research. Several potential effects of the trade exist but other, land-based impacts may be more pressing concerns for Eritrea’s reefs. Research priorities for management are discussed as well as the implications of mariculture of Eritrean species by other nations

    Effect of Farm-Level Constraints, Existing and Prospective Policies on Expansion of Coconut-Based Intercropping in Sri Lanka

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    Coconut-based intercropping (CBI) in Sri Lanka was introduced some 20 years ago to overcome the two main limitations of traditional coconut monocropping, inefficient land use and low incomes to farmers, but it has not been widely adopted. This study analyses the effect of farm-level resource constraints, and government policies on the intensity of adoption of CBI. A multiperiod linear programming (MLP) model was applied for three farmer groups - resource poor, medium endowed, well endowed - categorised using cluster analysis. Data was collected from a survey of randomly selected 113 intercroppers. Empirical results reveal that expansion of CBI is mainly constrained by seasonal labour shortages for all farmer groups, particularly the well endowed, and by the scarcity of cash in the case of resource-poor farmers. CBI policies aimed at subsidising inputs or intercrop prices are not likely to be efficient in raising adoption, but alternative policies aimed at alleviating resource constraints would be more effective. The study concluded that the low adoption of CBI is mainly attributable to the scarcity of different farm-level resources (other than land), at varying degrees among different farmer groups. Hence a targeted approach to alleviate them is suggested.Crop Production/Industries,

    Measurement of the Scintillation Efficiency of Na Recoils in NaI(Tl) down to 10 keV Nuclear Recoil Energy relevant to Dark Matter Searches

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    We present preliminary results of measurements of the quenching factor for Na recoils in NaI(Tl) at room temperature, made at a dedicated neutron facility at the University of Sheffield. Measurements have been performed with a 2.45 MeV mono-energetic neutron generator in the energy range from 10 keV to 100 keV nuclear recoil energy. A BC501A liquid scintillator detector was used to tag neutrons. Cuts on pulse-shape discrimination from the BC501A liquid scintillator detector and neutron time-of-flight were performed on pulses recorded by a digitizer with a 2 ns sampling time. Measured quenching factors range from 19% to 26%, in agreement with other experiments. From pulse-shape analysis, a mean time of pulses from electron and nuclear recoils are compared down to 2 keV electron equivalent energy.Comment: to appear in Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, 11-16 September 2006, Rhodes, Greece; 6 pages, 4 figures; corrected preliminary theoretical estimation curve plotted in figure

    The feasibility of oligogenic combined segregation and linkage analysis in CEPH pedigrees

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    The CEPH samples are an invaluable resource for mapping genes that contribute to traits that can be measured in cell lines. With the many markers that have already been genotyped for the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) pedigrees and are readily available, one need only obtain phenotypes to conduct a linkage analysis. For Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 (GAW15), over 3000 expression levels of genes in lymphoblastoid cells in 14 of the CEPH pedigrees were provided. For this study, eight of these expression levels were selected to obtain a spectrum of heritabilities, three were selected based on linkage results with traditional LOD scores >3, and one trait was selected at random. A Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov chain oligogenic segregation and linkage analysis was conducted on each of these 12 traits using the genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism linkage markers provided for GAW15. Our goal was to assess the ability of these methods to map genes in the CEPH pedigrees. Surprisingly, positive linkage signals were found for all 12 traits, even those with a very small traditionally calculated heritability. However, the portion of the variance attributed to genetic sources by the oligogenic segregation analysis differed substantially in some cases from the traditional heritability. It appears that genetic variance estimated from oligogenic segregation analysis may be a better indicator of whether genes can be mapped for complex traits than traditional heritability

    Ecosystem Approach to Small Scale Tropical Marine Fisheries

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    This is a 4-page brochure about a WorldFish led project. Throughout the world, poor fisheries management contributes to resource degradation, poverty, and food insecurity. This European Union project on an Ecosystem Approach to Small-scale Tropical Marine Fisheries is led by WorldFish and implemented in collaboration with national partners in Asia (Southeastern)-Indonesia; the Asia (Southeastern)-Philippines; the Solomon Islands and Tanzania. The overall objective is to use an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) to improve governance of small-scale fisheries (SSF). The EAFM puts sustainability and equitability at the forefront of fisheries governance which enhances their contribution to poverty reduction.Specific objectives are to: 1. Assess existing institutional arrangements and identify opportunities for an EAFM to improve integrated SSF management; 2. Develop EAFM strategies and actions suitable for developing country contexts; 3. Strengthen the capacity of local fishery stakeholders and government agencies to collaborate and work within an EAFM. The project is taking a participatory and gender sensitive approach, both core philosophies of WorldFish. Representatives of all relevant stakeholder groups are involved in this action research project

    A method for characterization of coherent backgrounds in real time and its application in gravitational wave data analysis

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    Many experiments, and in particular gravitational wave detectors, produce continuous streams of data whose frequency representations contain discrete, relatively narrowband coherent features at high amplitude. We discuss the application of digital Fourier transforms (DFTs) to characterization of these features, hereafter frequently referred to as lines. Application of DFTs to continuously produced time domain data are achieved through an algorithm hereafter referred to as EFC for efficient time-domain determination of the Fourier coefficients of a data set. We first define EFC and discuss parameters relating to the algorithm that determine its properties and action on the data. In gravitational wave interferometers, these lines are commonly due to parasitic sources of coherent background interference coupling into the instrument. Using GEO 600 data, we next demonstrate that time domain subtraction of lines can proceed without detrimental effects either on features at frequencies separated from that of the subtracted line, or on features at the frequency of the line but having different stationarity properties.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Impact of Stand Your Ground, Background Checks and Conceal and Carry Laws on Homicide Rates in the U.S

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    In recent years, the number of gun related killings appear to be on the rise. In fact, data show that gun related murders rose 32% between 2014 and 2017 (Gramlich 2019). While the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows citizens to bear weapons, many states have passed additional laws regulating the industry. These include restrictive and prohibitive laws. The goal of this paper is to assess the impact of changes in hand gun related legislation on firearm homicide rates in the United States for the period 1999-2015. More specifically, we focus on the impact of stand your ground, right to carry and background checks laws and how they impact changes in homicide rates. Using a unique data set, we created a change point model and used regression models to show that changes to handgun laws do in fact impact homicide rates in many state

    How fasting and vegetarianism is perceived to support psi among adepts

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    Many spiritual traditions include accounts of miracles and supernormal powers (known as ‘psi’, Parapsychological Association, 2015) which are associated with fasting and vegetarianism. Some authors have related these dietary practices to both spirituality and psi. However, there has so far been little empirical research in this area. We present a thematic analysis of interviews with seven ‘psi adepts’ (those who practise psi in a professional capacity) to examine their understanding of how fasting and vegetarianism are perceived to affect their sensitivity to psi. Results demonstrate that participants regard fasting as facilitating psi through purification and its effects on the gut; and that vegetarianism facilitates psi because it enhances mental clarity, supports general health, and because food has purported subtle energies. If supported by subsequent empirical work, these results may help to improve performance in psi tasks; support the health of adepts; and offer insight into proposed theories of psi

    How fasting and vegetarianism is perceived to support psi among adepts

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    Many spiritual traditions include accounts of miracles and supernormal powers (known as ‘psi’, Parapsychological Association, 2015) which are associated with fasting and vegetarianism. Some authors have related these dietary practices to both spirituality and psi. However, there has so far been little empirical research in this area. We present a thematic analysis of interviews with seven ‘psi adepts’ (those who practise psi in a professional capacity) to examine their understanding of how fasting and vegetarianism are perceived to affect their sensitivity to psi. Results demonstrate that participants regard fasting as facilitating psi through purification and its effects on the gut; and that vegetarianism facilitates psi because it enhances mental clarity, supports general health, and because food has purported subtle energies. If supported by subsequent empirical work, these results may help to improve performance in psi tasks; support the health of adepts; and offer insight into proposed theories of psi
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