2,112 research outputs found

    A Young Planetary-Mass Object in the ρ Oph Cloud Core

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    We report the discovery of a young planetary-mass brown dwarf in the ρ Oph cloud core. The object was identified as such with the aid of a 1.5-2.4 μm low-resolution spectrum obtained using the NIRC instrument on the Keck I telescope. Based on the COND model, the observed spectrum is consistent with a reddened (A_V ~ 15-16) brown dwarf whose effective temperature is in the range 1200-1800 K. For an assumed age of 1 Myr, comparison with isochrones further constrains the temperature to ~1400 K and suggests a mass of ~2-3 Jupiter masses. The inferred temperature is suggestive of an early T spectral type, which is supported by spectral morphology consistent with weak methane absorption. Based on its inferred distance (~100 pc) and the presence of overlying visual absorption, it is very likely to be a ρ Oph cluster member. In addition, given the estimated spectral type, it may be the youngest and least massive T dwarf found so far. Its existence suggests that the initial mass function for the ρ Oph star-forming region extends well into the planetary-mass regime

    A re-examination of the Salicornias (Amaranthaceae) of Saudi Arabia and their polymorphs

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    During the period from 1964 to 1999 Saudi Arabian species of Salicornia were wrongly treated under the European species, S. europaea L. Recent explorations proved that there are two separate allopatric species of Salicornia in Saudi Arabia, one inhabiting the inland salt-marshes of the Najd (highlands) and the other inhabiting the Arabian Gulf Coast (lowlands). Morphological, ecological and exploratory studies confirm that they are two distinct species. The two species differ in features of bark, axillary spikes, basal vegetative segment(s) of spike, fertile segments, colour of senescent plants, and flowering, fruiting and germination phenology. As both the species have been described earlier from Iran, they are now new records for Saudi Arabia. The species are, S. persica ssp. iranica (Akhani) Kadereit & Piirainen and S. sinus-persica Akhani. S. sinus-persica, of which the status was thought doubtful has been confirmed. Both the species have been described and illustrated. Each species comprises a number of polymorphs. As leaves and flowers are rudimentary, confusing species circumscriptions, a proliferation of binomials has resulted in the taxonomy of Salicornia. To mitigate such confusion, the full range of variability of the Saudi Arabian species has been documented

    Shape optimization of tibial prosthesis components

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    NASA technology and optimal design methodologies originally developed for the optimization of composite structures (engine blades) are adapted and applied to the optimization of orthopaedic knee implants. A method is developed enabling the shape tailoring of the tibial components of a total knee replacement implant for optimal interaction within the environment of the tibia. The shape of the implant components are optimized such that the stresses in the bone are favorably controlled to minimize bone degradation, to improve the mechanical integrity of the implant/interface/bone system, and to prevent failures of the implant components. A pilot tailoring system is developed and the feasibility of the concept is demonstrated and evaluated. The methodology and evolution of the existing aerospace technology from which this pilot optimization code was developed is also presented and discussed. Both symmetric and unsymmetric in-plane loading conditions are investigated. The results of the optimization process indicate a trend toward wider and tapered posts as well as thicker backing trays. Unique component geometries were obtained for the different load cases

    Discovery of an M9.5 Candidate Brown Dwarf in the TW Hydrae Association - DENIS J124514.1-442907

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    We report the discovery of a fifth candidate substellar system in the ~5-10 Myr TW Hydrae Association - DENIS J124514.1-442907. This object has a NIR spectrum remarkably similar to that of 2MASS J1139511-315921, a known TW Hydrae brown dwarf, with low surface gravity features such as a triangular-shaped H-band, deep H2O absorption, weak alkali lines, and weak hydride bands. We find an optical spectral type of M9.5 and estimate a mass of <24 M_Jup, assuming an age of ~5-10 Myr. While the measured proper motion for DENIS J124514.1-442907 is inconclusive as a test for membership, its position in the sky is coincident with the TW Hydrae Association. A more accurate proper motion measurement, higher resolution spectroscopy for radial velocity, and a parallax measurement are needed to derive the true space motion and to confirm its membership.Comment: 8 pages - emulateapj style, 2 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to ApJL. Fixed typos, added reference, added footnot

    Predicting the sound insulation of lightweight sandwich panels

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    The sound insulation of three sandwich panels was modelled using simple sound insulation prediction methods, but the agreement between theory and experiment was not very good. The effective Young&#039;s modulus was determined over a wide frequency from the resonant frequencies of three beams of different lengths. The effective Young&#039;s modulus was found to reduce with increasing frequency as has been predicted in the literature. This decrease is due to the core starting to shear rather than bend because its Young&#039;s modulus is much less than the Young&#039;s moduli of the skins. Unfortunately the agreement between theory and experiment was still not very good. This is because many of the prediction frequencies occur in the critical frequency dip because of the variation of the Young&#039;s modulus with frequency

    A Cross-Match of 2MASS and SDSS: Newly-Found L and T Dwarfs and an Estimate of the Space Densitfy of T Dwarfs

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    We report new L and T dwarfs found in a cross-match of the SDSS Data Release 1 and 2MASS. Our simultaneous search of the two databases effectively allows us to relax the criteria for object detection in either survey and to explore the combined databases to a greater completeness level. We find two new T dwarfs in addition to the 13 already known in the SDSS DR1 footprint. We also identify 22 new candidate and bona-fide L dwarfs, including a new young L2 dwarf and a peculiar L2 dwarf with unusually blue near-IR colors: potentially the result of mildly sub-solar metallicity. These discoveries underscore the utility of simultaneous database cross-correlation in searching for rare objects. Our cross-match completes the census of T dwarfs within the joint SDSS and 2MASS flux limits to the 97% level. Hence, we are able to accurately infer the space density of T dwarfs. We employ Monte Carlo tools to simulate the observed population of SDSS DR1 T dwarfs with 2MASS counterparts and find that the space density of T0-T8 dwarf systems is 0.0070 (-0.0030; +0.0032) per cubic parsec (95% confidence interval), i.e., about one per 140 cubic parsecs. Compared to predictions for the T dwarf space density that depend on various assumptions for the sub-stellar mass function, this result is most consistent with models that assume a flat sub-stellar mass function dN/dM ~ M^0. No >T8 dwarfs were discovered in the present cross-match, though less than one was expected in the limited area (2099 sq. degrees) of SDSS DR1.Comment: To appear in ApJ, Feb 10, 2008 issue. 37 pages, including 12 figures and 14 table

    Identifying Young Brown Dwarfs Using Gravity-Sensitive Spectral Features

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    We report the initial results of the Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey Gravity Project, to study gravity sensitive features as indicators of youth in brown dwarfs. Low-resolution (R~2000) J-band and optical (R~1000) observations using NIRSPEC and LRIS at the W.M. Keck Observatory reveal transitions of TiO, VO, K I, Na I, Cs I, Rb I, CaH, and FeH. By comparing these features in late-type giants and in old field dwarfs we show that they are sensitive to the gravity (g = GM/R^2) of the object. Using low-gravity spectral signatures as age indicators, we observed and analyzed J-band and optical spectra of two young brown dwarfs, G 196-3B (20-300 Myr) and KPNO Tau-4 (1-2 Myr), and two possible low mass brown dwarfs in the sigma Orionis cluster (3-7 Myr). We report the identification of the phi bands of TiO near 1.24 microns and the A-X band of VO near 1.18 microns together with extremely weak J-band lines of K I in KPNO-Tau4. This is the first detection of TiO and VO in the J-band in a sub-stellar mass object. The optical spectrum of KPNO-Tau4 exhibits weak K I and Na I lines, weak absorption by CaH, and strong VO bands, also signatures of a lower gravity atmosphere. G 196-3B shows absorption features in both wavelength regions like those of KPNO-Tau4 suggesting that its age and mass are at the lower end of published estimates. Whereas sigma Ori 51 appears to be consistent with a young sub-stellar object, sigma Ori 47 shows signatures of high gravity most closely resembling an old L1.5/L0, and can not be a member of the sigma Orionis cluster.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the January 10, 2004 issue of the Astrophysical Journa

    The 2MASS Wide-Field T Dwarf Search. IV Unting out T dwarfs with Methane Imaging

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    We present first results from a major program of methane filter photometry for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. The definition of a new methane filter photometric system is described. A recipe is provided for the differential calibration of methane imaging data using existing 2MASS photometry. We show that these filters are effective in discriminating T dwarfs from other types of stars, and demonstrate this with Anglo-Australian Telescope observations using the IRIS2 imager. Methane imaging data and proper motions are presented for ten T dwarfs identified as part of the 2MASS "Wide Field T Dwarf Search" -- seven of them initially identified as T dwarfs using methane imaging. We also present near-infrared moderate resolution spectra for five T dwarfs, newly discovered by this technique. Spectral types obtained from these spectra are compared to those derived from both our methane filter observations, and spectral types derived by other observers. Finally, we suggest a range of future programs to which these filters are clearly well suited: the winnowing of T dwarf and Y dwarf candidate objects coming from the next generation of near-infrared sky surveys; the robust detection of candidate planetary-mass brown dwarfs in clusters; the detection of T dwarf companions to known L and T dwarfs via deep methane imaging; and the search for rotationally-modulated time-variable surface features on cool brown dwarfs.Comment: 20 pages. To appear in The Astronomical Journal, Nov. 200

    A Distant Stellar Companion in the Upsilon Andromedae System

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    Upsilon Andromedae is an F8V star known to have an extrasolar system of at least 3 planets in orbit around it. Here we report the discovery of a low-mass stellar companion to this system. The companion shares common proper motion, lies at a projected separation of ~750 AU, and has a spectral type of M4.5V. The effect of this star on the radial velocity of the brighter primary is negligible, but this system provides an interesting testbed for stellar planetary formation theory and understanding dynamical stability since it is the first multiple planetary system known in a multiple stellar system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in June ApJ Letter