7,242 research outputs found

    Use of Structure as a Basis for Abstraction in Air Traffic Control

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    The safety and efficiency of the air traffic control domain is highly dependent on the capabilities and limitations of its human controllers. Past research has indicated that structure provided by the airspace and procedures could aid in simplifying the controllers cognitive tasks. In this paper, observations, interviews, voice command data analyses, and radar analyses were conducted at and using data from the Boston Terminal Route Control (TRACON) facility to determine if there was evidence of controllers using structure to simplify their cognitive processes. The data suggest that controllers do use structure-based abstractions to simplify their cognitive processes, particularly the projection task. These structure-based abstractions were outlined and their effect on various ATC cognitive processes were discussed. Suggestions for the design of future ATC information tools were provided based on the findings from this study.This research was supported by NASA, FAA, and the Beinecke Brothers Memorial Scholarship

    Supporting the Future Air Traffic Control Projection Process

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    In air traffic control, projecting what the air traffic situation will be over the next 30 seconds to 30 minutes is a key process in identifying conflicts that may arise so that evasive action can be taken upon discovery of these conflicts. A series of field visits in the Boston and New York terminal radar approach control (TRACON) facilities and in the oceanic air traffic control facilities in New York and Reykjavik, Iceland were conducted to investigate the projection process in two different ATC domains. The results from the site visits suggest that two types of projection are currently used in ATC tasks, depending on the type of separation minima and/or traffic restriction and information display used by the controller. As technologies improve and procedures change, care should be taken by designers to support projection through displays, automation, and procedures. It is critical to prevent time/space mismatches between interfaces and restrictions. Existing structure in traffic dynamics could be utilized to provide controllers with useful behavioral models on which to build projections. Subtle structure that the controllers are unable to internalize could be incorporated into an ATC projection aid

    Confounding Issues in the Deadweight Loss of Gift-Giving

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    When a gift is given, someone other than the final consumer makes the consumption choice. Thus there is a possibility that the gift will not match the preferences of the receiver, i.e., the gift will represent a wise use of the money given the gift-giver's tastes but not necessarily a wise use of money given the recipient's tastes. In other words, gift giving can result in a deadweight loss. This paper addresses and clarifies the discrepancy between Waldfogel's (1993) finding of a deadweight loss from gift giving and Solnick and Hemenway's (1996) finding of a deadweight gain from gift giving. It also builds on some of the concerns raised by Ruffle and Tykocinski (2000).

    Simple strong glass forming models: mean-field solution with activation

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    We introduce simple models, inspired by previous models for froths and covalent glasses, with trivial equilibrium properties but dynamical behaviour characteristic of strong glass forming systems. These models are also a generalization of backgammon or urn models to a non--constant number of particles, where entropic barriers are replaced by energy barriers, allowing for the existence of activated processes. We formulate a mean--field version of the models, which keeps most of the features of the finite dimensional ones, and solve analytically the out--of--equilibrium dynamics in the low temperature regime where activation plays an essential role.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine I : Over-all Performance with 97-percent-design Stator Areas

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    The over-all component performance characteristics of a J71 experimental three-stage turbine with 97 percent design stator areas were determined over a range of speed and pressure ratio at inlet-air conditions of approximately 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 degrees R. The turbine break internal efficiency at design operating conditions was 0.877; the maximum efficiency of 0.886 occurred at a pressure ratio of 4.0 at 120 percent of design equivalent rotor speed. In general, the turbine yielded a wide range of efficient operation, permitting flexibility in the choice of different modes of engine operation. Limiting blade loading of the third rotor was approached but not obtained over the range of conditions investigated herein. At the design operating point, the turbine equivalent weight flow was approximately 105 percent of design. Choking of the third-rotor blades occurred at design speed and an over-all pressure ratio of 4.2

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Type II Turbines: III - Overall Performance of J71 Type IIA Turbine

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    The over-all component performance characteristics of the J71 Type IIA three-stage turbine were experimentally determined over a range of speed and over-all turbine total-pressure ratio at inlet-air conditions af 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 deg. R. The results are compared with those obtained for the J71 Type IIF turbine, which was previously investigated, the two turbines being designed for the same engine application. Geometrically the two turbines were much alike, having the same variation of annular flow area and the same number of blades for corresponding stator and rotor rows. However, the blade throat areas downstream of the first stator of the IIA turbine were smaller than those of the IIF; and the IIA blade profiles were curve-backed, whereas those of the IIF were straight-backed. The IIA turbine passed the equivalent design weight flow and had a brake internal efficiency of 0.880 at design equivalent speed and work output. A maximum efficiency of 0.896 occurred at 130 percent of design equivalent speed and a pressure ratio of 4.0. The turbine had a wide range of efficient operation. The IIA turbine had slightly higher efficiencies than the IIF turbine at comparable operating conditions. The fact that the IIA turbine obtained the design equivalent weight flow at the design equivalent operating point was probably a result of the decrease in the blading throat areas downstream of the first stator from those of the IIF turbine, which passed 105 percent of design weight flow at the corresponding operating point. The third stator row of blades of the IIA turbine choked at the design equivalent speed and at an over-all pressure ratio of 4.2; the third rotor choked at a pressure ratio of approximately 4.

    Genome sequence of an alphaherpesvirus from a beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas)

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    Beluga whale alphaherpesvirus 1 was isolated from a blowhole swab taken from a juvenile beluga whale. The genome is 144,144 bp in size and contains 86 putative genes. The virus groups phylogenetically with members of the genus Varicellovirus in subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae and is the first alphaherpesvirus sequenced from a marine mammal

    Behavior and Failure Mechanism of Composite Slabs

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    The behavior of a composite slab using a 636 deck profIle was investigated experimentally. Twenty-three one-way slab tests and twenty-four pull-out tests were performed. It was found that the behavior and shear bond load of the composite slab were significantly affected by the depth of the embossment shear key. The average shear stress from the pull-out tests was generally lower than that of the one-way slab tests due to a lack of the transverse load effects which influenced the frictional resistance between the concrete slab and the steel deck

    Probability Models for Degree Distributions of Protein Interaction Networks

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    The degree distribution of many biological and technological networks has been described as a power-law distribution. While the degree distribution does not capture all aspects of a network, it has often been suggested that its functional form contains important clues as to underlying evolutionary processes that have shaped the network. Generally, the functional form for the degree distribution has been determined in an ad-hoc fashion, with clear power-law like behaviour often only extending over a limited range of connectivities. Here we apply formal model selection techniques to decide which probability distribution best describes the degree distributions of protein interaction networks. Contrary to previous studies this well defined approach suggests that the degree distribution of many molecular networks is often better described by distributions other than the popular power-law distribution. This, in turn, suggests that simple, if elegant, models may not necessarily help in the quantitative understanding of complex biological processes.