2,658 research outputs found

    Hispanic Catholic Leadership: Key to the Future

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    This article assesses data from a 1999 survey of Hispanic adults concerning their experiences, needs, and deficits with respect to Hispanic-based leadership in their churches. Commissioned by the National Catholic Council on Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM), the study concluded that because Hispanics are an increasingly important part of the Church in the United States (and society), Hispanic Catholic leadership development (especially among women, youth and young adults) requires an immediate and significant investment. Once formed, such leaders are very likely to contribute time, talent, and treasure to the Church

    An Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Career Orientation of Federal Civilian Engineers

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    This study was conducted to analyze the factors that affect the career orientation of federal civilian engineers at the Naval Avionics Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. One hundred and sixty-seven scientists and engineers from several engineering divisions were surveyed regarding turnover intentions. Based on literature reviews in the area of turnover with this particular population, a model was developed containing several factors related to intent to remain in the organization. Results indicated that this model predicts the turnover intention with 87.5 percent accuracy. Findings are interpreted in light of ongoing efforts on an organization-wide basis to introduce change in the Center's culture through a quality management program. Keywords: Career orientation, Job satisfaction turnover. (sdw)Naval Avionics Center, Civilian Personnel Departmenthttp://archive.org/details/analysisoffactor00robeN0016389WR90118NAApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Continuous renal replacement therapy for two neonates with hyperammonemia

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    Objectives: This study aims to assess the feasibility of using hemofiltration for ammonia clearance in low body weight infants with an inborn error of metabolism. Design: A study of two cases. Setting: Quaternary pediatric hospital (Saint Louis Children's Hospital) NICU and PICU. Patients: Infants <6 months of age with an ICD-9 diagnosis of 270.6 (hyperammonemia). Interventions: Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Measurements and Main Results: We measure serum ammonia levels over time and the rate of ammonia clearance over time. Continuous renal replacement therapy was more effective than scavenger therapy alone (Ammonul™) for rapid removal of ammonia in low weight infants (as low as 2.5 kg). Conclusions: Continuous renal replacement therapy is technically feasible in low weight infants with severe hyperammonemia secondary to an inborn error of metabolism

    Seasonal variation in adult hip disease secondary to osteoarthritis and developmental dysplasia of the hip

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    AIM: To determine if there was a seasonal variation in adults undergoing total hip arthroplasty for end stage hip disease due to osteoarthritis (OA) or sequelae of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). METHODS: The total hip registry from the author's institution for the years 1969 to 2013 was reviewed. The month of birth, age, gender, and ethnicity was recorded. Differences between number of births observed and expected in the winter months (October through February) and non-winter mo (March through September) were analyzed with the χ2 test. Detailed temporal variation was mathematically assessed using cosinor analysis. RESULTS: There were 7792 OA patients and 60 DDH patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty. There were more births than expected in the winter months for both the DDH (P < 0.0001) and OA (P = 0.0052) groups. Cosinor analyses demonstrated a peak date of birth on 1st October. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate an increased prevalence of DDH and OA in those patients born in winter

    An Overview of Aircraft Remote Sensing in Integrated Pest Management

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    English: This paper presents four exemplary applications of aerial photography and videography, global positioning system (GPS), and geographic information system (GIS) technologies for detecting, monitoring, and mapping insect infestations in agriculture, forestry, and rangeland areas. Applications demonstrated include detecting and mapping: (1) citrus blackfly (Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby) infestations in citrus orchards; (2) silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring) infestations in cotton; (3) harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus F. Smith) infestations on rangelands; and (4) western pine beetle (Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte) infestations in a forested area. The integration of a GPS with the video imagery permitted latitude and longitude coordinates of insect infestations to be recorded on each image. The GPS coordinates were entered into a GIS to map insect infestations on a regional scale. The integration of remote sensing, GPS, and GIS provide valuable tools that can enable resource managers to develop maps showing the distribution of insect infestations over large areas. The digital imagery can serve as a permanent geographically located image data base for monitoring future contraction or spread of insect infestations over time. Spanish: En este artículo se presentan cuatro ejemplos de las aplicaciones de las tecnologías de fotografía y videografía aéreas, el sistema de posición global (GPS), y del sistema de información geográfica (GIS) para la detección, monitoreo, y mapeo de infestaciones de insectos en áreas agrícolas, forestales y en pastizales. Las aplicaciones demonstradas incluyeron la detección y el mapeo de (1) infestaciones por la mosca negra de los cítricos (Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby) en huertas de cítricos; (2) mosquita blanca (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring) en algodón; (3) hormiga cosechadora (Pogonomyrex barbatus F. Smith) en pastizales; y (4) escarabajo del pino del oeste (Dendroctonus brevicomis Le Conte) en una área forestal. La integración del sistema de GPS con las imágenes de video permitió registrar las coordenadas de longitud y latitud en cada imagen. Las coordenadas de cada imagen se incorporaron en un mapa de GIS para crear un mapa de las infestaciones de insectos a una escala regional. La integración de un sistema de detección a distancia, GPS, and GIS brinda herramientas valiosas para permitir a los supervisores de recursos desarrollar mapas que muestren la distribución de infestaciones de insectos en áreas extensas. El sistema de imágenes digital puede servir como una base permanente de datos localizados geográficamente para el monitoreo de futuras concentraciones o dispersiones de plagas de insectos a lo largo del tiempo

    Sensitivity and fidelity of DNA microarray improved with integration of Amplified Differential Gene Expression (ADGE)

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    BACKGROUND: The ADGE technique is a method designed to magnify the ratios of gene expression before detection. It improves the detection sensitivity to small change of gene expression and requires small amount of starting material. However, the throughput of ADGE is low. We integrated ADGE with DNA microarray (ADGE microarray) and compared it with regular microarray. RESULTS: When ADGE was integrated with DNA microarray, a quantitative relationship of a power function between detected and input ratios was found. Because of ratio magnification, ADGE microarray was better able to detect small changes in gene expression in a drug resistant model cell line system. The PCR amplification of templates and efficient labeling reduced the requirement of starting material to as little as 125 ng of total RNA for one slide hybridization and enhanced the signal intensity. Integration of ratio magnification, template amplification and efficient labeling in ADGE microarray reduced artifacts in microarray data and improved detection fidelity. The results of ADGE microarray were less variable and more reproducible than those of regular microarray. A gene expression profile generated with ADGE microarray characterized the drug resistant phenotype, particularly with reference to glutathione, proliferation and kinase pathways. CONCLUSION: ADGE microarray magnified the ratios of differential gene expression in a power function, improved the detection sensitivity and fidelity and reduced the requirement for starting material while maintaining high throughput. ADGE microarray generated a more informative expression pattern than regular microarray

    Panel: OASIS in the mirror: reflections on the impacts and research of IFIP WG 8.2

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    What has IFIP contributed to the field of information systems and organizations through the activities of Working Group 8.2, its central working group in information systems? What has WG 8.2 delivered to its constituents? What have the results and impacts of the WG 8.2 been on the larger community? This panel will not shy away from controversy as it discusses the history, contributions, and unrealized potential of research spawned by this working group over the past 30 years.The past and the future of information systems: 1976-2006 and beyondRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Shearographic non-destructive evaluation of space shuttle thermal protection systems

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    Preliminary results of shearographic inspections of the shuttle external tank (ET) spray-on foam insulation (SOFI) and solid rocket booster (SRB) Marshall sprayable ablative (MSA-2) epoxy-cork thermal protection systems (TPS) are presented. Debonding SOFI or MSA-2 damage the orbiter 'belly' tile and exposes the ET/SRB to thermal loading. Previous work with the ET/SRB showed promising results with shearography. The first area investigated was the jack pad close-out, one of many areas on the ET where foam is applied at KSC. Voids 0.375 inch were detected in 1.75 inch thick foam using a pressure reduction of less than 0.4 psi. Of primary interest are areas of the ET that directly face the orbiter tile TPS. It is estimated that 90% of tile TPS damage on the orbiter 'belly' results from debonding SOFI during ascent. Test panels modeling these areas were manufactured with programmed debonds to determine the sensitivity of shearography as a function of debond size, SOFI thickness and vacuum. Results show repeatable detection of debonds with a diameter approximately half the SOFI thickness at less than 0.4 psi pressure reduction. Preliminary results are also presented on inspections of MSA-2 and the remote manipulator system (RMS) honeycomb materia