55 research outputs found


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    Microsoft Excel file with five sheets. Sheet 1: hatchling microsatellite genotypes. Sheet 2: female genotypes. Sheet 3: reconstructed genotypes of males. Sheet 4: list of which female pairs with which male. Sheet 5: nest data - lay dates, numbers of eggs in nests, number of undeveloped eggs

    Results of a multistate model examining survival (Φ), resighting (<i>p</i>) and recruitment probabilities (transition from subordinate to primary state, Ψ<i><sup>SP</sup></i>) for Seychelles warblers (<i>n</i> = 1018) from 1986 to 2006.

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    <p>The different states (life stages) are: fledgling (F), old fledgling (O), subordinate (S) and primary (P). (t) = time, (s) = sex, (.) = constant. Models were ranked according to their QAIC<sub>c</sub> value, with the best supported model on top. ΔQAIC<sub>c</sub> being the difference between the QAIC<sub>c</sub> of the best supported model and the model considered.</p

    Summary showing the years in which specific data was collected to investigate the effects of early conditions on survival of Seychelles warblers between 1986–2006.

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    <p>Summary showing the years in which specific data was collected to investigate the effects of early conditions on survival of Seychelles warblers between 1986–2006.</p

    Annual adult and juvenile survival of Seychelles warblers.

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    <p>Survival probabilities (with S.E.) and model predictions for an average year are given in relation to a) the number of helpers in the rearing territory (predictions based on model 1, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0033167#pone-0033167-t003" target="_blank">Table 3a</a>), b) the number of non-helpers in the rearing territory (predictions based on model 5, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0033167#pone-0033167-t003" target="_blank">Table 3a</a>) and c) the number of helpers in the original (pre-foster) territory of cross-fostered offspring (predictions based on model 3, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0033167#pone-0033167-t004" target="_blank">Table 4a</a>). Numbers on top indicate number of offspring followed.</p

    Schematic overview of the life cycle of the Seychelles warbler.

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    <p>The four main life stages: fledgling (F), old fledgling (O), subordinate (S) and primary (P) with the survival (Φ) and transition (Ψ) parameters as estimated in the multistate capture-recapture model as a function of covariates of the rearing and original (pre-foster) territory. (c) = cross-fostered, (nc) = non-cross-fostered. After the first year of life ‘old fledgling’ birds subsequently become ‘subordinate’, recruit to a ‘primary’ (breeding) position, or die. The transition probabilities from fledgling to old fledgling, and from old fledgling to subordinate were fixed to one, as all fledglings and old fledglings move to the next state, conditional that they survive.</p

    Results of a multistate model examining the effects of the original (pre-foster) territory conditions on (a) survival and (b) recruitment probabilities (transition from subordinate to primary state, ψ<i><sup>SP</sup></i>) of cross-fostered Seychelles warblers (n = 69).

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    <p>Models were based on all individuals (n = 1018) but the covariates were included for the cross-fostered offspring only. The different states (life stages) are: fledgling (F), old fledgling (O), subordinate (S) and primary (P). Covariates from original territories: (h) = number of helpers, (nh) = number of non-helpers, (tq) = territory quality, (b) = brood size, (gs) = group size, (t) = time and (fosterh) = number of helpers on foster territory. Models were ranked according to their QAIC<sub>c</sub> value, with the best supported model on top. ΔQAIC<sub>c</sub> being the difference between the QAIC<sub>c</sub> of the best supported model and the model considered.</p

    Results of a multistate model examining conditions during the rearing period on (a) survival (Φ) and (b) recruitment (transition from subordinate to primary state, Ψ<i><sup>SP</sup></i>) of Seychelles warblers.

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    <p>The different states (life stages) are: fledgling (F), old fledgling (O), subordinate (S) and primary (P). Covariates of the rearing territory: (h) = number of helpers, (nh) = number of non-helpers, (tq) = territory quality, (b) = brood size, (gs) = group size, (t) = time. Models were ranked according to their QAIC<sub>c</sub> value, with the best supported model on top. ΔQAIC<sub>c</sub> being the difference between the QAIC<sub>c</sub> of the best supported model and the model considered.</p

    Reproductive lifespan and age of first reproduction

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    Abbreviations: BirdID = individual identifier; LayYear = year of birth; AFR = age of first reproduction as a dominant; RLS = reproductive lifespan; event = whether an individual died before the end of the study period; NatalGS = natal group size; NatalYQ = natal year quality; NatalTQ = Natal territory qualit


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    Abbreviations: Bird = individual identifier; LayYear = year of birth; AFR = age of first reproduction as a dominant; ELGS = early-life group size; ELYearQual = early-life year quality; ELTQ = early-life territory quality; year = year of observation; survival = survived until the next year or no

    Reproductive output in relation to chronological age and the number of years before death (YBD).

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    <p>Relative reproductive output is the number of fledglings produced by a female minus the averaged reproduction of all females in a given year. Data are means and standard errors. Sample sizes are given for each age and YBD class. The solid black line in panel <b>A</b> shows the within-individual pattern of age-specific reproduction from the final model from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0040413#pone-0040413-t002" target="_blank">table 2a</a>, except that this model was fitted without interaction terms. There was no relationship between reproductive output and YBD (panel <b>B</b>, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0040413#pone-0040413-t002" target="_blank">table 2b</a>).</p
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