7 research outputs found

    Manila jurtina wing spots

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    This file contains wing spot data for individual meadow brown butterfly specimens


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    Data on serve speed and accuracy and the outcome of games (win / lose). Information that could identify individual players has been removed, in keeping with archiving guidelines

    Additional file 1: of Experimental evolution under hyper-promiscuity in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Supporting results. Courtship behaviour results for unselected SPR-, white-eyed control and wild-type control males. Table S1. Full statistical results for latency until mating in the sperm competition experiments. Table S2. Copulation duration results in second matings. Table S3. Results for post-mating fecundity. Table S4. Full statistical results for latency until re-mating in the sperm competition experiments. Table S5. Results for male and female body mass and both absolute and size-corrected male testes and accessory gland size. Table S6. Full statistical results for proportion of offspring sired when a male was first to mate. Table S7. Full statistical results for proportion of offspring sired when a male was second to mate. Table S8. Details of the RT-qPCR calibration curve. Table S9. Details of primer characteristics. (DOCX 67 kb


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    Half sib breeding design to estimate the genetic variances and covariance for sex comb traits